I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! As you can see by the pics above...our kids were terribly disappointed in their gifts. I must say it was a very nice Christmas this year. Hubs and I made a pact to only attend one or two parties and the rest skip and stay home. We want the kids to be able to enjoy their new stuff and not have stress with running to and fro with different get togethers. Christmas Eve I had one of my daycare families and then when they left Hubs and the kids and I all piled in the car to deliver cookies to the fire stations (especially the one who responded to our house earlier this year when Trix had his huge seizure)and we also delivered to a policeman we know from church. Then we came home and lounged around after dinner. We read stories with the kids, watched a christmas movie and then attempted to put the kids to bed. It was my fault...Trix fell asleep on the couch and when I put him in bed he sleepily asked me if it was Christmas yet. I told him no but santa would be here soon...boing..his little eyes popped wide open! He was awake till 10:30 and up at 4:30...oh well I told the kids (he woke up the other two) that we would not be investigating what Santa brought until at least 6am. So Dawn if you read this nope your not the only one who was up before it was light out! lol We opened gifts, and I made homemade cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate for breakfast (ok so it was homemade from a pop open can, and instant hot cocoa...remember I was up till almost 11 the night before and awake since 4:30) but nevertheless it was a cozy fun day. I did make a prime rib dinner with mashed potatoes, corn, fruit salad etc.and afterwards we played games with the kids. In the picture above Trix beat Daddy at the fishing game which is funny since my husband is such and awesome fisher usually but apparently not at fisher price lol. :)
Now onto my New Year...I normally don't make resolutions because I never stick to them but this time I am going to stick to one...my biggest resolution is to get healthy again!
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