Honey Nut's first scrap page!

excited that he was still up at 9:45 when I got home from water exercise waiting for the tooth fairie. He kept asking me...Mommy? how does she get in the house, what color are her eyes, is she nice? Then after I answered all of those he went to bed...finally some peace...not quite. Two minutes later..."Mommy? can we go look on the computer and track where the tooth fairie is and how soon she should be here?" This was because he remembered the Santa Tracker from xmas! You would think being up so late he would sleep in right? NOT! That child was up at 5am grinnning ear to ear proudly clutching a dollar in
Mommy's scrap page

each hand that he received for each tooth and a hand written note by the tooth fairy herself complete with a little glitter over her name. Bless his heart he is so cute...he does not even know that when mommy went to bed after he finally fell asleep that she actually cried just a little because this is her first baby boy and a little bittersweet to see him grow up. I know I am a woos. The Other big news...HUBS GOT A JOB! He has been in lots of interviews but this company came across and Hubs was the only one who fit their qualifications..apparently they have tried others in the position because they needed
kids doing puzzle time

the position filled. The only problem was their pay was quite a bit less then Hubs commands for a salary. Nevertheless he held fast and said I can take a little dip but not as low as your position normally pays. Afterall the medical is good but not as cheap as it was at the other company. We prayed and prayed and prayed for God to find him the right position. Yesterday he got the email proposal...This company loves my hubs...they not only went up over their max but they went up quite a bit higher then even hubs or I expected! The best part? S-T-A-B-L-I-T-Y.
This company has it...the dept hubs is in has 3
Reading time!

total people in it and they have all been there 8 years or longer which is pretty much unheard of in credit. Hubs is a credit analyst. So he took the position and even has two weeks to play around and have fun with no stress of getting a job since he has one now...the position does not start until June 1st. Medical kicks in one month later which is good. Then he just about went into complete euphoria and passed out a few minutes later after he sent the accept email for the position...the reason? The company is having their summer get together in June. They invited Hubs and a guest and it is to a suite at the baseball game! I mean the "suite" where all the hoity toity people sit..it is fully catered and they have lots of other stuff too. How cool is that? I want to thank everyone who prayed for us because we have been able to float along well since Hubs got laid off originally. We have managed to stay afloat and not fall behind which is great. The Lord really did take care of us.
Last but not least the pics I have posted are some of the homeschooling things we have done. The one above is Honey Nut and Lucky Charms during reading time which I am excited to say they are finally becoming avid readers. They like this time. I had to turn them into that they were not born with a natural love for reading which pretty much devastated me because I am a huge reader and grew up in a home were reading is almost a sport. :) Also the pic of my scrap page was when I told Lucky Charms it was time to go home from the park. Even funnier I showed him my page and you know what he said? " Mommy, I don't yike that page, it is not very nice to do that to me" he said this with a huge frown and look of disapproval LOL! Of course Hubs and I fell out laughing. He was not pleased that I showcased the temper tantrum haha. Maybe he will think before he reacts then haha.
Well if you read this far then here is a *cyber cookie* for you....fat free of course for those of us on the may day challenge.
The Cheerio Queen
My son just lost another tooth, too, as we were grocery shopping the other day. Congratulations to Trix!
ReplyDeleteRejoicing with y'all in your husbands new job. What an answer to prayer.
I enjoyed looking at your photos!
Enjoy your weekend.
~ Christina