Ok so it is America's Bday and so I am more patriotic then usual and that says a lot because I am pretty patriotic but here is a little note about our soldiers etc. I am definitely a Proud American, I am writing this little bulletin here and now because of our troops who are fighting for my right to free speech and to live in a great country. I know that there is a lot of people who disagree with our politics and our president's choices, BUT none of this would be possible without our troops. Recently a family member of mine was at work when she heard two customers loudly putting down our military and saying what cowards they were to be over there. etc. you know how it goes...I am betting neither of these guys had ever been in the military and probably never seen any of the images of the "good" that our military is doing over there, especially since the news here chooses to only see the negative side of things and forgets to show all the good things that are happening overseas. The news loves to glorify one or two bad events but refuses to show the troops helping rebuild buildings, and helping little children. These guys who were complaining about our "wimpy soldiers" have probably never stared death in the face, and never seen mass ruins. I am not so ignorant as to say I have witnessed anything even close to what our troops have however I know that because these men and women are over there sacrificing their lives, time with their own families, and because they are true proud American's then I don't have to witness up close and personal all the scary things they are seeing and fighting. These guys who put down our military the other day as well as all the other "americans" on our home turf who are putting down our troops sure did quickly forget all the patriotism this great country displayed after 9-11 , it was so sad that so quickly after that we had to go back to being "politically correct" by taking down crosses and flags in schools because it "might offend" someone. These two guys in the store made the mistake of asking my friend what she really thought about them. Being that she was at work she could not say what she really wanted so she told them she had just buried her own family member on her birthday this year so she did not feel like talking about it. Well I am not afraid to say anything and I am not at work. So here is what I would have said. I would have looked at the two real cowards and said: Well, your entitled to your opinion because our military is busting their butts to give you that right even though you are backstabbing them by talking behind their backs, furthermore I will pass on your "educated remarks" to my brother's widow, and young son I am sure they will be grateful to you two weenies and all the other weenies out there who hide behind our great american troops and then bad mouth them, and I will be sure to pass on your remarks to our soldiers when they get back, heck I am sure they will appreciate the fact that you are toatlly taking advantage of all the freedom they are fighting so hard for you to get. :) THAT is what I would have said. As for those two guys in my family member's store they stood there for a minute as she politely explained she had buried one of our own soldiers on her birthday this year and hung their heads and apologized, and walked out of the store without saying another word. They could not handles one sweet girl politely and "politically" explaining to them the sacrifice she had to make so they could have the freedom to say things like that. Gee I am sure glad they are not on our front lines I mean seriously they hot footed it out of that store so fast. wonder what they would have done if they had to face our enemies.As for me...I am proud to be an American and whether or not I agree with any political decisions on our soil I will ALWAYS support our troops, and not just because I had a family member who was in the military, because I have always been a supporter of our troops, and always been a true American.
To our soldiers: THANKYOU. :)
To our soldiers families:THANKYOU. :)
Happy Birthday America!
No, these people that you mentioned certainly don't need to be in our military. But I suspect that if they were ever drafted, their stories would change quicker than a blink.
ReplyDeleteIt is frustrating to not have some of our country's support. I guess like anything in our world though, there is always going to be division.
Which just makes us more thankful for the support we do have. So thank you - very much - for your support. You will never know how much it means. :)