Thursday, March 27, 2008

Miss Bimbo??....Man the internet is scary,

Ok I just have to post about it. I was reading the news today and came across a disturbing article regarding a new "virtual fashion game" called "Miss Bimbo" In this game girls are encouraged to become the "most famous or coolest bimbo they know" The site is aimed directly at girls ages 7-17! They can even give their virtual bimbo's breast implants and diet pills. GRRR Sorry this really ticks me off. Not surprising the creator is a 23 year old male who probably does not have kids. According to the statistics over 1 million girls between the ages of 7-17 access this site. How sad is that? The internet is such a scary place. It used to be cool. I mean I am somewhat of an internet nerd. Meaning I access it for schoolwork for the kids ( and I use it for email, I blog obviously, and I even have a myspace. (although I am considering deleting that too because there is so many sick people on there)
What scares me is the fact that my 8 year old could easily type in the word "barbie" in google to find a barbie doll game site to play, but it will pull up all sorts of trashy sites with pictures. It is way to easy for kids to accidentally access sites that they should not see, even with these so called "net nanny services". My daughter recently was playing a littlest petshop game and managed to wind up clicking on pop ups and came to toysrus and was "shopping" online by telling me everything she wanted. My husband and I are very careful about watching the kids on the computer and making sure we monitor what they are playing or looking at, but geez. she already knows about myspace and is begging us for her own myspace page. Hubs and I absolutely are not going to ever let that happen, too many scary people, perverts, not to mention the cyber bullying that is now going on those pages. For instance I saw a story yesterday of a boy who has been picked on so much that his family is suing one of the bullies for making up a fake myspace page titled everyone hates "childs name" .
I think I am going to go back to the dinosaur age and just put only games on that are on cd and only after hubs and I have previewed it of course. They wonder why we have so many insecure kids these days. How sad.

ok I am done with my rant for the day lol. I must go now and make the kids a hot breakfast, (I will explain in another post later how I am on a strike from buying cereal around here lol) It snowed last night! Gee I was wondering when it was going to snow I mean it is afterall MARCH. The kids are really looking forward to playing outside in it but I insisted they eat breakfast first lol. Later on in the day we are going to be delivering Meals on Wheels which the kids are looking forward to. :)
Hope you all have a good day!
The Cheerio Queen

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