Ok I apologize I know it has been awhile since my last post...I got busy last week with kids, homeschooling etc. lol
If your eating anything stop for a second. lol
My topic this week I think I speak for many moms when I ask the question "How can it be that a 4 year old can eat a whole box of oreos in one sitting and be totally fine...but when he is asked to take a miniscule bite of pot roast he who is a picky eater can suddenly throw up twice his weight"?
Let me back up a bit here. Sunday was a great day I was teaching Sunday school that day so Daddy took the boys out for "guy time"...mainly because for some reason when I teach in their Sunday school class they forget how to listen or behave and then I wind up out in the hall with one of them for the whole class while they show of their "true charm" boy is it humbling to be in church of all places out in the hall when the childrens program director walks by just as jr. angels spit or throw a temper tantrum. Anyway so Honey Nut and I went to church and she went to her class and I went to mine. Then in the afternoon I had all these grand plans to fold and do laundry before it takes over my hallway but alas I made the mistake of sitting down in the family room to eat a little lunch and catch up on one of my way to many tivo'd shows from the week before and that was all she wrote. I decided it was my duty to "hold down the couch" instead lol. If I do say so myself I did a pretty good job. Besides I had already put the roast in the crockpot. So in the late afternoon I did pick up and the kids played outside most of the afternoon because it was sunshiny and beautiful and for once NOT raining.
Even hubs was in a good mood...he mowed the lawn and did a few things around the house which he made sure I knew about so he could get his praise for the day " yes honey the bathroom COUNTER that you cleaned looks nice...dont worry I will scrub the floor"
So I got dinner ready and we sat down to eat. Sure enough Lucky Charms the 4 year old started his "negotiations" . He is a very picky eater and really does not like meat at all unless it comes in the form of a hot dog, or a dinosaur shaped nugget. It is so sad...we give him like 4 fingernail size pieces and you would think we were making him eat a piece of meat taller then he is. He likes to negotiate and is pretty good he just might be a lawyer, if not an actor you would not believe how hard it is to sit with a straight face while he says "MOM....you cannot make me eat this it is something I don't yike and besides MOM I am your son and I love you so please don't make me eat this" Hubs jumps in and says come on just eat it ...take a smaller bite out of the pieces we gave you and then add in some potatoes and you wont taste it. so he does this and let me tell you we are talking one string of pot roast out of this piece the size of a dime. Hubs and I are trying to be patient but our patience is growing thin. After dinking around with this taking ten minutes to eat one piece of roast, we try letting him wash it down with milk and this is among many many tears because as you know us as parent are so cruel to try and get some actual nutrition in this kid. Finally he works himself up to wear he throws up his one piece of meat because he managed to gag on the teeny tiny microscopic bite, and so we clean him up and sit him down again. He is shocked usually when he does this we freak out and say ok your done but nothing else but tonight hubs is determined his boy is going to get some dinner in him because otherwise he starts whining an hour later how hungry he is and he is so persistent the way he whines...oop I mean asks that you want to puncture your ear drum with a qtip.
Well mean time it is time for Honey Nut to go to leadership team and she has finished and so has Trix (who for all his sensory issues is our best eater and we cannot fill him up at all) so I take them to drop off Honey Nut at the church youth center and Trix and I go to Walmart to get a few things and have some Mommy/Son time. Keep in mind when I left Lucky Charms was crying and whaling and Hubs was looking pretty frazzled so when we got to Walmart I called to see if they were both still speaking to each other or if Lucky Charms was in bed early for the night. Hubs answers totally calmly and says yes he is fine and we are having fun. I said well did he finally eat? He said yes no problem no fighting or whining either....Suspicious I asked...did you have to hog tie him to the chair? He said no I bribed him with ice cream and a banana when he finished.....Whatever works I guess. at least he got some nutrition in him.
till next time
Cheerio Queen
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