Thursday, December 20, 2007

Nice people....

While reading the news online this morning I about dropped my hot chocolate cup (ok that is a mouthful but I dont like coffee...there I said it...I am a Washingtonian and I hate coffee forgive me.) Anyway as I was reading I was shocked to see a ..dare I say it? N-I-C-E story in the news! It was part of that "pay it forward" trend that is starting to catch on. Especially with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season upon us, and after watching shoppers beat each other up...errr I mean search for the must have toy of the season or whatever else they need it was nice to see this story. A woman at a starbucks bought her morning coffee and then decided she was in the Christmas spirit so she paid for the lady behind her, and started a chain of events that went through 490 customes as of 8 am today...I am not kidding. This woman did this yesterday morning at 8am and it has been going strong even into today. Here is a link to the article

As for us...our hoiday season so far is going beautifully. I am done shopping for the kids, just gotta finish up for my mom and hubs. The cookies, peanut brittle, and fudge are almost all baked. I am so excited I have been working on a tradition with my kids since they were little and they actually came up and asked me about it this year in a very excited manner. The tradition is that each season we bake and bake and bake. Then on Christmas Eve the kids and hubs and I all pile into the car with tins of cookies, and candy and homemade cards that the kids made...and we deliver them to our local fire stations and police stations as a thankyou for giving up time with their family to protect us. My little ones LOVE this tradition. I am glad because I want them to look back on their holidays as stress free and remembering the true spirit and not just the rush of shoppers, and fussy parties. Although we have been to a couple parties this year...we have tried to keep everything low key.

anyway if I don't post till after Christmas...well I am just enjoying my family.
Merry Christmas to all my blogging friends and hope your holiday is fun, memorable, and stress free. :)

The Cheerio Queen

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