again it has been awhile but frankly it has been a long very busy month. I am actually looking forward to starting our homeschooling year next week along with a new detailed schedule. Then I will have more time to blog hopefully. lol some of the xtra daycare kids will be back in school so my load will be lighter. So since I am rambling I just decided to post about random things today. ;)
First off Dancing with the stars....ok this is a show I love...so you won't be tested after watching...it is entertaining. Today they announced their next 12 contestants. My question is who are some of these people? Maybe I am just getting old but like last season I had not even heard of some of them. I thought it was supposed to be stars...and celebrities? When the show first kicked off they had that dumb blonde bachelorette girl who no one cared about..that was the prelude to some of these people they call stars lol. Last season in spring was my favorite out of all of them. Ok so the winner was not my first pick but he was good too. As much as I love this show there are some things I would change about it and since it is my blog I will write about it don't be offended haha. First: I really hope this season they don't put that stupid jimmy kimmel skit in the results show...clearly it is ABC trying to fill empty space. People we just want the results. I can also do without some of the cruddy music they picked last season. In the spring there were several stars and their dancing partners who had great dances but it was somewhat ruined by the music that the show picked for them! grrr. Take Ian Ziering and his partner who were supposed to do a sexy rhumba dance and the show gave them the "imagine" which is a song about war and was not romantic in the least. Their dance was amazing but that cruddy song took away a lot of the romance of the dance. Other couples were supposed to be doing more serious dances but the show picked songs that sounded like it belonged in the circus. Ok that is my little irritation about the show but for the most part i like it. This season the "stars" are: Marie Osmond,Helio Castroneves,Jennie Garth,Cameron Mathison,Mel B,Floyd Mayweather,Jane Seymour,Albert Reed,Sabrina Bryan,Mark Cuban,Josie Maran,Wayne Newton
Ok lets see again I must be getting old but the only ones i know who they are : Marie Osmond , Jennie Garth, Cameron Mathison, Melanie brown, jane seymour, and wayne newton.
The only ones I care about and consider actual stars are: Jennie Garth, Cameron Mathison, and Jane Seymour. Ok wayne newton is a star but come on. really people lol.
My predictions without seeing anyone actually dance yet is that Jennie Garth, and Cameron Mathison will be in the top 3 probably even the top 2 lol. OF course they are my favorite and yeah I am still a 90210 fan...I was voting for Ian Ziering last year...whatever leave me alone so I am still living in the early nineties lol. Either way I hardly would call a lot of this cast "stars" . Camerone Mathison...well I don't even watch all my children but what a hunk. I bet he can dance. :)
Onto other musings. Both the boys have their quads now and love them..now daddy is insisting he needs a quad so he can ride with the boys...this might have something to do with the fact that when he actually rode the boys quad the other day I may have accidentally mentioned outloud that he looked like he was in the circus on it because they are mini quads and he is a tall big strong guy. lol
Like I said before I will be starting a new super structured schedule for school year mainly because after much evaluating I think last year was a good year for us but it was our first year of homeschooling and we were trying it on for size. I feel like we could have gotten more accomplished then we did and so this year I am changing it around a bit, but it will not just be "school at home" there will be other stuff...plus I think it will help out a lot with Trix's sensory issues. He is the kid who has to know what to expect each day. He is so particular about it that if I say "ok trix we are going to go to the grocery store, post office, bank" in that order and then I change the order around...it bugs him he gets confused and does not do as well. Or if I say we are going to do three things and then only have time for two it is upsetting to him. Before you ask he is not autistic although that is one of the symptoms of an autisitic child but it has to do with his sensory processing disorder. I know we have had him tested. :) I had to push for that because with autism it is not "you have it or you don't" you can be 10 percent autistic or 99 percent autistic.
Oh I lost 3 pounds!!! I have been getting up at the crack of dawn...actually it is still dark and doing my walk/jog 5 days a week and watching portion control. (I still have a bag of m&m's in my cupboard...emergencies you know) but for the most part I have completely cut out pop and switched to crystal light, and have been a salad fanatic lately (yes I still eat other stuff).
ok well this random musings went on too long as usual. lol talk to you later!
the cheerio queen!