As usual life just gets crazy busy sometimes. :) Hubs and I had a great time in Ocean Shores it was so nice to get away for a couple days...of course we are complete nerds...we were ready to go see our kids by the next morning so we left a little earlier haha. What can we say we love our munchkins! In any case things around here have been as usual busy. I have honestly not taken anytime to blog because I am working on that other biz I told you about to build since I am closing the daycare in June. On top of that I have been pretty uneasy lately because Trix has been having more seizures, behavior issues which we think is caused by his seizure meds (every time we up the dosage he gets more impulsive, and has more behavior problems), he has been acting really strange for the last week complaining of sudden headaches etc. So we are taking him to the neurologist today. Actually Hubs is I have daycare kids so I am sending hubs with a big list of questions. He has a new neurologist as his other one retired to write a book. Personally I am ok with that because it will be a second opinion. I just cannot help the feeling that something more is going on with him but yet I cannot figure out what it is. It bugs me because I am a fixer and want to fix whatever is going on but I can't and that is frustrating for I am a Mom and my heart and instinct tells me more is going on that meets the eye. Well in any case I am going to keep praying I know God has a reason for this I just wish I knew what it was.
Otherwise everything else is going well. We are gearing up for Turkey Day this week! I am really looking foward to that! The kids are doing well. Honey Nut is doing really well in her school work and has been coming along well with the k12 curriculum we are using. Lucky Charms is doing well also but is trying to be stubborn and is very frustrated to find out Mommy and Daddy are even more stubborn then he is. lol.
This weekend we went to the Pacific Science Center. Yes again, we are really getting a lot of use out of that membership we got as a gift last year! This weekend when we went we used the free passes for an imax movie there. We saw Monsters under the Sea which is not as gruesome as it sounds it was talking about prehistoric fish, shark, and water dinosaurs that lived many many years ago. The cool part about it was that it was 3D so the kids got to wear the cool glasses. They LOVED it! Especially Trix..he kept reaching out to touch the fish. Of course in all my wisdom I forgot the camera so I have no pictures for this post sorry. I did take it with us to Ocean Shores but we spent the first day at the Casino, and the second day on the beach but it was so cloudy because of the time of year that I did not take any pics. Although it was still beautiful. I love the Ocean and Ocean Shores is one of my most favorite places in the whole world.
Oh yeah we have been doing some Xmas shopping online this year. It is just easier. One of the pitfalls of homeschooling is that I have all the kids with me all day so it is not as easy to get the shopping done lol. That is ok I still love having them with me all the time. They really are awesome kids.
I have been reading a really great book called: "The Mom your Meant to Be" by Cheri Fuller. It is a Focus on the family book. One of the things it told me to do in the first chapter is write down all the things I love about each one of my children, and then also write down what frustrates me most about my children. Then pray about it and thank God for both of those lists of traits! I will show you one of the things I wrote that I liked about each of my children but that is it. :)
Honey Nut~ Compassion...This little girl is the most compassionate child I know. She has such a huge heart and is always wanting to do something nice for someone, or help someone who is blue.
Trix~ Humor...Although he has had some communication issues...when he is on a good communication day Trix is really very funny! He has a great sense of humor and is always able to make you laugh no matter what situation your in.
Lucky Charms...loving...This is a child who loves with everything he has in him. He will not just hug you he will hug you with every ounce of love, and strength he has (and he is a strong little guy so watch out if he hugs you around the neck)he has such a trust in everyone and everything and has no fear at all.
Tonight I am attending the Women's Thanksgiving night out with the church gals. I am really looking foward to some girl time, and great prayer and learning.
Well anyway that is what I am doing up to now. :)
If I don't write again for awhile it is because I am up to my eyeballs in schoolwork,holidays etc.
Happy Holidays!
The Cheerio Queen