So I keep getting in trouble with my friends because I am not updating my blog enough so since it has been a month or so i decided to update finally. lol!! Just kidding Gina. :) I saw your tag on facebook that said you were tired of people not updating their blogs so this post is for you. :)
Seriously it has been a busy month as always. We started out the month by getting a video EEG done for Joey. He is thankfully doing very well. He has not had a seizure other then two tiny staring seizures since June. Please keep him in your prayers because the closer he gets to two years seizure free the better chance he has of growing out of them. Besides after talking more in depth with his neurologist he explained to me that the kinds he was having before for the length of time he had them was having them...4 to 5 minutes each, is like taking a sledgehammer to his brain EACH one. It takes weeks and even months to recover from that which explains some of the developmental delays he was having, however the doc also said it is amazing that he did not suffer permanent brain damage from them. So someone upstairs is watching out for us thankfully! He is learning by leaps and bounds this year and his speech is so much better and so is his communication. His ears are also completely healed so no more tubes either. YAY! This poor boy has had a rough couple years but he is starting to get back to the happy boy I once had and is healing well. He wants to join a cubscout pack so I will be looking for that next.
Hunter is awesome, he is really excited that he is learning to read now. He is a super whiz at math. He did not get that from me, he must have gotten it from his Dad. I cannot do anything without a calculator. He recently started wrestling. Anyone who knows Hunter is probably right now shaking their head saying "wow...what a perfect sport for him" and it is and he is good at it! He has always been very athletically gifted. He was so excited to start and even more excited when he took down 7 kids before he got beat. You must remember how little Hunter is. He is short and stalky. In fact my Grandma calls him "sherman" for sherman tank. He is a tank that boy. But he is still my cuddly little man. I love how he is rough and tough, wise and smart and very grown up one minute, but the next minute he is enlightening me with wise tales such as " Mom! Krista hit me hard....oh and if her says I pulled her hair and accidentally knocked over her bookshelf first....then her is lying" :)
Krista is 3 weeks ahead on her schoolwork, still working on her bronze award for girlscouts, and just joined leadership at church. She has really grown up this year. She is also pushing to be a teenager or to be allowed to act like a teenager with an attitude. lol She cannot figure out why Mom and Dad do not find that charming. lol She also cannot understand why we will not be getting her a cell phone at the ripe old age of 9 either. But aside from those few things she is doing great. She is into reading classics this year which thrills me to no end. If I hear one more junie b jones book I am going to scream. She is such a good big sister to her little brothers though and they adore her. She is looking forward to turning the big 10 in April (if you hear wailing around tax day that is me wondering how my baby girl turned that age so quickly) and is already planning her bday party and is really excited to get her own library card. A right of passage in our family.
Otherwise things are great. Halloween was really fun this year. As you can tell by the picture the older my boys get the more gross and scary their costumes get. Gone are the days of the cute costumes and cute decorations for the house, now it is a skeleton hanging by a noose kind of decor around here. yuck. At least I have Krista on my side. One of the houses had a dad who has a mini haunted house to go up and get candy from. This year he wore a scary clown mask and came out wielding a live chainsaw. The boys thought it was awesome, I am still peeling Krista off the ceiling however. She was not alone....none of the girls in our cul de sac made it to that house, and the guy with the chainsaw's own daughter refused to come out and go trick or treating she was too scared lol. poor girl.
We celebrated with some good friends of ours who live on acerage and have no place to trick or treat so they came over and we all went out together among the 65 other kids who were out with their parents. Luckily the rain stopped just as we were trick or treating..gotta love Washington on Halloween. Then we came back and fed the kids pizza, put them to bed and sorted out the goods. Boy we have some generous neighbors. lol The candy is now hidden properly until one of the kids has a bday and I can use it to fill a pinata or treat bag and get it out of the house. :)
Ok till next time!
The Cheerio Queen
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