That is the recipe for the hectic disastrous day I had today! lol So it did not go as I had planned. The day started out normal enough, the kids had a good breakfast, did their chores, and I had just finished up some laundry and was going to get started on schoolwork at quiet time with my daughter after lunch. I just put all the little ones down for nap time when Lucky Charms offered to help me clean the kitchen. I joyfully said sure here throw away this empty tin can that the peaches were in, oops...mistake...he agreed but also picked up the lid for it as well and on his way to the garbage can 2 steps away he accidentally dropped the lid which consequently sliced his little foot wide open. :( Of course blood started splurting out everywhere...the floor, my clothes etc. I put a gauze pad on it to stop the bleeding and investigate. Problem was he soaked and I mean SOAKED through 3 of those gigantic Gauze pads immediately and the split second I did see the cut I could see that although it was not terribly deep it was really wide and long, and bloody...anyone walking in that second would have thought they were walking into a war zone.
So new plan everyone back up from quiet time, no problem I am still remaining calm and I proceeded to pack SIX kids in the minivan. This is not easy since they are all in carseats or booster seats. But hey I got it done in less then an hour so I was pretty proud of myself. I was thinking this will be ok we will just go to the urgent care up the road no problem. Yeah right.
I got there and there was already an hour wait and they were giving me a hard time about having 6 kids with me. Like I can help that. lol Oh well I wound up packing all the kids back into the minivan and collapsing the stroller and heading to a differen Urgent CAre and they were so much nicer and more helpful and very patient. The kids all and all were pretty good considering the time of day it was.I discovered there that my double stroller was broken and there was a huge screw missing which is why it was leaning to the right and very hard to turn. They wound up stitching up Lucky Charms (liquid stitches this time) and then because they did nto want to risk him reopening they wrapped it with so much gauze that he wound up looking like he was in a cast.
The kids put up with a lot so I got them ice cream from DQ on the way home as they all slept in the car.
Get home and let the kids outside to enjoy their icecream as it was sunny and hot today anyway. I was just starting to pat myself on the back that I managed to hold my cool, and stay patient with everyone involved in this minor crisis including the snotty lady at the first urgent care who was inquring if there was "anyone who could pick up some of my kids" so they could do their work. When I heard my daughter say "Mommy Trix was watching the golfers and he fell over and is laying in the beauty bark and he is sick!" I go out to investigate and sure enough he had thrown up which I thought was odd because he seemed to be fine all day and had eaten normally. I went to pick him up to standing and help him into the house when I realized that his whole right side was paralyzed and he kept falling over and he was trying to talk to me to tell me he did not feel good but not all of it made sense. Great...I realized he was having a petit mal seizure! So I got him into the house and cleaned him up a little and held him until he was through , after I gave him the diastat that I got from the hospital the last time he had a major seizure. Even though this was not a grand mal seizure it is still upsetting to see your child lose total control and not be able to move one side of his body. while he was in the middle of this I hear "mommy!" oh great what else? My daughter informed me that the school bus was there and my special needs charge had arrived and the bus will not release him off unless I am out there. Crud. So I ordered HOney Nut to stay with her brother and I sprinted out to the bus at the end of my LONG driveway and grabbed the daycare charge off the bus and carried him (he is 6 and not light but he takes too long to walk) all the way up the driveway. My daughter helped get him downstairs and turned on blues clues for him and kept an eye on the little ones while I got Trix through the rest of his seizure and he finally went to sleep and so I set him up in my room and switched with my daughter who came up to sit next to her brother and let me know if anything happens so I could tend to the daycare kids.
Finally everyone left for the day and hubs came home, Trix woke up from his nap and had no memory of it and was fine and happy and back to his old cute self. I am tired and need to put the kids to bed. But I will say I did not once lose my cool today, and did not wind up owing the cuss jar any money so I guess it turned out ok. I think I am going to go put the kids down and medicate myself with M&M's and a good book.
How was YOUR day?
Till next time
The cheerio queen :)
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Wow, that was quite a day.