Sort of....my back has serious issues with me camping on the floor with all the brownie troops. Lesson learned " bring an air mattress!" got it. Will definitely do that next time. :) Actually the sleepover went really well and the girls had a blast. We put goopy guacamole masks on our face, sang the most obnoxious song about a burrito that is STILL stuck in my head a week later, gave each other hand massages, and put on make up to do "glamour shots" don't you just love mine and honey nut's? haha.
It was brought to my attention that I should have updated the blog before Wednesday since I told you all last time that if I did not post by then it would mean us leaders were still tied up in a broom closet...so thanks for checking in everyone but please call off the search party were ok! :)
Truth be told sore back or not...I would not have traded last Friday for anything. It was a great memory for me and my daughter and since she is my only girl I probably do tend to go overboard. :)
This week has been hectic. A couple of the daycare kids got sick so I took a premptive measure and closed on Wednesday in hopes of keeping my kids healthy, and while they did not get the stomach virus everyone else had...they DID get colds. grrr. Actually it turns out their colds are not new but were the same one they have had for awhile that I thought was gone. So we went to the store and got dimetapp and a new cool mist humidifier to help with their little coughs. poor babies. I will say though it was so nice to have just one day where it was me and my munchkins. I know it sounds silly but I actually miss them sometimes even though they are with me all day...I have so many other kids I take care of in addition to them. :)
Otherwise not much else is new. Hubs and I are hosting game night this weekend I cannot wait! It will be our same group of friends that we have been hanging out with forever. There is 4 main couples that come to this and we have all been married 10 years this year! Although us girls have known eachother since highschool. When we started doing game nights we were younger and used to play and have a margarita or 3....but now we are all older, and some of us have kids and so now we usually party down with games until 9:30 or 10pm. I know we are so shameless.
Then Sunday I am teaching Sunday School so as you can see it is a wild weekend for us. ya right.
Hope you all had a great week!
The Cheerio Queen
Sounds like you had a great time. I love doing girlie things with my daughter.