So it has been forever since I posted but I have been so busy and just kind of fell off the blogger trail. I am slowly coming back but dont' want to promise anything because I always make grand plans and then life takes me other routes lol. Here is a meme that I think is supposed to be done on Mondays but I am doing mine today to get started back into blogging. ;)
Outside My Window ...It is raining and grey ( I thought this was supposed to be June)
I am thinking ... about making blueberry muffins and fruit for breakfast.
I am thankful for ... my family and the Seaside getaway we had this last weekend (I will post about it later)
From the kitchen ... some new gluten free recipes in the crockpot I found.
I am wearing ... Jeans, a pastel pink hooded sweatshirt, and a pony tail.
I am creating ... another journal...I have one for everything it seems like.
I am going ... to go pick up a food dehyrdator today to make homemade fruit rollups.
I am reading ... Louder than Words by Jenny McCarthy...what a great book whether or not your child is autistic (mine is not)it is more a story about a mothers incredible love for her child. (boy is her son lucky)
I am hoping ... for some sun, or at least for it to dry up enough today for Honey Nuts bridging ceremony tonight to be held at the park.
I am hearing ... the pitter patter of rain, the daycare kids laughing at wow wow wubbzy, and the sweet sound of my daughter coming downstairs just now and saying "hi mommy"
Around the house ... I am trying to finish up the school year, researching how to get my son into a great program I found to help him with his sensory issues and how to afford it, and I am doing laundry catchup.
One of my favorite things ... is reading and taking notes from what I learned in books, and planning for a new school year.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: ... last brownie meeting of the year for Honey nut, searching for a cubscout troop for the boys, searching for swimming lessons as well, try and get my house in order, and doing some cooking and baking ahead (since the weather is yucky anyway) to freeze for hoepfully a warm summer ahead. lol
Here is a picture thought I am sharing ...
My heart :)

I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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