I am going to steal the same idea that my blogging friend "I should be doing laundry" had today and blog about the "New Kids on the Block" Ok so I used to own one of their pillows...whatever don't judge me. I still think their music was good and they were cute. I used to call myself their "biggest fan" until the first season of Dancing with the stars came up and Joey McIntyre was on it and I realized I had forgotten all about them. I had a huge crush on Joey when I was younger. The fact that they are all men now I think all of them or most all of them are married and have kids does make me feel old. You see a lot of the youngsters out there think that the Backstreet Boys and N'sync were the beginning of the boy bands. Not so. The New Kids on the Block paved the way (ok so there was a few others before their time too but I don't want to age myself too much) Either way...will I be going to one of their concerts? Probably not, but you can bet I will be listening to their new CD. I still think they are cute! Although, Jordan I thought was a little sleazy on the Surreal Life (hey I had the flu the day they had a surreal life marathon and there was nothing on so I watched) but I digress...They at the time were a fun concert.I must admit with all the hype in the news lately I have had the songs Step by Step and Hangin Tough running in my head all day. Maybe if I download those and workout to those my daughter won't go into the witness protection program like she attempted to do when I worked out to "sexyback" by Justin Timberlake. In any case if you look at the above pictures you will see why so many of us original NKOTB fans feel so old. Just look at the difference! At least they all still look like boys..I'm just sayin.
Have a great weekend!
The Cheerio Queen
I know a lot of "girls" that are excited about the reunion of New Kids.