So it was awhile but not as long as the last time I went without posting lol. :) Things here are busy and school is starting again for the kids..homeschool that is. We are just waiting for our books to arrive. But we have started back into the routine again which I must say feels really good! I am enjoying the cooler weather mainly because fall is my favorite season of the year. I think I might just put up the fall decor today! Bring on the Starbucks Carmel apple cider woohoo! Otherwise nothing huge is new here. Trix lost another tooth, and he has two more that are very loose, he has two already missing...two more and he will be ready to join a hockey team. Lucky Charms is getting older but is still short. lol He just turned 6 on me. He thinks he is about 25 and invinsible. He already has an eye for girls...or should I say ladies. He actually asked me the other day if I would put gel in his hair and make it look handsome "for the ladies" those were his actual words. I am hoping the doc will just prescribe me percocet over the phone. Honey Nut is getting very tall and making dear old mom feel old. She is 9 now and thinks she is a teenager and has lately been testing out the "talking back gene" to which she has been met with dead ends. lol She is strikingly beautiful and the neighborhood boys are starting to notice, and she is noticing boys as the rate she is going I bet she will be married by 10. Hmmm maybe I should call the doc and ask for something a bit stronger then percocet a sledgehammer to knock me out maybe? Either way she is a very lovely young lady who is just sweet. Love that girl and her persitance. :)

Outside My Window ... The sun is coming out and I am seeing steam off the roofs of the houses in my neighborhood.
I am thinking ... about the meetings I have today.
I am thankful ... for routine again
From the kitchen ... porkchops are in the crockpot for dinner.
I am wearing ... dark pinks sweatpants, and a light pink hoodie that says Seaside on it. :)
I am creating ... picture schedules for Trix, and chore charts for all the kids.
I am reading ... Curing the 4A's epidemic, ADHD, Allergies, Autism, and Asthma
I am hoping ... the meeting this afternoon will go well.
I am hearing ... The neighborhood kids walking up to the bus stop and secretly being happy that my own little ones stay home with me all day to homeschool. :)
Around the house ... I'm doing some laundry, and starting to put up some fall decorations for the season.
One of my favorite things ... chocolate.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: ... Trix starts new more intense therapy at his therapy center, finish up the first official week of school, and hubby has his company picnic on Saturday.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing....

I make it a point to NOT get political on my blog, however I will say this little gal certainly got my attention when she appealed to soccer moms and moms with special needs kids. :) That is all I will say about that.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
I try not to be political either, however, I really like Sarah Palin too!!!