So a few months ago I drifted into this site and submitted my site to be on there and they picked me! They really really like me! At least I have lasted 1 day that is lol. Check out this site because they have lots of funny blogs on there but grab a cup of coffee first! It is a great way to get lots of traffic on your blog if your interested in that. Come on admit it you know you want to be popular too. haha.
Well this post is an update because I have not posted in about two weeks. Part of it was because I was just flat out busy and could not think of anything fun to say, and then when I could we all came down with the stomach flu last week. yuck...who gets that in June? Grrr. This was just our year to get sick I guess. Usually about every 3 to 4 years we get a bad year where we catch everything. At least it was a 24 hour flu. Although I had to laugh because Trix and I got it first and then got better and just when I thought we were out of the woods then Hubs, Honey Nut, and Lucky charms got it...and it was absolutely hilarious when Hubs started getting sick it hit him out of the blue and he had not time to shut the bathroom door.. Lucky Charms was in our bed and I was in the other bathroom helping Honey Nut...about that time LC came out to me with these huge wide eyes and said in all seriousness..."mommy I think daddy is dying!" lol I explained no he just had the flu and then tried to remind hubs to try and shut the door.
Ok enough sick talk yuck. Other than that Trix went to camp last week ..I was concerened about how he would do because of his sensory issues but this camp is one that works with kids like that and so he would have a counselor with him 24/7 an there would be lots to do. So we figured we would try it out and it was only ten minutes from where we live anyway. So he went he was so excited becasue of the go karts, horseriding, swimming, arts and crafts that he would get to do. etc. He left Thursday afternoon and I was supposed to pick him up today actually. Friday night the camp called...he wanted to come home. I was not surprised, but when I got there I figured out why. They had so much planned that it was too overwhelming for him and there were transitioning him too quickly out of activities, there was a ton of campers there and by that time apparently several other kids were going home as well. Plus his counselor was pretty young and I am not sure she was quite ready for or trained for a child like Trix. He is a good boy but he needs to be able to get away from the hoopla when he is overwhelmed like that and she mentioned that there was no place to take him to calm him down and let him reset his senses. I know he had fun when he was there because he told me all about it but when I had gotten there to go get him he burst into tears. I think he is just too young to spend the night away from us was a big part of it. If it was a day camp I think he would have done better but at least we can say he tried. I also think at a camp that has kids primarily like Trix they should have trained the counselors of them had already freaked out and gone home when we got there and this was after the end of the first full day. lol Secretly I missed Trix and was not upset to have him come home early.
Honey Nut is going to her church camp in two weeks and she is super excited! She gets to be in a dorm with about 5 of her most energetic girlfriends...I am thinking of packing prozac for the counselors lol just kidding...sorta. Honey Nut will do better because she is older...she does get a little homesick at night but we are sending carepackages for that and plus she will be with a bunch of her girlfriends and probably so tired she won't care. She has also been informed that she will not be picked up early as her camp is a good two hours away lol. I think she will enjoy it...she asked to go to this camp it is her first time as well, but she has been doing extra jobs with Grandpa and Nana to earn money for it so I know she will appreciate it a lot more. Besides one of the workshops at this camp is a "chills and frills" workshop where the girls get to learn beauty and makeup tips and etiquette and all that frilly girls stuff. I am going to miss her too though. Hubs is always telling me to cut the apron strings with the kids but I just laugh and say you know what...God gave them to us and I am going to cherish them because they are only young once and I don't want to miss out on the opportunity and blessing he gave me.
Oh did I mention that Honey Nut finally stopped sucking her fingers? I know people have a thing against binkies for babies but at least you can take that away! My daughter has been trying to stop but what finally did it was I went to get a fill for nails and I got her a manicure at the same time...she stopped that night has not done it yet and I know she is serious because her fingers healed and are not chapped anymore! Now keep in mind that i had been trying "home manicures" but apparently it is only the 14 dollar manicure at the nail salon that works for this haha. Ok well I know it is not frugal but it is the best money spent.
Hubs is loving his new job! He is really liking all the "non micromanaging" where as his old job there was tons of that. He also will get to travel more with this company. He is going to Florida in October. Lucky him.
Oh and I should update you on my little "Godfather of Golfballs" Lucky Charms is doing well and bounced back from the flu great. He is up to about 14 dollars now in money he has earned selling golfballs back to the golfers. I gotta hand it to that kid...he is persistant if nothing else. lol oh and he is cute! Ok so I am a shameless plug for my kids. What mom doesn't think their kids are the cutest in the world? But mine really are! haha
I will try and write more tomorrow. I am switching to summer daycare schedule which means more kids so I will keep you posted. If I do not update as much that is why but I guess to keep me on I should really post more . :)
Have a great week!
The Cheerio Queen
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