Thursday, March 29, 2007


ok I have to vent so this is the place to do it I guess. Excuse me while I whine for a minute lol.

Hubs got laid off today with NO notice! His company is going for cheap labor and is laying off all the people who have been there awhile and are decently paid for the good work they do. They laid off people who had been with the company for 10+ years with no notice too. Even nicer they had someone packing up their desk while they were letting the people know that they had no job. What a great company with attention to loyalty. It is probably not personal in their decision but it is hard not to take it that way. Hubs not only did his job but he wound up doing his supervisors job (while she got and happily took all the credit),plus he did a bunch of other stuff too. His reward for 4 years of loyalty and extra work was to be told...sorry we know you have a wife and 3 kids but oh well your out of a job anyway. Then of course they acted surprised when he told them his thoughts about the decision. Oh well my hubs is a heck of a guy and the hardest worker you will find (and that is really said without any prejudice at all...I have worked with him before) and deserves much better then this anyway. I am trying to be a good christian about this and not have a bunch of negative, sinful feelings about the people who made this decision, but it is not is stressful when the major breadwinner loses a job with no notice. I mean even when it comes to getting fired you kind of a have a notion it might be coming but this layoff business is for the birds. One thing I have learned though is that God does everything for a reason and while that reason may irritate us or we may not understand it fully...there is a reason and we are supposed to learn from it. So I am going to try and make lemonade out of these lemons we just got and try and be positive and pray that he gets not only another job but a better one at that and a better paying one too! I am also going to pray not only for us but especially for all the tons of people they laid off as well since I know they are probably going through the same frustration and anger , and confusion, and fear we are. I know it will work out but this is when we are tested the most.

ok I feel better now.

till next time
Cheerio Queen.

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