Wednesday, August 29, 2007

dancing with the stars and other random musings...


again it has been awhile but frankly it has been a long very busy month. I am actually looking forward to starting our homeschooling year next week along with a new detailed schedule. Then I will have more time to blog hopefully. lol some of the xtra daycare kids will be back in school so my load will be lighter. So since I am rambling I just decided to post about random things today. ;)

First off Dancing with the stars....ok this is a show I you won't be tested after is entertaining. Today they announced their next 12 contestants. My question is who are some of these people? Maybe I am just getting old but like last season I had not even heard of some of them. I thought it was supposed to be stars...and celebrities? When the show first kicked off they had that dumb blonde bachelorette girl who no one cared about..that was the prelude to some of these people they call stars lol. Last season in spring was my favorite out of all of them. Ok so the winner was not my first pick but he was good too. As much as I love this show there are some things I would change about it and since it is my blog I will write about it don't be offended haha. First: I really hope this season they don't put that stupid jimmy kimmel skit in the results show...clearly it is ABC trying to fill empty space. People we just want the results. I can also do without some of the cruddy music they picked last season. In the spring there were several stars and their dancing partners who had great dances but it was somewhat ruined by the music that the show picked for them! grrr. Take Ian Ziering and his partner who were supposed to do a sexy rhumba dance and the show gave them the "imagine" which is a song about war and was not romantic in the least. Their dance was amazing but that cruddy song took away a lot of the romance of the dance. Other couples were supposed to be doing more serious dances but the show picked songs that sounded like it belonged in the circus. Ok that is my little irritation about the show but for the most part i like it. This season the "stars" are: Marie Osmond,Helio Castroneves,Jennie Garth,Cameron Mathison,Mel B,Floyd Mayweather,Jane Seymour,Albert Reed,Sabrina Bryan,Mark Cuban,Josie Maran,Wayne Newton

Ok lets see again I must be getting old but the only ones i know who they are : Marie Osmond , Jennie Garth, Cameron Mathison, Melanie brown, jane seymour, and wayne newton.

The only ones I care about and consider actual stars are: Jennie Garth, Cameron Mathison, and Jane Seymour. Ok wayne newton is a star but come on. really people lol.

My predictions without seeing anyone actually dance yet is that Jennie Garth, and Cameron Mathison will be in the top 3 probably even the top 2 lol. OF course they are my favorite and yeah I am still a 90210 fan...I was voting for Ian Ziering last year...whatever leave me alone so I am still living in the early nineties lol. Either way I hardly would call a lot of this cast "stars" . Camerone Mathison...well I don't even watch all my children but what a hunk. I bet he can dance. :)

Onto other musings. Both the boys have their quads now and love daddy is insisting he needs a quad so he can ride with the boys...this might have something to do with the fact that when he actually rode the boys quad the other day I may have accidentally mentioned outloud that he looked like he was in the circus on it because they are mini quads and he is a tall big strong guy. lol

Like I said before I will be starting a new super structured schedule for school year mainly because after much evaluating I think last year was a good year for us but it was our first year of homeschooling and we were trying it on for size. I feel like we could have gotten more accomplished then we did and so this year I am changing it around a bit, but it will not just be "school at home" there will be other I think it will help out a lot with Trix's sensory issues. He is the kid who has to know what to expect each day. He is so particular about it that if I say "ok trix we are going to go to the grocery store, post office, bank" in that order and then I change the order bugs him he gets confused and does not do as well. Or if I say we are going to do three things and then only have time for two it is upsetting to him. Before you ask he is not autistic although that is one of the symptoms of an autisitic child but it has to do with his sensory processing disorder. I know we have had him tested. :) I had to push for that because with autism it is not "you have it or you don't" you can be 10 percent autistic or 99 percent autistic.

Oh I lost 3 pounds!!! I have been getting up at the crack of dawn...actually it is still dark and doing my walk/jog 5 days a week and watching portion control. (I still have a bag of m&m's in my cupboard...emergencies you know) but for the most part I have completely cut out pop and switched to crystal light, and have been a salad fanatic lately (yes I still eat other stuff).

ok well this random musings went on too long as usual. lol talk to you later!

the cheerio queen!

Friday, August 17, 2007


ok so here i am not exactly the next day after my last post but at least within a week. Things here are going well. :) What do you think of my new background? I am slowly figuring out how to pick out different ones, let me tell you though searching for backgrounds and graphics for my site was an eye opener! I will save that post for another day. I have never seen so many rude "graphic sayings" and skin in backgrounds ewwww! I am still workin in the diet thang, and walking although I did not walk yesterday because I got a blister on my heel (but I did do crunches so that should count for something), I did not walk today either because I forgot to set my alarm and don't have time before the first daycare child arrives so I will do crunches at least and definitely walk this weekend. I already feel cruddy because i have not walked in two days ( i suppose the doritos I had last night did not help either) but oh well as they say at weight did not get heavy overnight and you won't take it off overnight either.
The diet I have set up for myself is both for health but more for convenience because i am so busy and that is why I tend to graze all day instead of make something healthy. I have been trying to add more water and have almost completely cut soda out of my diet. I do a drink a lot of crystal light (mainly because I hate plain water), one cool thing is they now have portable packs of crystal light that fit well into my purse and if we do go out to lunch or something I just order water and add it in instead of get pop like I am usually tempted to do. * note of warning* If cute little chubby hands get a hold of those packets especiall the raspberry ice flavor which is hot pink...keep a bottle of club soda nearby!! I'm just sayin...those things S-T-A-I-N!

So you all saw that Lucky Charms got his beloved Quad the other day, so Trix had really wanted his own quad too so we jokingly told him ...ok but you have to sell your go Kart first. Did not think he would seriously take us up on it...he did! He sold it and was very proud to do so! His new red quad is on it's way! I am so proud of my kids...if they want something bad enough they will work HARD to get it...and they are at such a young age. Most people are full grown adults well into their mid- somethings before they figure this out lol. My boys are 6 and 5. :)

I don't want to make this post too long but i have to write real quick about my wonderful day yesterday with my friend Julia! Julia and I went to highschool together, she was the colorguard captain and I had joined up with absolutely no idea what colorguard even was just that i thought it would be fun. I was pretty bad at it at first. Julia stayed after school for two weeks straight just to help me learn how to be better! She taught me everything I know about colorguard, she was also one of my two biggest inspirations to homeschool my kids! Julia homeschools her three kids and has never put them in public or private school at all. In a lot of ways I wish I had went about homeschooling like she did because I spent my first year of homeschooling last year "detoxing" from the school system and what I thought I should be doing and teaching based on their methods...until I realized that DUH I pulled them out of that school because I did not like their methods. lol. Anyway Julia's 3 kids are older then mine being that her youngest is the same age as my oldest. She has the sweetest most respectful children. Her oldest daughter is a true beauty! , and a great helper to her momma, her son is the spitting image of her and so sweet, and her youngest is sweet and spunky. The kids all had fun playing yesterday as Julia and I got caught up and had time to just laugh at oursselves being two old married women with kids should have seen us in highschool! She was always such a free spirit, with an addicting laugh and great love for the lord. She is coming up to a challenging time in her life and that is all I will to protect her privacy but if you could all pray for her as she goes through the challenges that God has set out for her that would be awesome!

As for me...we are doing well, going into a busy weekend , starting with a ladies night out for me tonight! I have not had one of those in years. Myself and 3 of my other girlfriends are going to dinner, and a comedy club afterwards. I am so excited! I am also blessed to have a husband who is willing to watch the kids for me after a particularly long hard week at work..thanks honey!

I will type more later!
till next time,
The cheerio queen

Saturday, August 11, 2007

one more new post today...

ok so have you ever seen a prouder kid? Lucky charms (aka the godfather of golfballs) finally reached his goal...ok of course he had a little help because hey the cutie pie is only five years old. But he finally got his very first real quad. :) Your probably thinking wow what a big quad for such a little guy...YOUR RIGHT! That is what I get for being dumb enough to let Hubs and Grandpa go with him on their own to get it. Let's just say "pampa" is conveniently chosing to pretend he did not see the giant sticker on it that said "kids under 6 should not ride" he figured as long as he scraped it off it was never there...of course he also did not realize it said that on the manual for it too! Funny how the discussion of a 50 or 60 cc quad which was right for his size magically became 110 cc when pampa and hubs were allowed to go along without mommy to oversee this big purchase.

I gotta tell you though ...Lucky Charms is not the only proud person around here. Hubs and I could not be any prouder of Lucky Charms. He worked so hard for that quad and when he went in I thought he might have a problem giving all his 165 dollars to the man behind the counter...he did fact according to hubs the second he decided on his "blue quad" he could not give the money away fast enough. :) Don't worry it has a kill switch on it and a governor so we can set it to where he does not go as fast as that machine is capable of going. :) it is also big enough two kids can ride it at once so it helps with the "i want a turn" thing. lol In the mean time I will be taking 3 or 4 asprin and maybe a prozac or two as I watch him enjoy the fruits of his labor. lol

till tomorrow when I update you on his party. :)

The cheerio queen

Lucky Charms official bday party!

So today is Lucky charms official bday party in an army theme. This is a quick post as in about an hour I am going to have 13 five year olds over here throwing ammo (water balloons), and getting camo paint on their faces here. :) I will post more pics later. Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend! Here is a pic of his cake! Yes that was made at home..I made most of it but hubs who used to be in the army insisted he needed to supervise that it looked like a real army tank and not a "goofy attempt at a kids cake" lol. let me know what ya think!

the cheerio queen!

Friday, August 10, 2007

working out and other odds and ends

So I am officially back on my new eating plan, and working out again. I was doing the thing but then life got in the way...or rather I got tired and lazy and used a hectic life schedule (or non schedule) as an excuse to slack off. then you know how it goes after that...oh well I cheated already and I will always be this way since I did not lose 50 pounds the first day so I may as well forget it. Then I saw some pics of me this summer at the zoo with the That was eye opening can you say MOOO???? I also was more motivated after I realized after a cleaning out my closet frenzy that I only have about 3 outfits that fit comfortably and one of those outfits has to be shirts that cover my bum? I never was the girl who had to do that...not that i want to show off my bum anyway..but still realizing how bad and B-I-G it looks without it being covered is what bothered me. That and only having 3 outfits that fit. This is also the first summer ever that I can recall in my life that I did not feel comfortable wearing shorts...this year it was because of the way my legs are right now...flabby...ususally i put off wearing shorts because i am so pasty pale...but with that I can go get that spray on tan lol. Seriously it is pathetic. I could tan people with the glow off my white legs. But I digress.

I have been reading some of those weight watcher success stories for some inspiration, and then also I have a few other inspirations that i would like to talk about here. First is my mom who joined a body building competition (as a grandma of 5) to use as her goal for losing weight. She lost quite a bit but even at her biggest she was never really that big. But she went for it and really did well, the second is my friend Jessica she lost quite a bit as well although I always was convinced the girl was 85 pounds soaking wet but she is short (don't worry Jess good things come in little packages :)) She showed me her before and after pics in fact they are on her blog but you have to go through the archives to find her story...and there was a difference...but I will say she is so cute no matter what. ;) you can see her story and check out her funny blog if you click on the "jess cagle" link on my right side of this blog. I have two more inspiring people but I am only going to tell you about one today because this is getting long lol. I will talk about the other one tomorrow. :) I will also detail my plan tomorrow. But this motivation and inspirational person is a fellow blogger i have gotten to know through her blog "just a mom that's more than enough" .

Jan is an incredible lady who has dealt with a lot in her life and always manages to smile and find the humor in everything! She has had an amazing transformation in her weight loss. She described herself when she started as looking like an "egg with legs" and has gone on to lose about 70 pounds so far I think...and she has done it very quickly! You have to check out her blog to see her story but she is very open about it, and very candid. I am very much in awe of her determination despite all the other things she does. She is also a beautiful artist. really she is she paints some great things! Jan has gotten on her treadmill every day since april or may I think...and she has slowly increased her workout routine, she has cut out a lot of stuff, realized that she felt better, and is doing this in the name of trying to get healthy for herself but to be there for her husband and kids. Oh and her kids are adorable! here is the link to her blog:

I will finish this everlasting long post tomorrow....if you have read this far here is a fat free, sugar free, but still yummy tasting cyber brownie for you. :)

till next time,

the soon to be slim cheerio queen

Saturday, August 4, 2007

I know I has been a long while...

I have not posted as much as i wanted too. It has just been so busy around here. I am hoping to get back to it soon. ;)

So Lucky Charms turned 5 on Thursday!!! This was bittersweet because he is my baby and he is officially a gradeschool age now, he is no longer a baby, toddler, or preschooler. He is short and little but certainly makes up for it in personality! This little one is also known as the godfather of golfballs around here...remember my earlier post titled " wanta buy a golfball"? Let me update you on that really quick...he wants to buy a quad (4wheeler) and has been selling golfballs to earn money. If you go back and look at the earlier post it talked about how he was selling them for a $1.00 a ball. Well guess what? He is now at $165 dollars! I am not kidding. Seriously that little darling has been working his little rump off sitting out there every day for about 6 weeks asking every golfer that comes buy if they want to buy a golf ball. He even has regulars that come looking for him now lol. Hubs was out in the yard doing yard work the other day and Lucky Charms was helping him and some guy came up to the fence and asked if LC had any balls for him today. haha. The golfers have now taught him the difference in golf balls so he knows which ones are better then others and he saves the favorites of his regulars to sell to them when they come buy. To think this all started becaue some older gentleman accidentally hit his golf ball over the fence and LC was there to give it to him and the guy gave him a dollar for it . :)

To say that we are proud of Lucky Charms (or any of our kids for that matter) is an understatement. Lucky is and has always been such a charming little guy and such a joy to raise. He is so incredibly smart that Hubs and I feel like we need a PHD just to stay 2 steps behind him! This little guy tells just about everyone he knows that "they are beautiful", works his way into the hearts of everyone who meets him, and is going to be the reason hubs and I get calls from angry parents of daughters whose hearts he has broken when he gets older.

He has always done everything early even from conception. He was a "planned surprise" meaning we were planning on having one more but not going to try for a few more months and God decided that he should be here a little sooner. He tried to arrive 6 weeks early which put me on bedrest for two weeks until he did arrive 4 weeks early. He wound up with a really bad case of jaundice that put us in children's hospital for 4 days but was ok. Since then he has walked early, talked early, done everything early. He is alwasy in a hurry to grow up it seems but hubs and I want him to slow down lol.

He is proof that God has a sense of see we thought we had the parenting thing down our other two kids were so easy going we though yeah lets have one more we are doing pretty well...then we got Lucky Charms and he is so different and so challenging , he is the child that makes you throw your hands up in the air and shake your head laughing because you just never know what to expect next with him. He is the child who doesn't just hug you...he hugs you with everything he has in him, and he ALWAYS has a smile for you no matter what day you have had. He can break a tense moment with a funny remark, or a goofy face or smile. He is our little superstar and we love him dearly! Happy birthday baby!

His actual party with his friends is next weekend and he is having an army party. I will post pics of that later. :)