Saturday, August 4, 2007

I know I has been a long while...

I have not posted as much as i wanted too. It has just been so busy around here. I am hoping to get back to it soon. ;)

So Lucky Charms turned 5 on Thursday!!! This was bittersweet because he is my baby and he is officially a gradeschool age now, he is no longer a baby, toddler, or preschooler. He is short and little but certainly makes up for it in personality! This little one is also known as the godfather of golfballs around here...remember my earlier post titled " wanta buy a golfball"? Let me update you on that really quick...he wants to buy a quad (4wheeler) and has been selling golfballs to earn money. If you go back and look at the earlier post it talked about how he was selling them for a $1.00 a ball. Well guess what? He is now at $165 dollars! I am not kidding. Seriously that little darling has been working his little rump off sitting out there every day for about 6 weeks asking every golfer that comes buy if they want to buy a golf ball. He even has regulars that come looking for him now lol. Hubs was out in the yard doing yard work the other day and Lucky Charms was helping him and some guy came up to the fence and asked if LC had any balls for him today. haha. The golfers have now taught him the difference in golf balls so he knows which ones are better then others and he saves the favorites of his regulars to sell to them when they come buy. To think this all started becaue some older gentleman accidentally hit his golf ball over the fence and LC was there to give it to him and the guy gave him a dollar for it . :)

To say that we are proud of Lucky Charms (or any of our kids for that matter) is an understatement. Lucky is and has always been such a charming little guy and such a joy to raise. He is so incredibly smart that Hubs and I feel like we need a PHD just to stay 2 steps behind him! This little guy tells just about everyone he knows that "they are beautiful", works his way into the hearts of everyone who meets him, and is going to be the reason hubs and I get calls from angry parents of daughters whose hearts he has broken when he gets older.

He has always done everything early even from conception. He was a "planned surprise" meaning we were planning on having one more but not going to try for a few more months and God decided that he should be here a little sooner. He tried to arrive 6 weeks early which put me on bedrest for two weeks until he did arrive 4 weeks early. He wound up with a really bad case of jaundice that put us in children's hospital for 4 days but was ok. Since then he has walked early, talked early, done everything early. He is alwasy in a hurry to grow up it seems but hubs and I want him to slow down lol.

He is proof that God has a sense of see we thought we had the parenting thing down our other two kids were so easy going we though yeah lets have one more we are doing pretty well...then we got Lucky Charms and he is so different and so challenging , he is the child that makes you throw your hands up in the air and shake your head laughing because you just never know what to expect next with him. He is the child who doesn't just hug you...he hugs you with everything he has in him, and he ALWAYS has a smile for you no matter what day you have had. He can break a tense moment with a funny remark, or a goofy face or smile. He is our little superstar and we love him dearly! Happy birthday baby!

His actual party with his friends is next weekend and he is having an army party. I will post pics of that later. :)


  1. Glad your back. Happy Birthday to your little guy. The picture is adorable!

  2. What a wonderful reflection on your one of a kind son! How sweet~

    The UPS man should be paying you a short visit tomorrow. ;-)
