So this summer has been one of relaxing and fun for a change. Usually I have extra daycare kids in the summer and never go anywhere and I am so busy. However this year with me closing the daycare and going down to just one family with one little girl my schedule has been a lot lighter, once we finished up the extra schoolwork we needed to get caught up. We started late this year so the kids did not finish at the same time the school year ended. However after some extra work we have spent much of the summer at the park, library, doing crafts at the house, etc. We also took a 3 day trip to Seaside which is a new favorite for us! We will definitely go back, we stayed at a hotel right on the beach and even though the weather was not warm yet the kids still could not resist getting their feet wet in the ocean, and we did lots of swimming in the swimming pool at the hotel. This was also the kids first time in a jacuzzi they loved the "warm bubbly bath" boy did they sleep great that night! Joey still has his therapies during the summer for occupation and speech but otherwise it has been low key. I have to be honest not felt like blogging much. But never fear the new school year is almost here and I am sure I will have more stuff to blog about.
So far this summer the only big news is that Lucky Charms moved to the "big kids" class at church, he is going into the first grade which makes me sad because he is my "baby" he is so short that it is easy to think of him as younger then he is. He will be 6 on Saturday :( He is very excited though.
Trix luckily has had his seizures minimize quite a bit. He is not having them near as much as he used too. Last year was a tough year with him and all the seizures and the sensory issues etc. After a lot of research and scheduling and rescheduling , praying etc. we have a new schedule set up for him this year for school etc. He is entering a year of intense occupational and speech therapy that will hopefully help him make some big progress and get up to or close to where he should be. He is still far behind where he needs to be but I have faith that he is going to be fine and can recover from his delays but it will take work...lots of work.
Honey Nut has been just a sweetheart this year. She recently went to summer camp for church and really had a good time. We sure missed her though. She graduated from brownie to junior in girlscouts this last spring which means that she now wears a green uniform instead of a brown one. Good thing these girls had outgrown their brownie vests. These girls have been together since they were in kindergarten and now they are going into the 4th grade.
I figured out the school year for this coming season. The Honey Nut and lucky Charms will be doing k12 again in the morning for the basic subjects...math, reading, writing, language arts etc. and Trix will be attending school in the morning hours only for half a day 4 days a week. He needs the 5th day for his outside therapies (meaning therapies not at school) then in the afternoon after lunch and during quiet time we will be doing a unit study to cover geography, history, art, science and even PE for all three kids. The unit we chose this year was one I made up on my own because I like to combine different activity ideas. We will be studying the 50 states this year. The kids will learn all the capitols, learn the state bird or flower, learn how to find it on a map, the history of the state, cook a native recipe from the state etc. The great thing about unit studies is I can offer activites for each of the kids learning level. It will be a busy year but hey I like to keep busy otherwise I get into trouble. :)
well this is turning into a novel but here is my update for the past little bit. I will not say when I will blog again because everytime I do then it becomes months before I blog again so maybe if I don't say anything then I will blog more? who knows. in the mean time here is a couple pics of the kids having fun this summer. :)
Till next time,
The Cheerio Queen

the kids at seaside.

lucky charms


Honey Nut

the view from our window