Ok so I was going to blog several times this week because I had a bunch of topics in mind, but then lots wound up happening this week and well...it is now Friday and I am doing an "update" post lol.
First I must say last weekend was GORGEOUS here! It was close to 80 on Saturday which is very warm for our neck of the woods this time of year, and to ring that comment true, the weather forecastesr are predicting SNOW tomorrow, also unusual for this time of year. Weird. In any case, while Cheerio Dad worked out in the yard getting it ready for the summer, I spring cleaned the whole upstairs of the house because Friday I did downstairs. I smelled a lot of bbq's that afternoon...weanies...my husband bbq's year round here. lol I have seen that man out there in snow buttoned up in a jacket where you could only see his eyeballs grilling a steak. Once from Texas always from Texas I guess.
So I had plans to blog Monday but got busy wtih some appts. Then Tuesday I had a grand plan to do a post entirely dedicated to my daughter Honey Nut since she turned 9! However Cheerio Dad came home with the flu (the cold flu that is)shaking and with a fever. Our plans to go out to the birthday dinner was switched to chinese takeout instead. Hubs felt so bad his tradition is to take the kids out and let them pick out their special bday present, although this year Honey Nut really wanted an American Girl Doll so we ordered it online since we do not live near an American Girl Store. Bless her heart...she is NINE wow! She is my first baby and my only girl and what a girly girl she is! She is still in love with horses...I am just sure in a prior life she was a horse. She is going to have a tea party for her birthday this year and that is ok with me because it means she is still very much my "little girl" even though she wants desperately to be a teenager. For some reason she has it stuck in her pretty little head that being a teenager entitles her to have all adult priveldges...not sure where that idea came from. Poor misguided little thang. ha. But nevertheless she is our baby girl and always will be. I remember bringing her home from the hospital and the length of her head down to her foot entirely fit in my forearm. Now she is dangerously close to my height although she has a few more inches to go but not long! Happy birthday baby girl!
Wednesday Cheerio Dad was still sick and so he was home from work all day. We did a bunch of schoolwork. and Trix had speech therapy.
Thursday Cheerio dad was STILL sick and getting whinier by the minute. I had closed down the daycare for the day as I had a dentist appt to get a cavity filled which turned into a root canal...lucky me. Then I came back let the babysitter go home, and then went fed the kids lunch, and went to the school to have a meeting with a team of specialist who were trying to determine if Trix really needed the full evaluation done on him again as it has only been 2 years. They fully intended to talk me out of it I think but I got them to do all of it. He does have two really good therapists. It is just that because he is homeschooled and oh I am only his mom does the school decide they need a meeting with me to decide IF he needs testing. grrr. what do I know? Then I came home and discovered that when Lucky Charms had hurt his foot earlier in the day it was still swelling so I got to take him and the other two kids to urgent care for xray's again ...lucky me. And truly if you know Lucky Charms you would know that it is only by the grace of God almighty himself that the boy is not in a full body cast yet. This is a kid with NO fear at all. Luckily it is a combo of a bruised bone in his foot and also a sprain, so while he is hopping around the house on one foot, he did not break it so no cast...this time.
I was so tired after all that stuff yesterday that I did not blog, and frankly I was so tired I couldn't sleep so I finally got to sleep around a quarter to 12. For mommies that is like staying up all night. Then at 3am today I was woken to a loud beeping sound it startled me. You see I have been camping out on the couch downstairs because unlike hubs I don't have the luxury of being able to lay around for 4 days with the flu, so I am trying to avoid it like the plague, he is of course being a big baby about it. "you don't love me..I am dying...I see the light" I suppose it was not nice that after finding out the beeping was him beeping the radio on my cell phone to get me to come up to bring him medicine and listen to him whine, I simply said "fine go towards the light I can use the insurance". remember it was THREE in the morning ...whatever don't judge me.
As for today hubs is STILL sick and is running a high fever. I really do feel bad for the poor guy. He has not been to work since Tuesday and he NEVER misses work. I am doing laundry to try and give him some fresh clean sheets to hopefully make his comfort level better. No he is not sick like that at least it is not a stomach bug, but he does have a pounding headache and high fever and body aches. And frankly I did feel a little guilty for being so short with him this morning at dark thirty but nevertheless I have been checking on him with cold washcloths, and water, and anything he wants to eat. AT least he is eating. All that said, my weekend should be fun. lol But at least now you know why I have not blogged this week, hopefully next week will be better.
till next time,
The Cheerio Queen
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