I am going to talk about adding some spice to our romances or heck romance to our romances...and this is intended for monogomus couples. :)
Let's face it...after having kids, and the pressures of daily life we don't often have time or energy to feel into "intamacy" with our spouses. A lot of us can sometimes be bored, some of us don't know a lot of ideas either after being with our significant others for so long you get into routine. It is so hard to look at our spouse after a day of taking care of kids and have cheerios in our hair and spit up on our blouse, and having taking four kids to the doc etc .. to just say "hey honey...how are YOU doin?" lol. In any case I got sucked into attending a "passion party" by a good friend who I trust and she had attended one before so she knew how it works. These parties are often misleading by the name itself. Actually I was pleasantly surprised when I attended. I could not believe how tastefully done it was! Number one it was not tacky, I was really relieved when I found out they promote monogomy and in no way do they have or promote pornography, and I was shocked to find out how knowledgable the consultant was. There was no pressure to buy anything. Basically what I came away with was a better understanding of myself as a woman, and that it is ok to have some "spice" in my Romance even after so many years of marriage. They had a great line of bath crystals, oils, and powder in addition to the "other" stuff. Because this is a family blog I will not go into detail here you will just have to host a party yourself or attend one lol. oh and the parties are free to hold by the way.
The thing I really liked about it was all of us ladies sat around giggling and laughing, but when it came time to order...it was all private. In other words I could laugh with my girlfriends about some of the products and we could ask questions etc. But none of them knew what I or anyone else ordered because you go into a room with the consultant. It totally took the pressure off. I will admit I never really went into "passion stores" because it always seemed to me there was other people around and the cashier always looked like they were about 18 barely and I would never feel comfortable asking them questions about a product. Plus what if my "neighbor" was there? lol I was surprised to learn that most passion party consultants are former or current nurses (most of them for obgyns), a large portion of them are stay at home moms too!, in otherwords most of their consultants are a lot like those of us who dont' want to admit we were ever interested in stepping foot into a "store" in public. There is a lot of christians who are consultants too! I was just very surprised and relieved that this was a tasteful and a non pressured way to see new products and ask questions. Oh and if you have questions that you are concerned about...but dont' want your friends to know...then you can ask the consultant in the private ordering room and it is all confidential. When your order arrives it is in a pretty sealed bag so no one knows except you unless you tell them. The biggest thing I liked was the knowledge I learned. I liked that the consultant seemed to really want to help us not just "sell a product" Oh and there are other parties similar to passion parties but I personally have not atttended any of them, however I know people who have and said that they were not as tasteful as the passion parties. Heck I just assumed I knew all about my body and romance after being married almost ten years and having 3 kids. Apparently I was pretty clueless lol. Don't worry about inviting your friends either...trust me if YOU are curious THEY are curious too. :) Works for me!
The Cheerio Queen
Fabulous idea. Been to these parties myself and I completely agree.
ReplyDeleteI went to one of these and had a great time. And keeping that marriage spicy is important! My WFMW is about Frugal Ice Packs - Instant Bandaid Magic!
ReplyDeleteI've been to one of these :)
ReplyDeleteWe have a similar thought for this week's WFMW :)
:) Liza
I am one of those Christian, former school teacher-turned SAHM, consultants you mentioned. I decided to join my company, Pure Romance, for lots of reasons but mostly to reach a group of women that most certainly wouldn't go into "one of those stores". I am glad you had such a fun and positive experience, and I am hoping that you have added a little more Romance into your marriage.