Friday, October 5, 2007

Yay it's Friday and a new post!

YES you are seeing this right a new post in under a couple weeks! lol Told ya I would try!

I am going to try and get back to posting about some topics again but here is another quick update.

The boys and hubs and I have a small tummy bug but nothing with fevers or anything just enough to keep us feeling yucky. Don't ya just love fall? New germs etc.? lol No seriously I am praying that we have a much healthier year then last year. About every 3 years or so we will have a bad winter when we are just sick all the time with colds,stomach flu, fevers, etc. That was last winter and part of spring and even into June. So this year i am hoping good will come out of it! Other then that we are pretty good. Hubs is getting ready to go out of town on business next week so this weekend is laundry weekend. yay...NOT. Oh well at least we will be inside snuggling with the kids in between loads. :) The kids alwasy look forward to "mommy daddy days". They have to share me the rest of the week with daycare kids so the weekends they love.

Anyway the subject I picked for today is more like a shameless plug. We are homeschooling this year again and LOVING it. However I heard about a program last year that I meant to do this year and that is called
I realize some people might not consider this homeschool as it is technically public school online. However there is different ways to enroll. You can retain your status as a homeschooler, and only enroll part time, OR you can enroll full time and although your status is public is done at home under the teaching of the parent. We chose to do it full time this year just to get a feel for it. The best thing is if I decide it is too rigorous and don't like it then I can pull them out. They do all the testing etc. I get to talk to a teacher once a week by email or phone and go over anything I am having trouble teaching, my kids can ask her questions too. Even nicer...they send you all the materials and curriculum free because it is "public school" and run through a public school district. They keep all the records etc. I was a little hesitant at first but went ahead and took the plunge and so far it has worked well. It was like and early Christmas when the UPS man backed into my driveway and unloaded about 6 boxes full of stuff. When I say they include all supplies they really do...there was really nice magnifying glasses. 11 full bottles of tempera paint, compas, world maps laminated etc. all the workbooks and teacher guides too. I return some of it at the end of the year except for unreturnable stuff like paint , used workbooks etc. they pay the postage to return it. it is great. I log in every day to find out the days assignments and they walk me through what to do with the kids and how to do it..including teacher and kid tips. what I really love is that Trix has an IEP (individual education plan) or special ed thing where he can do a shared district meaning he stays enrolled in our district for his occupational and speech therapy, but is enrolled in this other school district for the rest of the stuff. ( is only done through certain districts in the different states). Anyway there is my topic and plug for the day. For us it really works. :)

Have a great weekend !