Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Lucky charms!

Ok so this is a bit late as LC's actual birthday was a week ago but I was waiting till his party to post about it so I could post pictures. :)

Lucky Charm's is my "baby" it is easy to think of him that way despite the fact that he turned 6 on me. You see his is short, he has alwasy been our "little man" but I have always said that what he lacks in height he more then makes up for in personality! This sweet little man is tough, but very sensitive. He loves his mommy and daddy cuddles still and for that I am grateful. :) He is incredibly smart, funny, charming,and a joy to be around. You have to remember this is the same boy who made his own business at age 4 selling golfballs back to the golfers on our golf course. Last year he made a total of 176.00 in one summer. This summer he has made well over 200. I have always admired his persistance, and focus, and drive. When he wants something he does not give up until he gets it or at least exhausts all possiblilites of getting it, hence the 1969 chevelle he has been pushing for. Hey the kid has taste. :) Being that his Grandpa owns one I am not surprised.

We have always been a bit worried see he is an amazing little flirt and can charm just about anyone. The other day I was fighting the urge to want to smack this little girl who was all of about 6 or 7 herself as i noticed she took a shine to Lucky charms at the park and followed him everywhere! Someone should really tell her mom that she needs to practice the art of playing hard to get with her daughter instead of chasing a boy. seriously. lol I am sure he will have lots of girlfriends. He usually prefers older girls however. He has a crush on a 16 year old at our church it is so cute he is just sure he is going to marry her. Hey the girl is beautiful so at least he has taste. His father and I about died the other day when he asked me to "make his hair handsome" so that "the ladies would like it" yes he actually used the term "the ladies" at six.

oh well the joy of raising him is totally worth it. We are never bored. He is the most amazing little guy a mom could want. Both hubby and I have had a lot of fun with him! We look forward to many more years of joey.
Happy Birthday Little Man!

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