Okay okay so i keep saying for sure I am going to start posting more but then..well...life happens. lol Hubs and I were working with an organization called Vine Maple Place which is a place for single parents who are trying to restart their life can go and get back on their feet, what a great thing...they get to get help with finding a job and aquiring skills to get a good job later, they teach them how to pay bills etc. anyway hubs and I were helping move furniture into the apt for a single mom with two boys...Hubs decided to see how heavy one of the recliners were and as he bent he heard and felt a loud crack and pop...not good, he now has to see a chiropractor for the next 13 weeks 3 times a week to fix it, it seems his hip was tilted and it is pinching a nerve so instead of 3 kids I now have 4. Last week I started a few new daycare kids bringing my total including my own kids during the day to 10! although they come at different times, some are only before or afterschool, one is new full time, and two returning kids will be coming during naptimes for the little ones so it is not so bad. Yes we are still homeschooling we are entering our 2nd year and love it so far! Last week was all about figuring our our new schedule, I am still slowly implementing it, it may take another week or two to iron out all the kinks in it. So if I am slow posting again you will know why. :)
This weekend I took the kids to our state fair that is the biggest one around here. We had so much fun except we missed having hubs with us. While we were there the kids got to see Dora (well honey nut is too cool and old for that she said but the boys were thrilled) as we were waiting in line we heard an announcement for an interactive show (like a small play) where they were asking kids if they wanted to join in. The kids all wound up joining. ! Rather then bore you with a bunch of words and also because I have not had my morning devotion time yet I am going to let the pics do the talking. ;)
Trix and Dora!

The kids on the dragon coaster!

Lucky Charms and Dora!

My Lil' Farmer!

My Lil' Germ Police!

My Lil' Onion Princess!
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