Ok...so the other day I wrote a post on Gooey Gunk that the kids played with and in one of those "fried mommy brain" moments I forgot that most people might want the recipe for that DUH! lol
I got this from a magazine like book calle "The Fantastic Book of Kid Concoctions" by John E. & Danita Thomas. What a great book...they even have recipes for sidewalk chalk in there. :) how cool i sthat?
Gooey Gunk
Solution A :
1 cup water
1 cup white glue (not washable)
2tbs. liquid tempera paint or 7-10 drops of food coloring (I used food coloring it worked great)
Solution B:
1 1/3 cups warm water
4 tsp powdered borax laundry booster
1. Mix ingredients in solution A together in a medium bowl.
2.In a second medium bowl, mix the ingredients in solution B together until the borax is completely dissolved.
3. Slowly pour solution A into solution B (DO NOT MIX!)
r. Roll solution A around in solution B 4-5 times.
5. Lift solution A out of solution B and knead for 2-3 minutes.
6. Store Gunk in an airtight container or plastic ziplock bag.
Note: when I made this...the reason they say don't stir is because as soon as you put solution A into solution B it will gel up. Also I store mine in a ziplock back but if you have old playdough containers this gunk stores very well in there and if you have boys they will love it stored this way because as you pack it back in the playdough container...it "farts" or makes a noise just like that. My brilliant geniuses just love playing with it by putting it in and out of the container to see who can make the loudest noise. lol So comforting to know these guys will someday be taking care of us and choosing our nursing home isn't it??
On that subject..boys...they are adorable but G-R-O-S-S. It is no coincidence that the saying goes "boys are made of frogs and snails and puppy dog tails" lol. My boys fit this description to a T. I wrote earlier this week about how touched I was that my older son who has sensory issues was actually playing the "big brother" part and reading to his younger brother and younger daycare boy...and how they were laughing and then I realized why...not for the joy of the book but for getting to talk about dog poo, dirty diapers, and ugly underwear. Well just when I thought they could not top that they did.
They were out on the trampoline pummeling...oops I mean playing together when I noticed they were playing what I thought was tag...one of the boys would reach out and try and touch one of the other boys on the shoulder but the other boy would run away...upon looking closer I realized they were not exactly playing tag...I leaned out the door to listen closer and realized they had declared Booger war on each other! They were actually trying to wipe boogers on each other and the funny thing is even though I was trying not to toss my cookies while informing them that this was NOT an appropriate game to play...they really seemed surprised they were having fun and not hurting anyone or anything, they were also laughing those full belly chuckle laughs that boys get when they are having a blast with no cares in the world. They had no idea Mommy was trying to save them from G-E-R-M-S. But hey maybe they are onto something who knows lol. Afterwords I checked on them again. They were back to laughing as well and having fun and i kept hearing a noise (this was while i was making lunch) ..I checked outside to see them blowing raspberries on their arm to see who could make the loudest fart noise again. I give up.
I just have to accept that my sweet baby angels who cuddle up to me when they do not feel good, and even sometimes ask me to marry them, are still gross little boys who like gross things, and nothing I do to "head it off at the pass" is going to change that lol. I love them anyway they are and can be icky, gross, have bad habits etc. but they are mine and think they are talented, creative, incredibly funny, and charming. I can hardly wait for the undewear on the head dancing to start...I just hope it is at least clean.
till next time
The Cheerio Queen
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