ok I have to vent so this is the place to do it I guess. Excuse me while I whine for a minute lol.
Hubs got laid off today with NO notice! His company is going for cheap labor and is laying off all the people who have been there awhile and are decently paid for the good work they do. They laid off people who had been with the company for 10+ years with no notice too. Even nicer they had someone packing up their desk while they were letting the people know that they had no job. What a great company with attention to loyalty. It is probably not personal in their decision but it is hard not to take it that way. Hubs not only did his job but he wound up doing his supervisors job (while she got and happily took all the credit),plus he did a bunch of other stuff too. His reward for 4 years of loyalty and extra work was to be told...sorry we know you have a wife and 3 kids but oh well your out of a job anyway. Then of course they acted surprised when he told them his thoughts about the decision. Oh well my hubs is a heck of a guy and the hardest worker you will find (and that is really said without any prejudice at all...I have worked with him before) and deserves much better then this anyway. I am trying to be a good christian about this and not have a bunch of negative, sinful feelings about the people who made this decision, but it is not easy...it is stressful when the major breadwinner loses a job with no notice. I mean even when it comes to getting fired you kind of a have a notion it might be coming but this layoff business is for the birds. One thing I have learned though is that God does everything for a reason and while that reason may irritate us or we may not understand it fully...there is a reason and we are supposed to learn from it. So I am going to try and make lemonade out of these lemons we just got and try and be positive and pray that he gets not only another job but a better one at that and a better paying one too! I am also going to pray not only for us but especially for all the tons of people they laid off as well since I know they are probably going through the same frustration and anger , and confusion, and fear we are. I know it will work out but this is when we are tested the most.
ok I feel better now.
till next time
Cheerio Queen.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Easier way to cut kids foods

My tip for works for me wednesday this week involves easy cutting for kids foods. :) I am in love with my pizza wheel! I use it to quickly cut kids spaghetti, sandwhiches, brownies, anything soft. It makes is easier and quicker. If you want to keep things from sticking to it like noodles then spray a little cooking spray on it as well. :) It is just a quick tip this week as I spent too much time reading the other tips lol!
till next time
Cheerio Queen
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
How can it be??

Ok I apologize I know it has been awhile since my last post...I got busy last week with kids, homeschooling etc. lol
If your eating anything stop for a second. lol
My topic this week I think I speak for many moms when I ask the question "How can it be that a 4 year old can eat a whole box of oreos in one sitting and be totally fine...but when he is asked to take a miniscule bite of pot roast he who is a picky eater can suddenly throw up twice his weight"?
Let me back up a bit here. Sunday was a great day I was teaching Sunday school that day so Daddy took the boys out for "guy time"...mainly because for some reason when I teach in their Sunday school class they forget how to listen or behave and then I wind up out in the hall with one of them for the whole class while they show of their "true charm" boy is it humbling to be in church of all places out in the hall when the childrens program director walks by just as jr. angels spit or throw a temper tantrum. Anyway so Honey Nut and I went to church and she went to her class and I went to mine. Then in the afternoon I had all these grand plans to fold and do laundry before it takes over my hallway but alas I made the mistake of sitting down in the family room to eat a little lunch and catch up on one of my way to many tivo'd shows from the week before and that was all she wrote. I decided it was my duty to "hold down the couch" instead lol. If I do say so myself I did a pretty good job. Besides I had already put the roast in the crockpot. So in the late afternoon I did pick up and the kids played outside most of the afternoon because it was sunshiny and beautiful and for once NOT raining.
Even hubs was in a good mood...he mowed the lawn and did a few things around the house which he made sure I knew about so he could get his praise for the day " yes honey the bathroom COUNTER that you cleaned looks nice...dont worry I will scrub the floor"
So I got dinner ready and we sat down to eat. Sure enough Lucky Charms the 4 year old started his "negotiations" . He is a very picky eater and really does not like meat at all unless it comes in the form of a hot dog, or a dinosaur shaped nugget. It is so sad...we give him like 4 fingernail size pieces and you would think we were making him eat a piece of meat taller then he is. He likes to negotiate and is pretty good he just might be a lawyer, if not an actor you would not believe how hard it is to sit with a straight face while he says "MOM....you cannot make me eat this it is something I don't yike and besides MOM I am your son and I love you so please don't make me eat this" Hubs jumps in and says come on just eat it ...take a smaller bite out of the pieces we gave you and then add in some potatoes and you wont taste it. so he does this and let me tell you we are talking one string of pot roast out of this piece the size of a dime. Hubs and I are trying to be patient but our patience is growing thin. After dinking around with this taking ten minutes to eat one piece of roast, we try letting him wash it down with milk and this is among many many tears because as you know us as parent are so cruel to try and get some actual nutrition in this kid. Finally he works himself up to wear he throws up his one piece of meat because he managed to gag on the teeny tiny microscopic bite, and so we clean him up and sit him down again. He is shocked usually when he does this we freak out and say ok your done but nothing else but tonight hubs is determined his boy is going to get some dinner in him because otherwise he starts whining an hour later how hungry he is and he is so persistent the way he whines...oop I mean asks that you want to puncture your ear drum with a qtip.
Well mean time it is time for Honey Nut to go to leadership team and she has finished and so has Trix (who for all his sensory issues is our best eater and we cannot fill him up at all) so I take them to drop off Honey Nut at the church youth center and Trix and I go to Walmart to get a few things and have some Mommy/Son time. Keep in mind when I left Lucky Charms was crying and whaling and Hubs was looking pretty frazzled so when we got to Walmart I called to see if they were both still speaking to each other or if Lucky Charms was in bed early for the night. Hubs answers totally calmly and says yes he is fine and we are having fun. I said well did he finally eat? He said yes no problem no fighting or whining either....Suspicious I asked...did you have to hog tie him to the chair? He said no I bribed him with ice cream and a banana when he finished.....Whatever works I guess. at least he got some nutrition in him.
till next time
Cheerio Queen
Saturday, March 17, 2007
mystery parties and slings...
Yes that is really two things that the Cherrio Family dealt with yesterday lol!
Last night was the teacher appreciation dinner for church. It was fun! I was really excited to see they chose to do one of those mystery dinner parties...I had always wanted to attend one but never had. However they chose to do a star trek the next generation theme which is not my thing. lol I just am not a "trekkie" but it was fun though to go and see who at church is "trekkies" Those were the ones who came in costume etc. The food was great we had pasta and salad and garlic bread. It was decorated beautifully by someone in the church who is very talented at decorating. It was fun to fellowship with the other teachers. One of the most wonderful things about our church is the children's ministry. We have so many dedicated teachers and our two children's ministry directors are the nicest people you will meet and are so dedicated to running a wonderful program. They are AWESOME! Thanks to Tammy and Mike for a wonderful tme last night. That leads me into the second part of our day...last night was supposed to be "date night" for me and Hubs. He would have loved the star trek theme too that is right up his alley. However he messaged me yesterday from work saying he got hurt at work and was in pain. Huh??? He is a credit analyst who sits at a desk all day...not a construction worker, or police officer etc. so what could he possibly have done??
Turns out his work was having an office potluck (they always have potlucks and parties there) and he and a buddy of his had decided to participate in the three legged race. Well his friend started off on the wrong foot and then got going to fast and then tripped bringing down hubs with him. His friend merely fell into a wall no biggie...Hubs on the other hand fell into the table and chairs and wound up scraping up his knee but worse he bruised his shoulder really bad inside and wound up getting xrays and coming home in a sling, ace bandage, and with a prescription for vicodin and anti inflammatories! So for date night I went "stag" another term which just aged me about ten more years haha. He was stuck in Urgent Care till after I had to leave to go to the dinner...my parents were already here to watch the kids so he said go ahead and go. I went and felt bad so I left early and came home and looked at the poor pathetic lump that is normally my hot handsome husband sitting on the couch and being the sympathetic nurterer that I am I simply said " Gee if you wanted out of date night that bad you could have said so you did not have to go to such extremes" lol . He tried to laugh but it hurt poor guy.
So I put the kids to bed, went out to the new Carls Jr. resteraunt that they opened nearby and got him some dinner and then came home and crawled onto the couch next to him so he did not have to sleep alone. The doc says he has to sleep up against the back of the couch and not in a bed for a few days as to support it. Poor guy. I could not sleep so I popped in a movie I had rented awhile ago and had not seen yet. "The Notebook" ok I know every other woman in the world has lol. What a GREAT love story! 5 hankie movie.
till next time
Cheerio Queen
Last night was the teacher appreciation dinner for church. It was fun! I was really excited to see they chose to do one of those mystery dinner parties...I had always wanted to attend one but never had. However they chose to do a star trek the next generation theme which is not my thing. lol I just am not a "trekkie" but it was fun though to go and see who at church is "trekkies" Those were the ones who came in costume etc. The food was great we had pasta and salad and garlic bread. It was decorated beautifully by someone in the church who is very talented at decorating. It was fun to fellowship with the other teachers. One of the most wonderful things about our church is the children's ministry. We have so many dedicated teachers and our two children's ministry directors are the nicest people you will meet and are so dedicated to running a wonderful program. They are AWESOME! Thanks to Tammy and Mike for a wonderful tme last night. That leads me into the second part of our day...last night was supposed to be "date night" for me and Hubs. He would have loved the star trek theme too that is right up his alley. However he messaged me yesterday from work saying he got hurt at work and was in pain. Huh??? He is a credit analyst who sits at a desk all day...not a construction worker, or police officer etc. so what could he possibly have done??
Turns out his work was having an office potluck (they always have potlucks and parties there) and he and a buddy of his had decided to participate in the three legged race. Well his friend started off on the wrong foot and then got going to fast and then tripped bringing down hubs with him. His friend merely fell into a wall no biggie...Hubs on the other hand fell into the table and chairs and wound up scraping up his knee but worse he bruised his shoulder really bad inside and wound up getting xrays and coming home in a sling, ace bandage, and with a prescription for vicodin and anti inflammatories! So for date night I went "stag" another term which just aged me about ten more years haha. He was stuck in Urgent Care till after I had to leave to go to the dinner...my parents were already here to watch the kids so he said go ahead and go. I went and felt bad so I left early and came home and looked at the poor pathetic lump that is normally my hot handsome husband sitting on the couch and being the sympathetic nurterer that I am I simply said " Gee if you wanted out of date night that bad you could have said so you did not have to go to such extremes" lol . He tried to laugh but it hurt poor guy.
So I put the kids to bed, went out to the new Carls Jr. resteraunt that they opened nearby and got him some dinner and then came home and crawled onto the couch next to him so he did not have to sleep alone. The doc says he has to sleep up against the back of the couch and not in a bed for a few days as to support it. Poor guy. I could not sleep so I popped in a movie I had rented awhile ago and had not seen yet. "The Notebook" ok I know every other woman in the world has lol. What a GREAT love story! 5 hankie movie.
till next time
Cheerio Queen
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Works for me Wednesday!

I am going to talk about adding some spice to our romances or heck romance to our romances...and this is intended for monogomus couples. :)
Let's face it...after having kids, and the pressures of daily life we don't often have time or energy to feel into "intamacy" with our spouses. A lot of us can sometimes be bored, some of us don't know a lot of ideas either after being with our significant others for so long you get into routine. It is so hard to look at our spouse after a day of taking care of kids and have cheerios in our hair and spit up on our blouse, and having taking four kids to the doc etc .. to just say "hey honey...how are YOU doin?" lol. In any case I got sucked into attending a "passion party" by a good friend who I trust and she had attended one before so she knew how it works. These parties are often misleading by the name itself. Actually I was pleasantly surprised when I attended. I could not believe how tastefully done it was! Number one it was not tacky, I was really relieved when I found out they promote monogomy and in no way do they have or promote pornography, and I was shocked to find out how knowledgable the consultant was. There was no pressure to buy anything. Basically what I came away with was a better understanding of myself as a woman, and that it is ok to have some "spice" in my Romance even after so many years of marriage. They had a great line of bath crystals, oils, and powder in addition to the "other" stuff. Because this is a family blog I will not go into detail here you will just have to host a party yourself or attend one lol. oh and the parties are free to hold by the way.
The thing I really liked about it was all of us ladies sat around giggling and laughing, but when it came time to order...it was all private. In other words I could laugh with my girlfriends about some of the products and we could ask questions etc. But none of them knew what I or anyone else ordered because you go into a room with the consultant. It totally took the pressure off. I will admit I never really went into "passion stores" because it always seemed to me there was other people around and the cashier always looked like they were about 18 barely and I would never feel comfortable asking them questions about a product. Plus what if my "neighbor" was there? lol I was surprised to learn that most passion party consultants are former or current nurses (most of them for obgyns), a large portion of them are stay at home moms too!, in otherwords most of their consultants are a lot like those of us who dont' want to admit we were ever interested in stepping foot into a "store" in public. There is a lot of christians who are consultants too! I was just very surprised and relieved that this was a tasteful and a non pressured way to see new products and ask questions. Oh and if you have questions that you are concerned about...but dont' want your friends to know...then you can ask the consultant in the private ordering room and it is all confidential. When your order arrives it is in a pretty sealed bag so no one knows except you unless you tell them. The biggest thing I liked was the knowledge I learned. I liked that the consultant seemed to really want to help us not just "sell a product" Oh and there are other parties similar to passion parties but I personally have not atttended any of them, however I know people who have and said that they were not as tasteful as the passion parties. Heck I just assumed I knew all about my body and romance after being married almost ten years and having 3 kids. Apparently I was pretty clueless lol. Don't worry about inviting your friends either...trust me if YOU are curious THEY are curious too. :) Works for me!
The Cheerio Queen
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Happy Tuesday?

Here it is 6:30 am but yet it feels like 5:30 am still. The kids are not up yet and the are all asleep so I thought I would take a few minutes and post. :)
I will update you on my weekends on Tuesdays since Monday's is menuplan. Oh and to all who asked...YES the spaghettie pie turned out great! I was pleasently surrpised. Even hubs liked it and he hates stuff that has too much tomato sauce or paste in it. This does not. Thanks to whoever has that recipe it is a new keeper in my family. That is saying a lot too most of my family does not like change in their menus.
This weekend was fun. Trix had his bday party with his friends finally (his actual bday was a couple weeks ago but the first time he was supposed to have it two out of his three friends coming got sick) It was really perfect size party for Trix. Remember with sensory issues it does not take long for too many kids to be overwhelming to him. When asked what kind of cake he wanted for his bday this year (I make the kids cakes every year see above) Trix asked for a racecar cake! Now this has turned out to be the 3rd year in a row that he has asked for it lol. It is quickly becoming a tradition. That is ok I am secretly touched he wants the same cake. I have made many different cakes for him. He has had a fire engine cake, winnie the pooh, and elmo but three years ago he had a racecar birthday and i made him a racecar cake and that is what he likes. Those of you that have seen his racecar cakes before will notice I changed the color on it this year. Trix is the type of kid who is happy with three kids at his part unlike Honey Nut and Lucky Charms who are happy with 300 of their nearest and dearest friends at theirs lol.
We all just had so much fun hanging out with the parents and friends that none of us hardly noticed the fact that our heater was broken and we were cold. The kids definitely did not notice because they were on the trampoline jumping off their sugar rush lol.
On Sunday the miracle happened! ....Hubs went to church with us! Let me explain. Hubs has tried different religions, and none of them seemed to fit the way he wanted them too. He is not really a believe like me and the kids. Due to the fact that I grew up with Dad, Mom, and siblings going to church every Sunday this seemed odd to me. However I did not want Hubs to go to church because I "demanded" he go I wanted it to be because he decided too. So I did what every good Christian wife and mom does...P-R-A-Y. :) I prayed that the good Lord guide his heart to church and also guide me to maybe say something to help him. I never bothered him about it and then this last week he said...well I think I will go to church with you this week! I thought he was kidding but he went! I don't know if it was a one tme thing or not but hey at least he attempted. :) Keep him in your prayers please. After church we went out to a nice lunch with the kids, and then tootled around shopping looking for some stuff to make our bedroom look like a romantic bedroom of a couple married 9 years and not like the kids toy storage warehouse. :)
Well that is pretty much our weekend in a nutshell. I need to finish catching up on Laundry today, and then I am going to hit the store to get some stuff I need to make GAK which is for art and creative time for homeschooling today. :) GAK is like silly putty but different. It is so cool the kids love it. :) oh and I now have to go get some cold medicine because yesterday Trix informed me that he has the "snipples" instead of sniffles. I just love how kids put things. :)
Till next time
Cheerio Queen
Monday, March 12, 2007
Menu Plan Monday

So I decided to jump on board with this. I love this becasue I read everyone else's and it gives me new ideas. :) Ok here is my menu this week!
Monday- Spaghetti Pie (been seeing this one a lot and decided to try it)
garlic peppercorn bread
caesar salad
Tuesday- Enchiladas (it is quick and honeynut has a girlscout site sale that night)
Wednesday- pot roast
mashed potatoes
green beans
Thursday- whole wheat veggie calzones
Friday- bbq beef sandwiches (made from leftover pot roast)
seasoned fries
Friday, March 9, 2007
Don't drink out of that!!!
Ok so here are some musings from my week in Cherrio land. :)
Musing # 1
Today I went to the "urgent care" because I have had a cold that has not gone away in two weeks. they could not get me in time for me to take Trix to Occupational Therapy so I made an appt with the office part of the doc office and left. Keep in mind I had no time to drop off Honey Nut and Lucky Charms at their Great Grandma's and still make it to OT in time so I got to take all the kids with me! After that I went back to the doc and finally got seen...during this time I had gotten the kids some chips for a snack (I know real healthy but hey they gotta eat something and mcdonalds is too expensive anyways) anyway the kids were thirsty but I in my sinus headache wisdom forgot to get something for them to drink. I told them on the way out of the doc office we would see if we could find a water fountain...well Trix told me he had to use the restroom and I said ok...he went in and as I was cringing while standing on the scale to get my weight I heard him say oh how cute there is little cups in here for us to drink out of! I said the typical exasperated mommy phrase "that is nice sweetheart"...then it dawned on me cups in a doc bathroom???? Oh no! I went in to find Trix happily filling up a Urine sample cup full of water...it was like slow motion movies he was about to touch it to his lips just as I knocked it out of his hand. Ok so I probably over reacted it was a clean brand new cup after all but there is just something about the fact of what it is used for. EWWW! lol Poor Trix was upset. I smoothed it over by promising him a sip of Mommy's diet pepsi instead.
Musing #2
This one was from Lucky Charms. This kid has one talent...to woo and charm everyone and he is G-O-O-D at it. :) The other day he refused to eat his dinner. He is a picky eater and unless it involves, fries, chicken nuggets (dinosaur only), crackers, chips, mac and cheese, or scrambled eggs he is not interested. He rarely eats meat either. This is of great concern to his "meat and potatoes" Dad lol . Anyway we have two choices at our table...take it or leave it. I do not make special meals because then I am a resteraunt and I personally feel it gives too much control. Besides I grew up in a house like that and I am fine. Lucky charms eats fine at breakfast and lunch. I also am not a "you have to clean your plate parent" either All I ask is the kids each eat two bites of each thing on their plate. So I dont' think we ask to much. Well Lucky Charms did the whole...take a bite and pretend to gag until he makes himself sick routine...I also am not a sympathetic parent to that little tactic either if you do that at my table you get to clean it up not mommy. So he did not eat anything ok no problem except his discipline for it was no tv for the rest of the night...he only gets a half hour anyway by the time we do bath, jammies, teeth brush, story time, bible story etc. but needless to say he was unhappy with this decision and actually tried to "dare me to let him watch tv" lol, then after that did nto work and whining did not work he tried a new one...He came up to me with all honesty (if you saw this kids big hazel eyes and the way he uses them and his killer grin) and the following conversation ensued:
LC- Mommy I need to talk to you privately
M- Ok I am listening
LC- Mom I want you to be my best friend
M-(melting) well sweetie I want to be your friend too but i also have to be your Mommy
LC- can you be my mommy and my best friend?
M-yes but I still will make decisions as mommy that you may not like
LC- ok well that is fine
M-good I love you
LC-I love you too...but mommy?
LC- Best Friends would let me watch tv and forgive me for not eating my dinner...I know God has. That is what he does He forgives me...can you? Be my best friend because my real best friend and real best mommy would let me watch tv.
M- trying unsuccessfully to keep from laughing ...I am sorry son but I have to follow through on my punishment. You do the crime you pay the time.
LC- suddenly changes from honest, charming loving son and friend to resembling an animal that has just been kicked in the behind...FINE I don't want to be your friend anyway.
Like I said this kid is Good! He finally fell asleep on the floor.
that is all for now! oh and thanks to the responses from everyone at the blog party! I love reading everyones blogs! what a great little community we have here!
for now
The Cheerio Queen
Musing # 1
Today I went to the "urgent care" because I have had a cold that has not gone away in two weeks. they could not get me in time for me to take Trix to Occupational Therapy so I made an appt with the office part of the doc office and left. Keep in mind I had no time to drop off Honey Nut and Lucky Charms at their Great Grandma's and still make it to OT in time so I got to take all the kids with me! After that I went back to the doc and finally got seen...during this time I had gotten the kids some chips for a snack (I know real healthy but hey they gotta eat something and mcdonalds is too expensive anyways) anyway the kids were thirsty but I in my sinus headache wisdom forgot to get something for them to drink. I told them on the way out of the doc office we would see if we could find a water fountain...well Trix told me he had to use the restroom and I said ok...he went in and as I was cringing while standing on the scale to get my weight I heard him say oh how cute there is little cups in here for us to drink out of! I said the typical exasperated mommy phrase "that is nice sweetheart"...then it dawned on me cups in a doc bathroom???? Oh no! I went in to find Trix happily filling up a Urine sample cup full of water...it was like slow motion movies he was about to touch it to his lips just as I knocked it out of his hand. Ok so I probably over reacted it was a clean brand new cup after all but there is just something about the fact of what it is used for. EWWW! lol Poor Trix was upset. I smoothed it over by promising him a sip of Mommy's diet pepsi instead.
Musing #2
This one was from Lucky Charms. This kid has one talent...to woo and charm everyone and he is G-O-O-D at it. :) The other day he refused to eat his dinner. He is a picky eater and unless it involves, fries, chicken nuggets (dinosaur only), crackers, chips, mac and cheese, or scrambled eggs he is not interested. He rarely eats meat either. This is of great concern to his "meat and potatoes" Dad lol . Anyway we have two choices at our table...take it or leave it. I do not make special meals because then I am a resteraunt and I personally feel it gives too much control. Besides I grew up in a house like that and I am fine. Lucky charms eats fine at breakfast and lunch. I also am not a "you have to clean your plate parent" either All I ask is the kids each eat two bites of each thing on their plate. So I dont' think we ask to much. Well Lucky Charms did the whole...take a bite and pretend to gag until he makes himself sick routine...I also am not a sympathetic parent to that little tactic either if you do that at my table you get to clean it up not mommy. So he did not eat anything ok no problem except his discipline for it was no tv for the rest of the night...he only gets a half hour anyway by the time we do bath, jammies, teeth brush, story time, bible story etc. but needless to say he was unhappy with this decision and actually tried to "dare me to let him watch tv" lol, then after that did nto work and whining did not work he tried a new one...He came up to me with all honesty (if you saw this kids big hazel eyes and the way he uses them and his killer grin) and the following conversation ensued:
LC- Mommy I need to talk to you privately
M- Ok I am listening
LC- Mom I want you to be my best friend
M-(melting) well sweetie I want to be your friend too but i also have to be your Mommy
LC- can you be my mommy and my best friend?
M-yes but I still will make decisions as mommy that you may not like
LC- ok well that is fine
M-good I love you
LC-I love you too...but mommy?
LC- Best Friends would let me watch tv and forgive me for not eating my dinner...I know God has. That is what he does He forgives me...can you? Be my best friend because my real best friend and real best mommy would let me watch tv.
M- trying unsuccessfully to keep from laughing ...I am sorry son but I have to follow through on my punishment. You do the crime you pay the time.
LC- suddenly changes from honest, charming loving son and friend to resembling an animal that has just been kicked in the behind...FINE I don't want to be your friend anyway.
Like I said this kid is Good! He finally fell asleep on the floor.
that is all for now! oh and thanks to the responses from everyone at the blog party! I love reading everyones blogs! what a great little community we have here!
for now
The Cheerio Queen
Monday, March 5, 2007
Alright I am going to try this one last time. I have had trouble with blogger before where I cannot log back into it...but it was mainly during the whole beta switch thing. So here I am trying one more time...heck maybe it was a blog thing lol! I even tried (gasp! another site) but I have so many blogger blogs that I read (I dare you to say that really fast three times lol)but I can never post on them so here I am again. :) I have also been reading the "blogger 101" series from Rocks in my Dryer and crew so I think I may have one that sticks!!
Here is an intro on me!
My name is The Cheerio Queen, or a lot of people know me as Jenny, Jen, or Jenna any variation of Jennifer will do. Just please don't refer to me as my first and middle name...the thoughts of what happened when I heard that combo as a child sends shivers down my spine. I was only called that when I was in REAL trouble! Luckily I did not hear that combo but a couple times in my childhood. :)
I grew up in a small town which is now quickly becoming a big urban town but here I am and I love my friends and family so I am staying. :)
I have been married 9 years to my wonderful hubby! We are finally in that comfortable stage in our relationship...we know each others thoughts, we know each others likes, dislikes, what buttons to push and not to push, he still makes me feel pretty after being together 10 years and that is after 3 little blessings which pushed and stretched out my once thin sticklike figure.
Together we do have 3 blessings which we have chosen to homeschool. Ok well I did with a little begrudging from hubs at first but he is seeing how good it is now. I won't say I don't have my days where I stop and wonder what was I thinking? But for the most part when that happens is about the time one of my 3 blessings will "get that hard math problem we have spent 5 weeks on" and when I see the light in their eyes I know in my heart I made the right decision. For me personally there is such joy in seeing that light in my kids eyes. I guess you could call me selfish when I say I don't want to share that with anyone else other then hubs. I believe for me personally God's plan for me was to homeschool all along and it is him that I look to for guidance when I feel stressed and or blue. Thank goodness I have both God and Hubs for encouragement!
Let's talk for a minute about those three blessings. I will call them something else on here to protect their identity. I don't like to be paranoid but heck we all know that there is some strange people on the internet and who knows who can read things. Those who know me personally will know which one I am talking about by the description :)
Since my blog name is Cheerio Queen (I will explain that in a bit)I will describe them by cereals. :)
First we have Honey Nut Cheerio : She is my oldest and first born child. I chose this because you can always count on finding honey nut cheerios. It is a pretty reliable brand of cereal to find. That is my daughter . Reliable, always helpful, she is obsessed lately with trying to eat healthy and protect her heart (I guess us co-leaders in her brownie troop went a little overboard with the eat healthy stay healthy badge huh?), she is passionate about horses, and animals in general but especially horses. All her friends know that Honey Nut is the "horse fanatic". She has a big heart and is always trying to do nice things for others, she is my social bumblebee just like that bumble bee on the box. She is just like a honeynut cheerio...very mellow with a touch sweetness. Sure she has her times when she can be more intense and sensitive like a clump of honey nut cheerios with extra honey on it. But I would not have it any other way. :)
Second we have Trix: He is my first born son. He fits the trix description because he has a lot of different "flavors" to him. He is both sweet and fruity, but he can also be moody and intense, if he does not get enough one on one attention such as cereal left in milk for a period of time then he can become soft and fragile. Trix has Sensory Integration disorder. It is one he was born with and one a lot of people don't understand. A lot of people look at him sometimes and see a kid who is acting like a baby. That is because he is behind developmentally and so even though Trix is 6 years old he is really more about age 4.5 ...what a lot of people don't know is he is going to grow out of it with the right therapy. He is in occupational therapy to help define his fine motor skills better, and also his social skills. Also with Sensory issues like he has it affects everyone differently. Some kids have sensory issues and have feeding tubes (like a little boy I currently babysit for) and some kids like Trix are just a little behind the game and will eventually get caught up. Raising him is sometimes very frustrating, however most of the time it is a Joy! You won't find a happier kid anywhere, Trix loves cars, he loves playing on the trampoline outside, and is most of the time a real easy going kid..unless he is on sensory overload or in one of his moods. Trix is a kid who needs a lot of one on one time...that is part of why I homeschool him. He is proof to me just how much God thinks I am capable. He would not have blessed me with this child if he did not think I could handle it. Through Trix I have learned a lot of patience I did not used to have. I have learned that just when I think I have reached my limits and cannot stretch anymore then he pushes me a little farther to show me I can. for that I am grateful.
Last but not least we have : Lucky Charms...he is my third child and second son! Lucky Charms is exactly what the name suggest...very charming, very sweet..sometimes overly sweet (especially when he just got caught putting something in the heating vent) and sometimes stubbornly gets into everything such as when you dump a box of Lucky charms and three months later you step on one of those hard marshmallows you thought you picked up three months earlier. :) Lucky Charms is a kid who is just flat out passionate about life. He never just comes up and hugs you. He starts at the other side of the room with that prize winning grin of his and he barrells across the room at you and wraps his little chubby arms around you with all his might and strength usually almost knocking you over! Let me tell you he is 4.5 and is short for his age but he is built like a little tank. He loves with all his heart and then some, he lives with all his heart and then some, and he is a kid who enjoys life to the fullest. He is super athletic, very strong, very smart and early in everything he does since conception! He tried so hard to come 6 weeks early but I went on bedrest, he can be very stubborn and so he insisted that he push to come early and succeeded coming 4 weeks early, since then he walked for two days and then learned how to run, talked, learns everything early. It is bittersweet sometimes as he is my baby and I want so much to keep him little and he is the one who keeps going like a steam train at full speed. Gotta love that kid!
Finally I will explain what I do and why I came up with this name for my blog.
I am as you know a homeschooling mom, a wife, I live for God and my family. During the day I take care of kids to make some extra cash so I can stay home and teach my little ones and then to help out more (because as you know kids are not cheap and I want them to experience what they can) I do romance parties where I get to go and help other mommies kick up the spice in their romance. It is all tasteful or I would never ever do it. Plus I get to get out of the house, in real grownup clothes (read clothes without poster paint, cheerios, or whatever other science project remains I might have on it) i even put on makeup and I get to go be me and escape the "mommy/wife name tag" for awhile. Don't get me wrong anyone who knows me knows I live for my family, and am loving the whole "june cleaver" persona but heck I bet even June got out for bridge with the ladies once in awhile!
I came up with the name Cherrio Queen one day when I was begrudgingly picking up one more cheerio that got stuck on the table...forget super glue, if you ever want to put something together add some cheerios and milk and let it sit for awhile I guarantee a tornado could not tear it apart... anyway I was frustrated and having one of those "did I really say I wanted kids" days and feeling sorry for myself since I had just polished the table that morning and thought I had it all together and I actually said out loud to myself...so this is my life "the cheerio queen". Just then Honey Nut came in and presented me with a picture she had drawn for me that showed her and me stick figure hand in stick figure hand and it said " mee and the besssttt mommy in the wurld" she had the sweetest proudest smile on her little cherub face and I silently thanked God for reminding me to quit complaining. :)
Here is an intro on me!
My name is The Cheerio Queen, or a lot of people know me as Jenny, Jen, or Jenna any variation of Jennifer will do. Just please don't refer to me as my first and middle name...the thoughts of what happened when I heard that combo as a child sends shivers down my spine. I was only called that when I was in REAL trouble! Luckily I did not hear that combo but a couple times in my childhood. :)
I grew up in a small town which is now quickly becoming a big urban town but here I am and I love my friends and family so I am staying. :)
I have been married 9 years to my wonderful hubby! We are finally in that comfortable stage in our relationship...we know each others thoughts, we know each others likes, dislikes, what buttons to push and not to push, he still makes me feel pretty after being together 10 years and that is after 3 little blessings which pushed and stretched out my once thin sticklike figure.
Together we do have 3 blessings which we have chosen to homeschool. Ok well I did with a little begrudging from hubs at first but he is seeing how good it is now. I won't say I don't have my days where I stop and wonder what was I thinking? But for the most part when that happens is about the time one of my 3 blessings will "get that hard math problem we have spent 5 weeks on" and when I see the light in their eyes I know in my heart I made the right decision. For me personally there is such joy in seeing that light in my kids eyes. I guess you could call me selfish when I say I don't want to share that with anyone else other then hubs. I believe for me personally God's plan for me was to homeschool all along and it is him that I look to for guidance when I feel stressed and or blue. Thank goodness I have both God and Hubs for encouragement!
Let's talk for a minute about those three blessings. I will call them something else on here to protect their identity. I don't like to be paranoid but heck we all know that there is some strange people on the internet and who knows who can read things. Those who know me personally will know which one I am talking about by the description :)
Since my blog name is Cheerio Queen (I will explain that in a bit)I will describe them by cereals. :)
First we have Honey Nut Cheerio : She is my oldest and first born child. I chose this because you can always count on finding honey nut cheerios. It is a pretty reliable brand of cereal to find. That is my daughter . Reliable, always helpful, she is obsessed lately with trying to eat healthy and protect her heart (I guess us co-leaders in her brownie troop went a little overboard with the eat healthy stay healthy badge huh?), she is passionate about horses, and animals in general but especially horses. All her friends know that Honey Nut is the "horse fanatic". She has a big heart and is always trying to do nice things for others, she is my social bumblebee just like that bumble bee on the box. She is just like a honeynut cheerio...very mellow with a touch sweetness. Sure she has her times when she can be more intense and sensitive like a clump of honey nut cheerios with extra honey on it. But I would not have it any other way. :)
Second we have Trix: He is my first born son. He fits the trix description because he has a lot of different "flavors" to him. He is both sweet and fruity, but he can also be moody and intense, if he does not get enough one on one attention such as cereal left in milk for a period of time then he can become soft and fragile. Trix has Sensory Integration disorder. It is one he was born with and one a lot of people don't understand. A lot of people look at him sometimes and see a kid who is acting like a baby. That is because he is behind developmentally and so even though Trix is 6 years old he is really more about age 4.5 ...what a lot of people don't know is he is going to grow out of it with the right therapy. He is in occupational therapy to help define his fine motor skills better, and also his social skills. Also with Sensory issues like he has it affects everyone differently. Some kids have sensory issues and have feeding tubes (like a little boy I currently babysit for) and some kids like Trix are just a little behind the game and will eventually get caught up. Raising him is sometimes very frustrating, however most of the time it is a Joy! You won't find a happier kid anywhere, Trix loves cars, he loves playing on the trampoline outside, and is most of the time a real easy going kid..unless he is on sensory overload or in one of his moods. Trix is a kid who needs a lot of one on one time...that is part of why I homeschool him. He is proof to me just how much God thinks I am capable. He would not have blessed me with this child if he did not think I could handle it. Through Trix I have learned a lot of patience I did not used to have. I have learned that just when I think I have reached my limits and cannot stretch anymore then he pushes me a little farther to show me I can. for that I am grateful.
Last but not least we have : Lucky Charms...he is my third child and second son! Lucky Charms is exactly what the name suggest...very charming, very sweet..sometimes overly sweet (especially when he just got caught putting something in the heating vent) and sometimes stubbornly gets into everything such as when you dump a box of Lucky charms and three months later you step on one of those hard marshmallows you thought you picked up three months earlier. :) Lucky Charms is a kid who is just flat out passionate about life. He never just comes up and hugs you. He starts at the other side of the room with that prize winning grin of his and he barrells across the room at you and wraps his little chubby arms around you with all his might and strength usually almost knocking you over! Let me tell you he is 4.5 and is short for his age but he is built like a little tank. He loves with all his heart and then some, he lives with all his heart and then some, and he is a kid who enjoys life to the fullest. He is super athletic, very strong, very smart and early in everything he does since conception! He tried so hard to come 6 weeks early but I went on bedrest, he can be very stubborn and so he insisted that he push to come early and succeeded coming 4 weeks early, since then he walked for two days and then learned how to run, talked, learns everything early. It is bittersweet sometimes as he is my baby and I want so much to keep him little and he is the one who keeps going like a steam train at full speed. Gotta love that kid!
Finally I will explain what I do and why I came up with this name for my blog.
I am as you know a homeschooling mom, a wife, I live for God and my family. During the day I take care of kids to make some extra cash so I can stay home and teach my little ones and then to help out more (because as you know kids are not cheap and I want them to experience what they can) I do romance parties where I get to go and help other mommies kick up the spice in their romance. It is all tasteful or I would never ever do it. Plus I get to get out of the house, in real grownup clothes (read clothes without poster paint, cheerios, or whatever other science project remains I might have on it) i even put on makeup and I get to go be me and escape the "mommy/wife name tag" for awhile. Don't get me wrong anyone who knows me knows I live for my family, and am loving the whole "june cleaver" persona but heck I bet even June got out for bridge with the ladies once in awhile!
I came up with the name Cherrio Queen one day when I was begrudgingly picking up one more cheerio that got stuck on the table...forget super glue, if you ever want to put something together add some cheerios and milk and let it sit for awhile I guarantee a tornado could not tear it apart... anyway I was frustrated and having one of those "did I really say I wanted kids" days and feeling sorry for myself since I had just polished the table that morning and thought I had it all together and I actually said out loud to myself...so this is my life "the cheerio queen". Just then Honey Nut came in and presented me with a picture she had drawn for me that showed her and me stick figure hand in stick figure hand and it said " mee and the besssttt mommy in the wurld" she had the sweetest proudest smile on her little cherub face and I silently thanked God for reminding me to quit complaining. :)
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