Monday, June 25, 2007
spoke too soon...
till next time
the cheerio queen
Hey I am a Top Momma!...
So a few months ago I drifted into this site and submitted my site to be on there and they picked me! They really really like me! At least I have lasted 1 day that is lol. Check out this site because they have lots of funny blogs on there but grab a cup of coffee first! It is a great way to get lots of traffic on your blog if your interested in that. Come on admit it you know you want to be popular too. haha.
Well this post is an update because I have not posted in about two weeks. Part of it was because I was just flat out busy and could not think of anything fun to say, and then when I could we all came down with the stomach flu last week. yuck...who gets that in June? Grrr. This was just our year to get sick I guess. Usually about every 3 to 4 years we get a bad year where we catch everything. At least it was a 24 hour flu. Although I had to laugh because Trix and I got it first and then got better and just when I thought we were out of the woods then Hubs, Honey Nut, and Lucky charms got it...and it was absolutely hilarious when Hubs started getting sick it hit him out of the blue and he had not time to shut the bathroom door.. Lucky Charms was in our bed and I was in the other bathroom helping Honey Nut...about that time LC came out to me with these huge wide eyes and said in all seriousness..."mommy I think daddy is dying!" lol I explained no he just had the flu and then tried to remind hubs to try and shut the door.
Ok enough sick talk yuck. Other than that Trix went to camp last week ..I was concerened about how he would do because of his sensory issues but this camp is one that works with kids like that and so he would have a counselor with him 24/7 an there would be lots to do. So we figured we would try it out and it was only ten minutes from where we live anyway. So he went he was so excited becasue of the go karts, horseriding, swimming, arts and crafts that he would get to do. etc. He left Thursday afternoon and I was supposed to pick him up today actually. Friday night the camp called...he wanted to come home. I was not surprised, but when I got there I figured out why. They had so much planned that it was too overwhelming for him and there were transitioning him too quickly out of activities, there was a ton of campers there and by that time apparently several other kids were going home as well. Plus his counselor was pretty young and I am not sure she was quite ready for or trained for a child like Trix. He is a good boy but he needs to be able to get away from the hoopla when he is overwhelmed like that and she mentioned that there was no place to take him to calm him down and let him reset his senses. I know he had fun when he was there because he told me all about it but when I had gotten there to go get him he burst into tears. I think he is just too young to spend the night away from us was a big part of it. If it was a day camp I think he would have done better but at least we can say he tried. I also think at a camp that has kids primarily like Trix they should have trained the counselors of them had already freaked out and gone home when we got there and this was after the end of the first full day. lol Secretly I missed Trix and was not upset to have him come home early.
Honey Nut is going to her church camp in two weeks and she is super excited! She gets to be in a dorm with about 5 of her most energetic girlfriends...I am thinking of packing prozac for the counselors lol just kidding...sorta. Honey Nut will do better because she is older...she does get a little homesick at night but we are sending carepackages for that and plus she will be with a bunch of her girlfriends and probably so tired she won't care. She has also been informed that she will not be picked up early as her camp is a good two hours away lol. I think she will enjoy it...she asked to go to this camp it is her first time as well, but she has been doing extra jobs with Grandpa and Nana to earn money for it so I know she will appreciate it a lot more. Besides one of the workshops at this camp is a "chills and frills" workshop where the girls get to learn beauty and makeup tips and etiquette and all that frilly girls stuff. I am going to miss her too though. Hubs is always telling me to cut the apron strings with the kids but I just laugh and say you know what...God gave them to us and I am going to cherish them because they are only young once and I don't want to miss out on the opportunity and blessing he gave me.
Oh did I mention that Honey Nut finally stopped sucking her fingers? I know people have a thing against binkies for babies but at least you can take that away! My daughter has been trying to stop but what finally did it was I went to get a fill for nails and I got her a manicure at the same time...she stopped that night has not done it yet and I know she is serious because her fingers healed and are not chapped anymore! Now keep in mind that i had been trying "home manicures" but apparently it is only the 14 dollar manicure at the nail salon that works for this haha. Ok well I know it is not frugal but it is the best money spent.
Hubs is loving his new job! He is really liking all the "non micromanaging" where as his old job there was tons of that. He also will get to travel more with this company. He is going to Florida in October. Lucky him.
Oh and I should update you on my little "Godfather of Golfballs" Lucky Charms is doing well and bounced back from the flu great. He is up to about 14 dollars now in money he has earned selling golfballs back to the golfers. I gotta hand it to that kid...he is persistant if nothing else. lol oh and he is cute! Ok so I am a shameless plug for my kids. What mom doesn't think their kids are the cutest in the world? But mine really are! haha
I will try and write more tomorrow. I am switching to summer daycare schedule which means more kids so I will keep you posted. If I do not update as much that is why but I guess to keep me on I should really post more . :)
Have a great week!
The Cheerio Queen
Friday, June 15, 2007
Wanta buy a golfball??

Here he is...the Godfather of Golfballs. I should probably explain...We live in a golf course on the 10th green. Yes sometimes we do get golfballs on our fence, no our house has never been hit with one because of the way the course is angled. Most of the time the bad golfers just hit the tree in front of the back of our house. However my son loves to hunt for golfballs, in fact all 3 of my children do. They will even go to the next door neighbors backyard and clean out her yard of golfballs so it does not get in the way when she mows. She gets more then we do. The other day my son who loves to watch the golfers noticed that one of them got on over the fence into our yard. He went over picked it up and gave it back to the golfer. The golfer in return gave him a DOLLAR. That was all it sweet charming cheesy grin boy is now a golfball selling fool. He was hooked. It must be something about that green piece of paper in his hand. Since then he has made it his business. I should probably remind you he is only 4. He takes his bucket of balls every day and sits on his little lawnchair at the fence and asks everyone who drives buy if they want to buy a golfball. Most players are very nice but politely decline, however that one golfer who started the whole thing comes buy to golf every Thursday and always stops and buys a golfball from Lucky Charms. This is enough to keep him interested. making money is like a drug for him lol he comes in eyes sparkling saying "mommy I made another dollar!" Last week the guy was sick so he did not make it out to golf on his usual day and my son was starting to get frustrated at the fact that he asked everyone if they wanted to buy a golf ball and no one was buying. (our golf course is very very busy so that is a lot of no's for a youngin) Well the other day he hit the jackpot, he suddenly started selling lots of balls that day. in one afternoon he made 2.50 but he sold like 4 or 5 balls. Some of the golfers have been noticing him trying every day and started carrying change I think. I decided to listen to his sales pitch. Now I know why he is so successful. Here is two different pitches I overheard from him:
Lucky Charms: Wanta buy a golfball? (charming smile pasted on his cute face)
Golfer: no thanks
Lucky Charms: Please
Golfer: no thanks sorry
Lucky Charms: Please I am saving up for a quad (4wheeler) that my parents said they wont buy me because it is too expensive so I am trying to help them out.
Golfer: trying not to laugh says is a dollar!
Next pitch he used:
LC: Wanta buy a golf ball?
G: oh no thanks son
LC: are you sure their really good golfballs
G: I am sure they are but I have plenty ..thanks for the offer
LC: in his best voice...Sir how could you not buy from a child?
G: Looking remorseful...he came over and handed him money.
LC: look mom I got a dollar!
Guess what...he did NOT get a dollar that was a FIVE dollar bill!
Now you all know why I dress Lucky Charms in bright orange all the time...
The Cheerio Queen.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Happy it??
The ever popular Chilihead has a meme to do and since we all know that I am thinking about joining a 12 step program for these if they ever come up with one...I decided to participate.
Before I do let me just update you last week got so hectic I only blogged on Monday. Trix had his pediatric neurology appt last week to check up and see how he was doing after his seizure and the new meds he is on. So far so good however when the choice of doing and MRI to get a better picture of what is going on in his brain was presented to me I chose to go ahead. I know everyone has different ideas on sedation (trix is an active 6 year old boy who has sensory processing issues so getting him to stay still for 30 minutes would be impossible) but for hubs and I we decided to go ahead anyway, for one he has been under sedation before when he has had his many many many sets of ear tubes, the other reason is we are of the belief that knowledge is power and since his EEG was not very good when they took it last time we want to get a clearer picture. true the EEG coming out not the greatest probably did have to do with the fact that he had just had a 40 minute Grand mal seizure, but it seems to me like whenever I hear that someone has found something seriously wrong it was because they were either on a routine checkup, or took a preventative test just to see. The neurologist says changes are Trix's MRI will come back normal and he seems confident, so confident that he said the MRI was completely up to us to decide which makes me feel better. Anyway that will be done in the next month, I am still waiting for scheduling nurse to call me and set it up. :) Otherwise last week was good the boys are doing great in gymnastics and Trix moved up to his brothers class with a much tougher coach, at his own requesting which is HUGE, and he did very well! Honey Nut is gtting ready to do some extra work to earn money for summer camp with church this summer. She came to us begging to go so we decided to use it as a learning lesson and have her help earn some of the money herself. Lucky Charms is just enjoying the nicer weather that we have recently been blessed with. He loves the outdoors and is so active! This weekend after church it was our local town festival so our church had a booth there and this year we had a free train for the kids to ride on! that was probaby one of the most popular things about the festival this year especially for the parents who got soaked at the rides area. geez. My kids all wanted to ride the ponys and we agreed before we realized it was 5 dollars PER KID to ride ponies in a circle. what a rip off. But anyway one of the reasons we were there was that I volunteered to run the popcorn machine for a shift at it. So hubs who I thought was going to take the kids to the park after dropping me off decided to stay and help! So together the two of us kept busy making popcorn and filling was free to everyone so we were busy! Until we ran out of bags. the kids rode the church train about twelve times I think, and kept our Pastor busy hanging out with him. I tell you that guy has a way with kids and a lot of patience!It is no coincidence that he was a youth pastor for years before coming our pastor at church. :) all in all we did not even mind the frequent spring showers that kept cming down on us lol. I was going to post a pic of the kids on the train but it came out blurry so you will have to use your imagination.
here is chiliheads meme be sure to check out her site and particpate!
How did you start blogging? I started blogging when my friend Jessica got me hooked on it...she had originally found me on myspace which I was scared enough to join lol. I had just joined that when she hit me up and added me to her friends list on there. Then Jess being the bad influence she 2 months got me to join her church and start a blog which she already had. lol Just kidding Jess you know we all adore you!
What do you hope to achieve or accomplish with your blog?
I am not really looking to accomplish anything...I started off blogging for myself and then told family and friends about it. I love to write when I have the chance it gives me a creative outlet, I guess a part of me does hope people read it an like it. I also print it out as sort of a memoire for my kid someday since I primarily write about them and hubs. :)
Has the focus of your blog changed since you started blogging? Nope, although I agree with other die hard bloggers that comments are like a drug lol. :)
Do you make money with your blog? No although it would be a bonus. :)
Does your immediate or extended family know about your blog? well lets see I changed blog several times before I got it right so for this blog i think my mom, grandma, and a few aunts know about it. I am not sure if they read it. I know my sister does sometimes.
What two pieces of advice would you give to a new blogger?
I would say to check out blogging 101 which I think the link is through chiliheads site or rocks in my dryer, and also just have fun with it! Here I will get you started: check out :
this is chiliheads site I believe. go see her she is one of the two blogging queens I stalk...i mean worship in the blogging arena. :) no really she is funny!
the cheerio queen
Monday, June 4, 2007
Monday Meme...
1. Where were you when the ball dropped for 2007? at some friends house trying to look like I was staying awake.
2. what the heck happened to the number 2 question?
3. What are you listening to right now? silence the kids have not gotten up yet.
4. Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry? when Princess Diana died I cried..we shared the same birthday...of course I never actually met her. My husband thought I was nuts.
5. What color underwear are you wearing? I hate this question. who cares?
6. Do you live in a zoo? a husband, 3 kids and a home do the math!
7. What did you do this morning? so far write my blog and pray.
8. What does your mom do for a living? she co- owns a company with my dad.
9. Where do you work? for a company which requires me to multi task as a psychiatrist, errand runner, fill in as the CEO, booboo curer, keeper of the "make it all better" hugs, teacher, cook, cleaner, laundress, finder of the "mom where is my other shoe"....and a few more jobs. and all I get in return is unconditional love, and unlimited hugs and kisses, no actual money is exchanged.....lucky me :)
10. What are your favorite smells? babies, vanilla, island colada potpurri, cookies etc. I could go on for a long time.
11. What are the last two digits of your phone number? which number? I have several. :)
12. What was the last concert you attended? I think it was brooks and dunn
13. Who was with you? hubs
14. What was the last movie you watched? shrek III
15. What do you dislike at the moment? getting up early lol
16. What do you crave right now? nothing but I am about to get a slimfast for breakfast.
17. Did you dream last night? yes
18. What was the last TV show you watched? I think it was bridezillas last night
19. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? my wedding ring of course.
21. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? hubs
22. Who last IM’d you? I don't really im so I don't remember
23. Are you on any medication? nope
24. What side of the bed do you sleep on? left
25. What color shirt are you wearing? black
26. What color is your razor? I am supposed to have my own? well HUBS razor is silver *blush*
27. What is your favorite frozen treat? fruit bars
28. How many tattoos/piercings do you have? just my ears pierced
29. What are your favorite stores? stride rite for the kids, old navy, sears, childrens place, macys although I could never afford them.
30. Are you thirsty right now? not really but I am going to drink some water soon
31. Can you imagine yourself ever getting married? yes since I am married!
32. Who’s someone you haven’t seen in awhileand miss? Lisa, and Robin
33. What did you do last night? came home from the mariners game and put the kids to bed.
34. Do you care what people think about you? more then I care to admit, however only people I care about. If I don't care about them I don't care what they think. :)
35. Have you ever done something to instigate trouble? I am sure back when I was a kid but not since then.
36. Do you like your nose? I guess.
37. What color is your room? which one? I have lots of rooms in my house? hehe
38. When was the last time you worked out? last week.
39. Do you like pedicures? love em
40. Where do you live? at home with hubs and kids
41. Are you an aggressive driver? not since I had kids I am not.
42. Who is your cell phone carrier? me!
43. Do you like the person who posted this last? I don't know them I found the meme on the internet somewhere and copied it. :)
44. Do you know their birthday? nope
45. What is the thing you’d most want to change about yourself? to be a little less naive and trusting.
46. What color is your car? red
47. What do you smell like right now? I don't know but hubs just kissed me good bye and made a remark about a little toothpaste wouldn't hurt ....hey I just got up lol
48. What is your favorite color? pink
49. Do you like mustard? yes
50. What do you tell yourself when times get hard? "this too shall pass" and also " God does not give you anything he doesn't think you can handle"
51. Would you ever sky dive? no way
52. What do you sleep on? a bed
53. Have you ever bid for something on eBay? yes quite a bit!
54. What do you think of Angelina Jolie being pregnant? boy this is an old meme...she has had the baby now and truthfully...I don't care.
55. Do you enjoy giving hugs? yes!
56. Would you consider yourself to be fashionable? in a mom way maybe lol
57. Do you own a digital camera? yes and I love it!
58. What celebrities have you been compared to? ok none looks wise, but in highschool my friends used to say I was a lot like "june cleaver" I guess I was born domestic and in the fifties. lol
59. What does your 19th text message say? I have no idea probably... honey please get me some new socks on your way home lol
60. How ’bout your 30th? been there done that
61. Who did you hang out with last night? hubs and the kids what a cool group of people
62. What are you doing this Saturday? a party and taking the kids to a bday party.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Sunday Musings

Saturday, June 2, 2007
Quick weekend post!

I took a couple day break from blogging but am back now. I started today of with giving my grandma a perm. She is such a cool lady. Definitely not your typical "cookie baking" grandma. She is sweet lady with a lot of spunk! She shamelessly flirts with my husband, and also with my dear cousin Lisa's new husband to be...both guys are her "boyfriends" Lisa and I are just sure we will be on Jerry Springer someday crying about how our Grandma stole our husbands lol. She is the grandma with the bright red acrylics but they look great on her, she looks about 15 years younger then she is and she is very beautiful!, she had 3 kids in 3 years and with a quick wit and a sharp tongue all of them turned out well, she loves to play games on the computer, and gets after me if I don't call her every day to check in on her. My kids adore her and to them she is Gigi. She even babysits for them occasionally, and even though she is no spring chicken those kids listen to her and she wears them out! My grandma is actually one of my best friends. totally awesome, I can speak to her in ways, and about topics that most women would not even talk to their own best friends about. She is a great person. I never charge her to do her hair but she insists on paying me and will not take no for an answer either, I learned very young not to ever argue with her.
Anyway after laughing and having a great time with her this morning I went and got my nails done ...hence the pic above..what do you think? I have not had tips on in awhile but hubs said I deserved it now that he is back at work again and we made it through a busy hectic God testing time recently...isn't he sweet? I have the best husband in the world! He is currently out on the golf course with the kids "golf ball hunting" how cool is he?
He went to some neighborhood garage sales this morning while i was doing my grandma's hair and (yes you read that right, hubs picks out great jewelry, and he likes to garage sale how lucky am I?) came home with a karaeoke machine for the kids, he even picked up a couple books for homeschooling that he saw! This is HUGE because he and I went round and round and round again about whether or not to homescool this year because he was not for it and I was , I prayed for a year about that and studied and researched and know that God helped decide..without his help I would never have convinced hubs to agree to let me try. He agreed to support me for a year on it and see then, he said he did not believe in it yet but would agree to a year. His being off work for two months was a blessing in that he got to see what we did the whole time during the day and while I am not sure he is 100% for it he is a lot more open to it now and is seeing the benefits. I convinced him to let me do it next year too. with a lot less coaxing and discussion. lol
Tomorrow we are going to the Mariners game where his company has "suites" for everyone for their summer fling . We are really looking forward to this "date night" it has been a long time.
Well that is about all for now, I apologize for any typos as I am getting used to typing with tips on my fingers again lol.
Hope you all are having a great weekend! I will get back to commenting on more blogs next week!
Take Care!
The Cheerio Queen