Saturday, August 11, 2007

Lucky Charms official bday party!

So today is Lucky charms official bday party in an army theme. This is a quick post as in about an hour I am going to have 13 five year olds over here throwing ammo (water balloons), and getting camo paint on their faces here. :) I will post more pics later. Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend! Here is a pic of his cake! Yes that was made at home..I made most of it but hubs who used to be in the army insisted he needed to supervise that it looked like a real army tank and not a "goofy attempt at a kids cake" lol. let me know what ya think!

the cheerio queen!


  1. Stopping by from topmomma - congrats on getting on the board. What a cute birthday cake. I'd say it's military approved! Happy birthday to your son, hope the party was fun!

  2. awsome b-day cake!! great job. love your blog
