I know when asked most people will tell you their favorite season is Christmas and winter for the snow etc. However, not me. I LOVE Fall. It is so pretty and cozy. I cannot wait to get my first cup of carmel apple cider from Starbucks for the season.
This week will be a busy one or rather the next couple of days. Today is back to the week routine, school with the kids, then lunch, then take one of the two daycare kids to school, after that I have a meeting with our local district homeschool dept to sign up lucky charms, and Honey Nut for an extra class there. LC is taking a beginner art class where the description of the class included words such as: learn to "spin, blow, paint, squish, sculpt, create" I wanted to take that class it sounded so much fun but it is only for 1-3 graders...guess they have not seen me when I figured out that someone in the house ate the last of my chocolate lol. Honey Nut is going to be taking a science class and she is looking forward tot hat. Then tonight is girlscouts with Honey Nut. The girls are trying to earn their bronze award this year! To do that one of the things they have to do is earn their leadership pin. We leaders thought it would be helpful to them to let them each pick a patch they want to earn and then lead the meeting (with help and guidance from the leaders of course) so the girls drew numbers and Honey Nut drew number one so she gets to lead tonight and she is so excited! I will write more later on the patch she chose to earn and lead.
Because I have such a busy week I am going to do a fall meme...consider yourself tagged if your reading this. :)
A Fall Meme
When does fall begin for you? For me it starts when the kids start schoolwork again. Although I waited until we had done schoolwork for a week and then I could not resist and put up the fall decorations.
What is your favorite aspect of fall? Boy I don't have just one aspect. I love fall so here are some of the things I love most about it: The colors of the changing leaves, the clean crisp smell of the air, the cooler weathe, the shorter days, the scenet of pumpkin pie potpurri, the coziness of my house when I decorate it, Starbucks carmel apple cider, routine of the school year, planning Thanksgiving my favorite holiday, helping the kids search for the perfect Halloween costume, slowly starting to look for christmas gifts, putting the perfect comfy favorite sweater on with jeans, and the crafts that I do in the fall with the kids...the handmde "hand turkeys" etc.
What is your favorite fall memory? Taking the kids to the pumpkin patch.:)
What do you like to drink in the fall? nothing better then apple cider.
What's your favorite fall food? I love homemade pumpkin pie, apple crisp, pear or peach cobbler, a big pot of homemade stew, a big pot of vegetable beef or chicken noodle soup, mashed potatoes....the list could go on for awhile.
What is fall weather like where you live? Well the first few weeks is usually crisp and cool in the morning and then warmer in the afternoons, and then in October it changes to colder and wet. However that being said, I love the cozy rainy Northwest days. It is much easier to homeschool then it is when it is 80 degrees and sunny lol.
What color is fall? beautiful shades of orange, dark and pale greens, and a touch of brown. It is like the perfect mixed boquet.
What does fall smell like? pumpkin, apple spice, wood smoke from the newly lit fireplaces around the neighborhood, and crisp and clean.
Holiday shopping in fall: yes or no? Yes, but it is usually online stuff, or if I am able to get away for a Saturday I might do some then. However I REFUSE to decorate for the Christmas season until after Thanksgiving. I get so annoyed that the stores put out Halloween stuff before summer is over, and they completely skip over Thanksgiving, unless they are a craft store or grocery store.
If you could go anywhere in the fall, where would you go? Although I love the Northwest fall because it is what I grew up with and feel comfy and familiar with...I have always wanted to go travel through New England for fall...I hear their fall splendor is the most beautiful in the world. :)
What is your favorite fall sport? I am not much of a sport fan, except for baseball but that is spring. However hubby who grew up in Texas has watching football in his blood. :) He is now a Seahawks fan.
Do you have a favorite fall chore? I love organizing the new school supplies, going through and putting away the summer clothes and putting away the new fall clothes, getting new pajamas for the kids, and putting flannel sheets on the bed and switching to my heaver comforter. Sort of like "battening down the hatches" for a cozy winter. :)
What is your least favorite thing about fall? Well I said earlier I like the cozy rainy days, however when they become endless and I have to get out in it that stinks. lol
What is your favorite fall holiday? Thanksgiving! That is my favorite holiday of all anyway becasue it is about being together and celebrating family and friends and not so much about the commercialness of Christmas. (I like Christmas but not all the stress that goes along with it)
What's your favorite kind of pie? Pumpkin with whipped cream.
What was your favorite Halloween costume? Ironically it was not a costume I wore, in fact it was two costumes I saw other people wear lol, as for one I wore, I loved being minny mouse when I was little i remember wearing the mouse ears hat I had gotten that summer when my family adn I went to Disneyland, and I thought the white gloves were so cool. Plus i had on a black leotard, black tights, and a red polka dotted skirt and the whole costume was completely homemade.
The ones I saw on other people I will mention because they were so cool. One was a playground attended in my old gradeschool and she dressed up as a Qtip..she had a long powder blue slender gown on paired with white fuzzy boots, and a tall white fuzzy hat. very creative. The other was a couple at a party once...she was a wall socket, and he was another wall socket with a plug coming out of the front and it plugged into her socket and they had a light above their heads somehow that twirled when they danced. awesome couple costume.
What was your favorite Halloween candy? candy corn
What was your least favorite Halloween candy? babe ruth
Which do you prefer, the Farm or the Fair? both
Do you have a favorite fall book? One Little Mouse by Dori Chaconas all about "settling down" for winter. :) very cozy.
How about a favorite fall poem? not really
Well, I hope you enjoyed this meme, and if you do it at your blog, pease leave me a comment so I can start a list of links! :)
Happy Fall!
The Cheerio Queen
Monday, September 22, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
a fun meme
I have been busy getting the kids back into the swing of things with homeschooling but I am happy to report they are doing well! Trix is liking going to school part time and still getting homeschooled the rest of the time. Personally I think he just likes riding the bus and the fact that he gets to take Daisy with him. It is amazing how fast the kids want to become friends with the kid who brings a dog to school. lol
Lucky Charms is coming along in his handwriting, he is a whiz at math and is starting to read. Where did my sweet little baby go? He also loves that we currently watch a little boy who is the same age as him who also happens to share his real name! That is pretty funny in the house when I have to call out to my son and both boys look at me and say what?
Honey Nut is really getting into writing this year and I am totally thrilled with that. She is really gifted in that area, she is still working on her spelling though although I must admit I love the cute way she misspells things. I know as a homeschooling mom I should correct it right away but it is hard...you see this is a reminder that she is still my little girl. :)
Honey Nut will be taking a science course through the homeschooling program at our school district starting next week and lucky charms will be taking a beginner art class where he will get to learn "spinning, throwing, sculpting, painting and more" How cool is that?
As for me my website to my coaching business is finally up and running! Here is teh shameless link: www.solutionsforhope.com check it out when you can.
In the mean time here is a fun meme I pulled off another homeschooling site but I think it can apply to everyone! be sure and leave me a comment if you decide to do it. :)
Magazines/Carnivals - in print or online "mine would be family fun and parenting"
Freebie sites - "freecycle"
Homeschool news/informative : "any of the homeschool blogs"
Forums/book clubs : "don't spend a lot of time on these"
Networking, Blog “About” (sites that offer tech-support or tutorials for computer/internet) & Quick Links : "don't have one"
Mom site - a sites just for moms : "ivillage"
Inspirational/encouraging/motivational: "by sun and candelight blog"
Youth/kid - sites geared towards youth/kids or owned by them : "yahoo kids"
Memes : "wherever I find them"
Organizing/crafts - "the organizing junkie" www.orgjunkie.com
Homemaking/Homesteading : "by sun and candlelight" and "simple woman" both are blogs
Bible-focused - "my friend jessica's site...she posts about a lot of things but when she posts regarding the bible it is so cool"
Homeschool Method - Charlotte mason, and the "hodgepodge" style lol
Family blog - The Duggar Family blog
Businesses, particularly homebased : I don't know.
Lucky Charms is coming along in his handwriting, he is a whiz at math and is starting to read. Where did my sweet little baby go? He also loves that we currently watch a little boy who is the same age as him who also happens to share his real name! That is pretty funny in the house when I have to call out to my son and both boys look at me and say what?
Honey Nut is really getting into writing this year and I am totally thrilled with that. She is really gifted in that area, she is still working on her spelling though although I must admit I love the cute way she misspells things. I know as a homeschooling mom I should correct it right away but it is hard...you see this is a reminder that she is still my little girl. :)
Honey Nut will be taking a science course through the homeschooling program at our school district starting next week and lucky charms will be taking a beginner art class where he will get to learn "spinning, throwing, sculpting, painting and more" How cool is that?
As for me my website to my coaching business is finally up and running! Here is teh shameless link: www.solutionsforhope.com check it out when you can.
In the mean time here is a fun meme I pulled off another homeschooling site but I think it can apply to everyone! be sure and leave me a comment if you decide to do it. :)
Magazines/Carnivals - in print or online "mine would be family fun and parenting"
Freebie sites - "freecycle"
Homeschool news/informative : "any of the homeschool blogs"
Forums/book clubs : "don't spend a lot of time on these"
Networking, Blog “About” (sites that offer tech-support or tutorials for computer/internet) & Quick Links : "don't have one"
Mom site - a sites just for moms : "ivillage"
Inspirational/encouraging/motivational: "by sun and candelight blog"
Youth/kid - sites geared towards youth/kids or owned by them : "yahoo kids"
Memes : "wherever I find them"
Organizing/crafts - "the organizing junkie" www.orgjunkie.com
Homemaking/Homesteading : "by sun and candlelight" and "simple woman" both are blogs
Bible-focused - "my friend jessica's site...she posts about a lot of things but when she posts regarding the bible it is so cool"
Homeschool Method - Charlotte mason, and the "hodgepodge" style lol
Family blog - The Duggar Family blog
Businesses, particularly homebased : I don't know.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Another new post...
So it was awhile but not as long as the last time I went without posting lol. :) Things here are busy and school is starting again for the kids..homeschool that is. We are just waiting for our books to arrive. But we have started back into the routine again which I must say feels really good! I am enjoying the cooler weather mainly because fall is my favorite season of the year. I think I might just put up the fall decor today! Bring on the Starbucks Carmel apple cider woohoo! Otherwise nothing huge is new here. Trix lost another tooth, and he has two more that are very loose, he has two already missing...two more and he will be ready to join a hockey team. Lucky Charms is getting older but is still short. lol He just turned 6 on me. He thinks he is about 25 and invinsible. He already has an eye for girls...or should I say ladies. He actually asked me the other day if I would put gel in his hair and make it look handsome "for the ladies" those were his actual words. I am hoping the doc will just prescribe me percocet over the phone. Honey Nut is getting very tall and making dear old mom feel old. She is 9 now and thinks she is a teenager and has lately been testing out the "talking back gene" to which she has been met with dead ends. lol She is strikingly beautiful and the neighborhood boys are starting to notice, and she is noticing boys as well...at the rate she is going I bet she will be married by 10. Hmmm maybe I should call the doc and ask for something a bit stronger then percocet a sledgehammer to knock me out maybe? Either way she is a very lovely young lady who is just sweet. Love that girl and her persitance. :)

Outside My Window ... The sun is coming out and I am seeing steam off the roofs of the houses in my neighborhood.
I am thinking ... about the meetings I have today.
I am thankful ... for routine again
From the kitchen ... porkchops are in the crockpot for dinner.
I am wearing ... dark pinks sweatpants, and a light pink hoodie that says Seaside on it. :)
I am creating ... picture schedules for Trix, and chore charts for all the kids.
I am reading ... Curing the 4A's epidemic, ADHD, Allergies, Autism, and Asthma
I am hoping ... the meeting this afternoon will go well.
I am hearing ... The neighborhood kids walking up to the bus stop and secretly being happy that my own little ones stay home with me all day to homeschool. :)
Around the house ... I'm doing some laundry, and starting to put up some fall decorations for the season.
One of my favorite things ... chocolate.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: ... Trix starts new more intense therapy at his therapy center, finish up the first official week of school, and hubby has his company picnic on Saturday.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing....
I make it a point to NOT get political on my blog, however I will say this little gal certainly got my attention when she appealed to soccer moms and moms with special needs kids. :) That is all I will say about that.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Outside My Window ... The sun is coming out and I am seeing steam off the roofs of the houses in my neighborhood.
I am thinking ... about the meetings I have today.
I am thankful ... for routine again
From the kitchen ... porkchops are in the crockpot for dinner.
I am wearing ... dark pinks sweatpants, and a light pink hoodie that says Seaside on it. :)
I am creating ... picture schedules for Trix, and chore charts for all the kids.
I am reading ... Curing the 4A's epidemic, ADHD, Allergies, Autism, and Asthma
I am hoping ... the meeting this afternoon will go well.
I am hearing ... The neighborhood kids walking up to the bus stop and secretly being happy that my own little ones stay home with me all day to homeschool. :)
Around the house ... I'm doing some laundry, and starting to put up some fall decorations for the season.
One of my favorite things ... chocolate.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: ... Trix starts new more intense therapy at his therapy center, finish up the first official week of school, and hubby has his company picnic on Saturday.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing....

I make it a point to NOT get political on my blog, however I will say this little gal certainly got my attention when she appealed to soccer moms and moms with special needs kids. :) That is all I will say about that.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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