So here it is another week went by and I am just now posting again. Oh well I guess my goal of posting every day is not going to happen anytime soon but I will keep trying. lol
Let's see I should update you on my weight loss program. I was doing pretty good until the evil girlscouts hit. I swear they put them through a "cute pagent" and pick only the cutest ones to get out there and sell. I have a sneaky suspicion that they teach them how to shiver and look cold too. I would not be surprised if their little red noses from out in the cold is really blush that has been carefully applied. I have never been able to turn down a cute face and now I have one more evil thing pitted against me. I am a girlscout troop leader in my daughters brownie troop! So not only do I have an adorable little girl selling cookies, but heck our whole dang troop is cute! And of course I am a leader so I would be a horrible leader if I turned down boxes right? I have not gained anything but have not lost much either. oh well I am still working on it. In fact this mornign I was reading one of my favorite blogs and she is having a giveaway on her blog if you go and post. Her giveaway is for a skinnysongs cd. Apparently it has even been on Oprah and Martha stewart show, I figured it could not hurt to try it must be good. According to my daughter Justin Timberlake "Sexy back" is just NOT a good choice for me to workout or even worse dance too. I left a comment for Deedee this morning in an attempt to win the cd, explaining how my daughter at the knowedgeable age of 8 is threating to go into the witness protection program if I dare play that or dance to it again. Of course that is also a good way to make sure she gets her chores, and schoolwork done.
I have started wearing ankle weights around my ankles while i am doing housework in an attempt to help my jeans not run and hide from me. I dont' know if it is working yet I have only had them three days but I will let you know later. Although they feel like shackles.
In other news, the kids schoolwork is going great! The kids have hit all their goals for the month of February! Honey Nut loves science and art the most, Trix loves all of it, Lucky Charms is loving reading and science. They all love PE since that means they get to go to the park etc.
Hubs started his new job and so far loves it. He has his own office now so he feels that he is going up in the world after graduating from the dreaded cubicle.
Well that is about it for now, however I will leave you with this...I will be posting later about our soon to be new addition to the family.:)
Have a great day!
The Cheerio Queen
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Trix!!! ..

Trix turned 7 yesterday! I cannot believe my "baby boy" is a ripe old 7 already. Raising Trix is such a fun and awesome challenge! I am so grateful to the Lord for blessing me with him. I am in awe everyday of how he overcomes challenges, how funny, sweet natured, smart, and loving he is, how much he reminds me of his daddy. It is funny he looks a lot like his Grandpa (my dad) but his personality and habits etc. is just like his Dad. I love that even as he gets bigger he still loves to have his special cuddle time with Mommy. I love that he really really adores his big sister, and little brother. I love watching him get all excited when he watches his veggie tales videos and how he knows every single word the whole dvd lol. I love how he waits every day for his daddy to call home on the radio part of our cell phone just so Trix can run up and say "are you on your way home daddy?" and when hubs says yes he gets excited and jumps up and down and hugs me. I love that he is starting to really know and love God. Nothing is more precious then seeing him pray before meals, or ask God for help on something he is frustrated with. His love for people is darling. His enthusiasm is neverending and so sweet to see.
Yesterday at church we had the Matsiko Children's Choir visit and sing. These children in this choir are all former orphans or at risk children who got a second chance through sponsorships etc. These are HAPPY kids. This littlest one on stage was singing and bouncing with all his little heart and energy and he reminded me very much of Trix. Then when they were done pastor asked our church kids to go up and shake hands with them. I was misty eyed watching little Trix go up and shake everyones hand...a lot of the kids did not see him at first he was kind of behind them but he just kept going around and around until he shook a couple of the kids hands and he was just so excited and you could see it and so could a few people around me. I could hear them saying "look at that cute little boy how excited he is". The choir went back to class with our church kids and I found out later that the choir sang a special version of "Happy Birthday" just for Trix! I am so glad he loved it. (sometimes too much noise can send him into tears)
He talked to me all day about how he got a special birthday song. We took him out to lunch at Red Robin where he got sang to again, and then when we got home Grandpa,Nana, and Gigi called and sang to him again.
His bday party with friends will be next weekend. We do a tradition in our family where the weekend of the birthday we do a family celebration, and then the following weekend is friends. Oh and on the actual birthday the kids each get to go alone with Daddy to the store to pick out their own present. They really look forward to this every year.
So I will end this post by saying: Trix, Daddy and I love you very very much and are both blessed to have the chance and the honor of being your parents! We could not have asked for a better kid, you are bright, sweet, big hearted, loving, and in short amazing! We love you!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Dancing with the Stars...
Ok so any of you who have read my blog know that i am a fan of that show. However that being said, and in light of the new cast announcement for the upcoming season, I really think it is time someone speak up about a few flaws on this show. Keep in mind these are only my opinion but since I am a viewer and they expect me to view it then I think they should totally listen lol. First I will put up tthe list of new stars:
Marlee Matlan
Adam Corolla
Cristian de la Fuente
Shannon Elizabeth
Steve Guttenberg
Penn Jillette
Priscilla Presley
Monica Seles
Jason Taylor
Marissa Jaret Winokur
Kristi Yamaguchi
Ok aside from about 5 of this 12 person cast I dont know who the rest even are. Out of the 5 I know I could care less about a few of them anyway. I thought this was called Dancing with the "STARS"? Shouldn't we know who these people are? That said I will complement them on not having a wafer model in this cast although Shannon Elizabeth is beautiful but she is an actress (ok I bet she started as a model too lol)
One thing I would like to point out, is this show needs to change the voting process so that it is a 60% judges and 40% fans decision instead of 50/50...the reason being? Re watch last season..'nuff said. Sorry Marie Osmond fans..she is a great lady but frankly I thought she made a mockery of the final freestyle and considering she had no business being there in the first place I thought it was tacky. People that were really good last season were voted off probably becasue some people did not know who they were, and also because it was a "who has a bigger fan base" not "who can actually dance" thing. Although I was thrilled that Helio won he actually was good!
Another thing I would change is to get rid of Carrie Ann Inaba...for one thing she picks her favorites the first dance and then drools shamelessly all over whoever she likes the rest of the season, regardless of if they have talent. Remember when she all but hit on poor Emmit Smith? He could dance that was good...but she grossly drooled over him all season that is was irritating.
Last but not least I would love to petition to let the Pro's pick the music they dance too for each Dance instead of whoever else picks it. This way we don't have couples trying to do a paso to music that sounds like a ride at Disneyland. :) Half the problem with the show is the music. NOT THE BAND the band is awesome! But the show sometimes picks lousy songs and the couple dancing has good moves and lots of talent but they look stupid because the music stinks. Speaking of music I wonder how long it will take them to give Priscilla Presley an Elvis song to jive too.
Now that I have picked a part this show and made it sound like I hate it, will I watch it? OF COURSE! Why? Because it is fun to watch even if it can be at rain wreck sometimes! lol.
the cheerio queen
Marlee Matlan
Adam Corolla
Cristian de la Fuente
Shannon Elizabeth
Steve Guttenberg
Penn Jillette
Priscilla Presley
Monica Seles
Jason Taylor
Marissa Jaret Winokur
Kristi Yamaguchi
Ok aside from about 5 of this 12 person cast I dont know who the rest even are. Out of the 5 I know I could care less about a few of them anyway. I thought this was called Dancing with the "STARS"? Shouldn't we know who these people are? That said I will complement them on not having a wafer model in this cast although Shannon Elizabeth is beautiful but she is an actress (ok I bet she started as a model too lol)
One thing I would like to point out, is this show needs to change the voting process so that it is a 60% judges and 40% fans decision instead of 50/50...the reason being? Re watch last season..'nuff said. Sorry Marie Osmond fans..she is a great lady but frankly I thought she made a mockery of the final freestyle and considering she had no business being there in the first place I thought it was tacky. People that were really good last season were voted off probably becasue some people did not know who they were, and also because it was a "who has a bigger fan base" not "who can actually dance" thing. Although I was thrilled that Helio won he actually was good!
Another thing I would change is to get rid of Carrie Ann Inaba...for one thing she picks her favorites the first dance and then drools shamelessly all over whoever she likes the rest of the season, regardless of if they have talent. Remember when she all but hit on poor Emmit Smith? He could dance that was good...but she grossly drooled over him all season that is was irritating.
Last but not least I would love to petition to let the Pro's pick the music they dance too for each Dance instead of whoever else picks it. This way we don't have couples trying to do a paso to music that sounds like a ride at Disneyland. :) Half the problem with the show is the music. NOT THE BAND the band is awesome! But the show sometimes picks lousy songs and the couple dancing has good moves and lots of talent but they look stupid because the music stinks. Speaking of music I wonder how long it will take them to give Priscilla Presley an Elvis song to jive too.
Now that I have picked a part this show and made it sound like I hate it, will I watch it? OF COURSE! Why? Because it is fun to watch even if it can be at rain wreck sometimes! lol.
the cheerio queen
Saturday, February 9, 2008
2 posts in less then a week...shocking I know...
Not too much to write about today so I decided to go over some of the things I actually heard spoken in my house. None of these are made up and are in their original form. :)small disclaimer here: the kids really do get along most of the time but then hey there are those days. Spoken from the mouths of babes.
Honey Nut- "mom I have a slight cramp in my left side...I must be getting my first period" she just about hyperventilated..we call her "sara bernhart" for a reason.Keep in mind she is at the ripe old age of 8. and no that was not what was happening thank goodness.
Trix- annoyed that his brother and sister were making noise at bedtime said to them "shutup I am trying to sleep liverlips" I probably should not have laughed but I was annoyed at trying to get them to stay in bed lol.
Trix- in response to his younger brother messing up his artwork "oh man look what you done!" Lucky Charms responded: "oh pipe down boobyhead" where they get these terms I do not know.
Honey Nut- " Look what I can do Mom?" then she proceeded to turn her eyelids inside out...I am so proud.
Lucky Charms- " you better listen to me Trix or I am gonna spit in your cereal" Trix "oh do that and I am going to kick you in the privacy" Siblings are so great.
and last but not least...
Lucky Charms- "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!"...which was immediately followed by a loud fart. Promptly sending his brother and sister and dad into fits of laughter, which now means that every time he passes gas is an "event" with the given warning "Fire in the hole". Which leads to me calling out "is that really necessary?"
Oh my pride can just not be contained.
So how was YOUR week?
The Cheerio Queen
Honey Nut- "mom I have a slight cramp in my left side...I must be getting my first period" she just about hyperventilated..we call her "sara bernhart" for a reason.Keep in mind she is at the ripe old age of 8. and no that was not what was happening thank goodness.
Trix- annoyed that his brother and sister were making noise at bedtime said to them "shutup I am trying to sleep liverlips" I probably should not have laughed but I was annoyed at trying to get them to stay in bed lol.
Trix- in response to his younger brother messing up his artwork "oh man look what you done!" Lucky Charms responded: "oh pipe down boobyhead" where they get these terms I do not know.
Honey Nut- " Look what I can do Mom?" then she proceeded to turn her eyelids inside out...I am so proud.
Lucky Charms- " you better listen to me Trix or I am gonna spit in your cereal" Trix "oh do that and I am going to kick you in the privacy" Siblings are so great.
and last but not least...
Lucky Charms- "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!"...which was immediately followed by a loud fart. Promptly sending his brother and sister and dad into fits of laughter, which now means that every time he passes gas is an "event" with the given warning "Fire in the hole". Which leads to me calling out "is that really necessary?"
Oh my pride can just not be contained.
So how was YOUR week?
The Cheerio Queen
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Brownies, Egypt, foreign language and more...
Ok so that kind of covers all the stuff or most of what has been going on in the Cheerio Household this week. :)
First I will start with tonight where Honey Nut and I went to the library to meet a couple of her girlfriends from her brownie troop to study girlscout customs in Egypt! That was fun! The girls had to find a picture of the flag, their uniform, what they are called there (it is not girlscouts), food, games they play etc. That is one of the things i love about being a homeschooler...I am learning right along with my children. haha. I don't remember some of this from school. Maybe it is mommy brain.
While we were there Honey Nut found a computer program where she can learn different languages. There is vocabulary for Spanish, German, French, and English on there! I told her to try and limit it to one language at at a time. I was secretly thrilled that she came up with this idea on her own. She has been bugging me for awhile now to learn a new language. of the perks of homeschooling, she is really loving schoolwork now and I no longer have to fight her on it except for repetitive work lol.
Let's see what else has been going on around here...oh yeah Lucky Charms is back to selling golf balls again. Those of you who have been reading for awhile will remember that Lucky Charms actually made close to 200 dollars last year selling golfballs to the golfers on the course we live on. He is still riding that quad he saved for too! Bless his heart...I don't mean to brag but come one the kid is only 5! And he earned most of the money before his 5th birthday in August!
Trix is doing well also! He is really coming around with some of his sensory issues. I am going to be trying the "Feingold diet" with him and actually all the kids. I don't have the kit and food list yet but from what i understand it takes out the additives, artificial colorings, sahlulites (sp?)and basically all the extra crud that the food giants are now putting in to the food. It will require a lot more "from scratch" cooking from me I think but luckily i love to cook so it should not be a problem. :) It is also supposed to help...some of the sensory issues Trix has as well as reduce seizures. This is good since last week Trix had a neurology appointment and the new neurologist adjusted his medication dosage a bit...then that night Trix wound up having one of his "typical" seizures and when I gave him the diastat to stop it...well it worked in reverse which was odd. It put him into convulsions and he started to actually choke on his saliva. That bothered me a lot. You see most of Trix's seizures are quiet seizures where he gets quiet and does not say much...he will usually plug his ears and maybe shiver like he is cold. I will hold him until he is done and has somewhat snapped back. My biggest fear after seeing him choke on his saliva is that I did not hear the seizure...he was in bed and I was actually STANDING IN HIS ROOM tucking his little brother in on the bottom bunk. It was not until I looked up to see Trix and saw his eyes wide open that I realized he was in a seizure. We wound up calling the paramedics was not quite as severe as the huge Grand Mal one he had last year where he had no diagnoses yet, and it went on 45 minutes that we knew of, however, this one lasted on and off 25 to 30 minutes, he would start to come out of it and then go back in it. He did wind up leaving the house in an ambulance again but just to the emergency room and Hubs went with him because it was snowing and icy here and being the sweet hubby he is he did not want me driving in it and especially not upset.I have a baby monitor in his room, however I am trying to find an actual seizure monitor...this is a lot harder then I thought so far I can only find one in the UK or Canada ...neither company has emailed me back yet and they are expensive, they meausre any movement he makes, and if he does not make a sound if he drools excessively it will set off an alarm in my room to wake me and Hubs up. I personally don't care the cost as long as we are being alerted to him having one, his life is just too precious to put a pricetag on. :) Well enough of that. Other then to say that i have been journaling a lot about it and I find it calms me down. This time when he had one I did not freak out ...ok well a little when he was choking...thank God hubby was there (I am so blessed with an AWESOME husband) and he stays super calm. After they left I broke down and cried but then was ok. Hubs and I the next day though our nerves were shot all day.
I am down to just two daycare families now which has taken a whole lot of stress off me. It also cut my income down but that is ok because Hubs has had two very promising interviews with a great company in which he would be making significantly more then he is now! He is still working at the current company which is a very nice company and they love him there but they are down in their sales big time and hubs is being proactive in looking elsewhere he does not want to get unexpectedly caught in layoffs again this year. However he says if he gets this new job he will be sad to give his notice. As for me...I am about ready to print up the business cards for my new venture. :) I am a life coach for special needs nannies. I will be training nannies for families of special needs children and then I will be their life coach for when they need to talk when they realize what a wonderfully challenging job they have. :) It was my own life coach who helped me realize this is what I am being called to do...well my life coach and God who whispered to me that this is what he wants me to do. Remind me to tell you when I have more time about how I actually heard God's voice pointing me in the direction lol. In any case I have such a big background in childcare and working with special needs kids, especially in the last two years with this wonderful family I was doing daycare for that I felt it was time to help someone else in that arena. :)
Well this whole thing turned into a novel! whew! But I will sign off for tonight and I will keep trying to post more frequently. Those of you who were praying for us to get over all our cold/flu bug the last few weeks...THANKYOU! I got the emails and I really appreciate it!
The Cheerio Queen
First I will start with tonight where Honey Nut and I went to the library to meet a couple of her girlfriends from her brownie troop to study girlscout customs in Egypt! That was fun! The girls had to find a picture of the flag, their uniform, what they are called there (it is not girlscouts), food, games they play etc. That is one of the things i love about being a homeschooler...I am learning right along with my children. haha. I don't remember some of this from school. Maybe it is mommy brain.
While we were there Honey Nut found a computer program where she can learn different languages. There is vocabulary for Spanish, German, French, and English on there! I told her to try and limit it to one language at at a time. I was secretly thrilled that she came up with this idea on her own. She has been bugging me for awhile now to learn a new language. of the perks of homeschooling, she is really loving schoolwork now and I no longer have to fight her on it except for repetitive work lol.
Let's see what else has been going on around here...oh yeah Lucky Charms is back to selling golf balls again. Those of you who have been reading for awhile will remember that Lucky Charms actually made close to 200 dollars last year selling golfballs to the golfers on the course we live on. He is still riding that quad he saved for too! Bless his heart...I don't mean to brag but come one the kid is only 5! And he earned most of the money before his 5th birthday in August!
Trix is doing well also! He is really coming around with some of his sensory issues. I am going to be trying the "Feingold diet" with him and actually all the kids. I don't have the kit and food list yet but from what i understand it takes out the additives, artificial colorings, sahlulites (sp?)and basically all the extra crud that the food giants are now putting in to the food. It will require a lot more "from scratch" cooking from me I think but luckily i love to cook so it should not be a problem. :) It is also supposed to help...some of the sensory issues Trix has as well as reduce seizures. This is good since last week Trix had a neurology appointment and the new neurologist adjusted his medication dosage a bit...then that night Trix wound up having one of his "typical" seizures and when I gave him the diastat to stop it...well it worked in reverse which was odd. It put him into convulsions and he started to actually choke on his saliva. That bothered me a lot. You see most of Trix's seizures are quiet seizures where he gets quiet and does not say much...he will usually plug his ears and maybe shiver like he is cold. I will hold him until he is done and has somewhat snapped back. My biggest fear after seeing him choke on his saliva is that I did not hear the seizure...he was in bed and I was actually STANDING IN HIS ROOM tucking his little brother in on the bottom bunk. It was not until I looked up to see Trix and saw his eyes wide open that I realized he was in a seizure. We wound up calling the paramedics was not quite as severe as the huge Grand Mal one he had last year where he had no diagnoses yet, and it went on 45 minutes that we knew of, however, this one lasted on and off 25 to 30 minutes, he would start to come out of it and then go back in it. He did wind up leaving the house in an ambulance again but just to the emergency room and Hubs went with him because it was snowing and icy here and being the sweet hubby he is he did not want me driving in it and especially not upset.I have a baby monitor in his room, however I am trying to find an actual seizure monitor...this is a lot harder then I thought so far I can only find one in the UK or Canada ...neither company has emailed me back yet and they are expensive, they meausre any movement he makes, and if he does not make a sound if he drools excessively it will set off an alarm in my room to wake me and Hubs up. I personally don't care the cost as long as we are being alerted to him having one, his life is just too precious to put a pricetag on. :) Well enough of that. Other then to say that i have been journaling a lot about it and I find it calms me down. This time when he had one I did not freak out ...ok well a little when he was choking...thank God hubby was there (I am so blessed with an AWESOME husband) and he stays super calm. After they left I broke down and cried but then was ok. Hubs and I the next day though our nerves were shot all day.
I am down to just two daycare families now which has taken a whole lot of stress off me. It also cut my income down but that is ok because Hubs has had two very promising interviews with a great company in which he would be making significantly more then he is now! He is still working at the current company which is a very nice company and they love him there but they are down in their sales big time and hubs is being proactive in looking elsewhere he does not want to get unexpectedly caught in layoffs again this year. However he says if he gets this new job he will be sad to give his notice. As for me...I am about ready to print up the business cards for my new venture. :) I am a life coach for special needs nannies. I will be training nannies for families of special needs children and then I will be their life coach for when they need to talk when they realize what a wonderfully challenging job they have. :) It was my own life coach who helped me realize this is what I am being called to do...well my life coach and God who whispered to me that this is what he wants me to do. Remind me to tell you when I have more time about how I actually heard God's voice pointing me in the direction lol. In any case I have such a big background in childcare and working with special needs kids, especially in the last two years with this wonderful family I was doing daycare for that I felt it was time to help someone else in that arena. :)
Well this whole thing turned into a novel! whew! But I will sign off for tonight and I will keep trying to post more frequently. Those of you who were praying for us to get over all our cold/flu bug the last few weeks...THANKYOU! I got the emails and I really appreciate it!
The Cheerio Queen
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
what kind of hen are you??
One of my favorite bloggers Dawn over at By Sun and Candlelight has the cutest quiz thingy on her blog and I loved it so I thought I would do it here! Most people that know me would say I am definitely a hen and belong in a hen house with all the other talking hens because I am a talker lol! But here is what the survey said.....
what kind of hen are YOU?? if you do this please comment me so I can see your answer! ;)
I will write more a little later on in the week been busy as always!
The cheerio queen!
What type of Mother Hen Are You?
by Educational Resource
what kind of hen are YOU?? if you do this please comment me so I can see your answer! ;)
I will write more a little later on in the week been busy as always!
The cheerio queen!
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