I decided to post some pics of some of the stuff we have been doing this week. :) We have been busy, and some of us have been feeling sorry for ourselves for the cold we are nursing (of course I am not naming myself here) the kids are doing better except for honeynut who is still coughing up a lung going on a month now. I took her to the doc last week and was told it was "just a cold and to give her dimetapp" but that is not working so I am going to call tomorrow and push to find out what is really going on here.
The kids have been working hard in their studies so here is a pic of (some) of the stuff we do in a day here in the cheerio household.
Hope you all are having a great week!
the cheerio queen (yes I realize that signature is not correct grammar since I did not capitolize but hey I am on my fourth round of theraflu today and frankly I am lucky I am able to type at all)

Lucky Charms posing

Lucky Charms practicing his writing while Honeynut looks on.

Honey Nut doing her online schooling assignment

Honeynut writing out her story summeries.
I'm a grown up home-schooled kid! I always like to give encouraging comments to homeschooling moms. What a great ministry you are providing to your kids (as well as their education). I know its hard work but you'll be thankful that you did it! And hopefully your kids will thank you too!