So I am still trying to post more frequently but things have been so hectic around here lately. Trix has been having a lot more seizures than normal so we have been dealing with that and schoolwork. :) Trix did have a checkup with his neurologist yesterday and they decided to up his meds dosage to see if that helps. I personally am not all that thrilled with the idea because it makes him super sleepy and his appetite decreases when he ups the dosage. I have that motherly instinct that i can help these seizures decrease or not occur at all by changing his diet. All 3 of the kids had checkups last week and they are all healthy but my pediatrician advised me against the ketogenic diet for trix because there is apparently a lot of side affects and it is very strict and hard to follow. He does not usually advise me against anything so instead I called a nutritionist. I am going to meet with her next week. I figure she studies foods and it's affects on people and maybe she could help me design something for trix tht would help not only his seizures but also his sensory issues. I know all the docs say it has nothing to do with it but there is far to many stories of success with changing diets and helping childrens medical issues go away or minimize to backup my instincts.
Anyway that is a brief update. Here is a fall meme that one of my most favorite blogs posted today. She made it up herself. I love this blog because it is such a comfortable cozy blog the way she writes it that it is almost like curling up with a good book and a cup of hot cider on a blustery day. Seriously she almost writes like "chicken soup for the soul" type. She is a homeschooler who has many great ideas. I always check there to see what neat project she has come up with. Oh and her kids are sooo cute!
Ok her is her meme:
When does fall begin for you? For me it starts around labor day. I start looking forward to it in August though.
What is your favorite aspect of fall? I love the falling leaves and letting the kids jump in them, the apple picking, the hot apple cider, and the new homeschool routine for me and the kids.
What is your favorite fall memory? it is always taking the kids to the pumpkin patch and apple picking.
What do you like to drink in the fall? I love cider, sleepytime tea, and starbucks carmel apple cider.
What's your favorite fall food? I would have to say the return of "comfort food" all the casseroles, stews etc. I love to make homemade applesauce, and pumpkin bread. Starbucks makes a yummy cream cheese pumpkin muffins.
What is fall weather like where you live? At the beginning it is crisp and sunny and pretty but towards the middle and end it turns rainy and colder, however I like that because I love to curl up inside with the kids.
What color is fall? different shades of orange: bright orange, burnt orange, mellow yellow, deep greens beautiful!
What does fall smell like? apples, cinnamon, hot cider (do you see a cider trend yet? lol), pumpkin spice, nutmeg, woodstoves burning
Holiday shopping in fall: yes or no? Yes I try, but I don't decorate till the day after thanksgiving.
If you could go anywhere in the fall, where would you go? I like it here but have always wanted to go to new england or vermont for fall. I hear it is unebelievably beautiful.
What is your favorite fall sport? none I am not a sport person unless it is spring and baseball.
Do you have a favorite fall chore? I like getting the school supplies organized for the year!
What is your least favorite thing about fall? the fact that before halloween has even arrived the stores have all their christmas stuff out. grrr. fall is my favorite season
What is your favorite fall holiday? Thanksgiving
What's your favorite kind of pie? Pumpkin pie or fresh apple pie with extra nutmeg.
What was your favorite Halloween costume? One year i was minnie mouse and my mom designe the costume it was fun.
What was your favorite Halloween candy? Candy Corn and snickers
What was your least favorite Halloween candy? black licorice YUCK
Which do you prefer, the Farm or the Fair? farm
Do you have a favorite fall book? no not really.
How about a favorite fall poem? no on that one too lol.
I tag anyone who wants to do the meme. Please sign my comments and let me know you did it so I can go read your answers:)