Friday, August 17, 2007


ok so here i am not exactly the next day after my last post but at least within a week. Things here are going well. :) What do you think of my new background? I am slowly figuring out how to pick out different ones, let me tell you though searching for backgrounds and graphics for my site was an eye opener! I will save that post for another day. I have never seen so many rude "graphic sayings" and skin in backgrounds ewwww! I am still workin in the diet thang, and walking although I did not walk yesterday because I got a blister on my heel (but I did do crunches so that should count for something), I did not walk today either because I forgot to set my alarm and don't have time before the first daycare child arrives so I will do crunches at least and definitely walk this weekend. I already feel cruddy because i have not walked in two days ( i suppose the doritos I had last night did not help either) but oh well as they say at weight did not get heavy overnight and you won't take it off overnight either.
The diet I have set up for myself is both for health but more for convenience because i am so busy and that is why I tend to graze all day instead of make something healthy. I have been trying to add more water and have almost completely cut soda out of my diet. I do a drink a lot of crystal light (mainly because I hate plain water), one cool thing is they now have portable packs of crystal light that fit well into my purse and if we do go out to lunch or something I just order water and add it in instead of get pop like I am usually tempted to do. * note of warning* If cute little chubby hands get a hold of those packets especiall the raspberry ice flavor which is hot pink...keep a bottle of club soda nearby!! I'm just sayin...those things S-T-A-I-N!

So you all saw that Lucky Charms got his beloved Quad the other day, so Trix had really wanted his own quad too so we jokingly told him ...ok but you have to sell your go Kart first. Did not think he would seriously take us up on it...he did! He sold it and was very proud to do so! His new red quad is on it's way! I am so proud of my kids...if they want something bad enough they will work HARD to get it...and they are at such a young age. Most people are full grown adults well into their mid- somethings before they figure this out lol. My boys are 6 and 5. :)

I don't want to make this post too long but i have to write real quick about my wonderful day yesterday with my friend Julia! Julia and I went to highschool together, she was the colorguard captain and I had joined up with absolutely no idea what colorguard even was just that i thought it would be fun. I was pretty bad at it at first. Julia stayed after school for two weeks straight just to help me learn how to be better! She taught me everything I know about colorguard, she was also one of my two biggest inspirations to homeschool my kids! Julia homeschools her three kids and has never put them in public or private school at all. In a lot of ways I wish I had went about homeschooling like she did because I spent my first year of homeschooling last year "detoxing" from the school system and what I thought I should be doing and teaching based on their methods...until I realized that DUH I pulled them out of that school because I did not like their methods. lol. Anyway Julia's 3 kids are older then mine being that her youngest is the same age as my oldest. She has the sweetest most respectful children. Her oldest daughter is a true beauty! , and a great helper to her momma, her son is the spitting image of her and so sweet, and her youngest is sweet and spunky. The kids all had fun playing yesterday as Julia and I got caught up and had time to just laugh at oursselves being two old married women with kids should have seen us in highschool! She was always such a free spirit, with an addicting laugh and great love for the lord. She is coming up to a challenging time in her life and that is all I will to protect her privacy but if you could all pray for her as she goes through the challenges that God has set out for her that would be awesome!

As for me...we are doing well, going into a busy weekend , starting with a ladies night out for me tonight! I have not had one of those in years. Myself and 3 of my other girlfriends are going to dinner, and a comedy club afterwards. I am so excited! I am also blessed to have a husband who is willing to watch the kids for me after a particularly long hard week at work..thanks honey!

I will type more later!
till next time,
The cheerio queen


  1. It's so much fun catching up with old friends. Glad you had a good time.

  2. How was your night out? I have just recently (in the past month) been socializing a more than I have in the last 8 years and it's been great, and good for my kiddos as well!

    I wanted to let you know that I will be sending your second goodie package by next weekend!! =D

  3. How was your night out? I have just recently (in the past month) been socializing a more than I have in the last 8 years and it's been great, and good for my kiddos as well!

    I wanted to let you know that I will be sending your second goodie package by next weekend!! =D
