Wow that holiday really screwed me up I forgot it is already Wednesday! Ok here is my tip for the week and although it is not new and probably already been posted in this blogroll before it is worth posting again. :) CD players, portable that is. Are great for my kids! yes I know everyone right now is saying "hello we are in the ipod generation now" but until I have one I am certainly not springing for my kids to get one lol. Truthfully that is my long term goal but I because they are younger I am test starting them out on cd players. I got them for 14 bucks each at a local store so they are affordable and if the kids break them then I have not wasted too much money. Plus they come with headphones and not those silly ear buds which never seem to stay in. But my point being this helps keep them in bed at night, quiet in the car (whatever you know what I mean..the endless super important questions such as "why does that cow look cross eyed?") and it is also really good for Trix with his sensory issues. He tends to make a droaning on noise like a long boring humming noise when he is trying to block out other noise and reset his senses. It sounds like he is playing with cars and making one continuous vroom noise. He can keep it up forever. He is also a fan of listening to the same cd over and over and over and over again. This way he can do that within reason and only on a cd approved by mom and dad of course, and he has stopped doing that other noise so much. It is also wonderful because we try out new cd's from the library for FREE all the time and the kids get exposed to different kinds of music, also can I just say one other word? Books on CD 'nough said! Those are great! As soon as the kids show me they can take good care of their cd players then I will probably go for the ipod because the one thing that is frustrating is reminding them all to put their cds back. I am thinking of doing my own cd library similar to the dvd library I did last week and making them check them out ! lol :) Works for me!
Don't forget to visit Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer for more great tips!
The Cheerio Queen
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