So this weekend was almost a really nice weekend! I will explain the almost part later. It started off with Saturday when the kids Grandpa came and got them and Hubs and took them all to the local model train show. I was going to surprise my Grandma and take her too lunch but she had already left to do some errands so all of a sudden I found myself in an empty clean house (I know perish the thought but since I was plannign on going out I wanted it cleaned up) with nothing but the deafening silence! My hubs said to me...honey you can have alone time today. Huh? What is that? I have not had "alone time" where I was not running errands or the like in about 8.5 years. So I sat down to "catch up on my tivo shows". But after one of them I was bored. I forgot what it is like to feel that way. I decided to go to the Sunshine Nutrition Center up the street that a friend had recommended to me, so I could pick up something called "calm child" for Trix. When I went in there I swear I heard that music you hear when you discover a great revelation. The guy behind the counter was so friendly and knowledgeable and for the first time I actually got advice that did not make me feel like my son is a hyperactive freakazoid. No docs have not put down my child of course not...but for those of you with kids like Trix you know what I mean. The looks you get when your describing what you think is your child's ahem..charms, only to find out that they think your child is either not disciplined enough, doing something weird, or needs some sort of medication to slow him down. No this guy actually explained that he thinks my son my have an iron deficiency, and need more vitamin B to help his focus, however unlike most vitamin stores..he did NOT try to sell me 12 different vitamin bottles at the bargain price of 50 dollars each, in fact he listened to me describe my son, and then made some suggestions but insisted I should start with ONE thing first. That's it. One thing. WOW I was pleasantly surprised. Instead of the calm child he gave me Passion Flower. The only problem is Trix hates it. I will have to see if I can disguise it in his food. It is pretty strong and smells gross to me. we will see. If not I will just go get the calm child lol.
Sunday I taught Sunday School at church and then in the afternoon the kids and I went to the Pumpkin Patch while Hubs stayed home and got his "alone time". Of course silly me did not think about the fact that this is WA state and we are not known for being super sunny and dry but are known for being rainy. But hey it was pretty dry when we left, I did not however factor in the muddy terrain of the pumpkin patch. OOPS. See above picture and you can see the kids shoes...yes you heard me right. I forgot to bring rain boots. Actually to tell you the truth I am not sure their boots fit this year I will probably have to get some. Oh well. They had fun, especially watching Mommy try and push a wheel barrow with 3 pumpkins the size of each child through that slick mud. I managed to not fall on my own pumpkin but the kids got muddy enough that we had to go back home before we went halloween costume shopping which was the original plan. So I called hubs and asked that he set out three outfits for the kids so they could change on the hardwood square by the front door rather then decorate the house in muddy pumpkin theme. After that we were off.
I have an 8 year old daughter...any of you who have an 8 year old daughter are probably very familiar with Hannah Montana. It is a cute show although a little corny. But in any case that is the latest craze with the girls in that genre...however I am not complaining...after all when I was that age Madonna and her torpedo bras were the role model me and my friends were wanting to follow. In any case honey nut wants to be Hannah Montana for Halloween so we headed off to Party City to find the coveted outfit. They had one but not in her size and frankly I was secretly grateful to not have to pay 30 dollars for something she won't wear more then once or twice. So we settled on the hannah montana wig, and then we will make one of her outfits out of clothes she already has...Honey Nut was concerned she would not look enough like her until I told her she was goign to get to wear makeup...that did it. After that we went to target to find the boys costumes because what they had at party city was not really what they wanted and so expensive.
So we walked down the strip mall towards target and that is where the "almost" part of our weekend fun came in. As we were walking merrily down the sidewalk Trix was a couple feet ahead of us as he always does and all of a sudden he stopped and covered his ears. He only does this when nervouse or upset about something so I asked him what was wrong and then I looked further ahead to see what he was looking at and low and behold there were two guys...probably in their twentys FIGHTING. I mean really beating each other down. Ok so the area we were in was not a bad area but not the yuppiest either but come on. Like I want my kids to witness this...so I shuffled the kids back behind a pillar so they would not see this and tried to talk to them louder then the shouts of expletives we heard until things dissapated enough that we could either go into the store, or back to the car but it was a walk to the car and I knew that the kids would be turning around to watch. After a few minutes things settled down and the disagreeing parties each left. Then when I saw that a few families with young children went into the store I figured it was ok to go in. I just explained that some people don't get along and handled things wrong and lets go costume shopping. All was quickly forgotten luckily by the kids when Trix got his "race car costume" actually it is motocross but hey it had a cool helmet mask and he thinks it is racecar, and then Lucky Charms got some sort of a warrior thing with padded chest and arms. He was disappointed to find out it did not come with a gun though lol. Figures he is such a boy.
Hope you all had a good weekend!
The Cheerio Queen
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