Here it is 6:30 am but yet it feels like 5:30 am still. The kids are not up yet and the are all asleep so I thought I would take a few minutes and post. :)
I will update you on my weekends on Tuesdays since Monday's is menuplan. Oh and to all who asked...YES the spaghettie pie turned out great! I was pleasently surrpised. Even hubs liked it and he hates stuff that has too much tomato sauce or paste in it. This does not. Thanks to whoever has that recipe it is a new keeper in my family. That is saying a lot too most of my family does not like change in their menus.
This weekend was fun. Trix had his bday party with his friends finally (his actual bday was a couple weeks ago but the first time he was supposed to have it two out of his three friends coming got sick) It was really perfect size party for Trix. Remember with sensory issues it does not take long for too many kids to be overwhelming to him. When asked what kind of cake he wanted for his bday this year (I make the kids cakes every year see above) Trix asked for a racecar cake! Now this has turned out to be the 3rd year in a row that he has asked for it lol. It is quickly becoming a tradition. That is ok I am secretly touched he wants the same cake. I have made many different cakes for him. He has had a fire engine cake, winnie the pooh, and elmo but three years ago he had a racecar birthday and i made him a racecar cake and that is what he likes. Those of you that have seen his racecar cakes before will notice I changed the color on it this year. Trix is the type of kid who is happy with three kids at his part unlike Honey Nut and Lucky Charms who are happy with 300 of their nearest and dearest friends at theirs lol.
We all just had so much fun hanging out with the parents and friends that none of us hardly noticed the fact that our heater was broken and we were cold. The kids definitely did not notice because they were on the trampoline jumping off their sugar rush lol.
On Sunday the miracle happened! ....Hubs went to church with us! Let me explain. Hubs has tried different religions, and none of them seemed to fit the way he wanted them too. He is not really a believe like me and the kids. Due to the fact that I grew up with Dad, Mom, and siblings going to church every Sunday this seemed odd to me. However I did not want Hubs to go to church because I "demanded" he go I wanted it to be because he decided too. So I did what every good Christian wife and mom does...P-R-A-Y. :) I prayed that the good Lord guide his heart to church and also guide me to maybe say something to help him. I never bothered him about it and then this last week he said...well I think I will go to church with you this week! I thought he was kidding but he went! I don't know if it was a one tme thing or not but hey at least he attempted. :) Keep him in your prayers please. After church we went out to a nice lunch with the kids, and then tootled around shopping looking for some stuff to make our bedroom look like a romantic bedroom of a couple married 9 years and not like the kids toy storage warehouse. :)
Well that is pretty much our weekend in a nutshell. I need to finish catching up on Laundry today, and then I am going to hit the store to get some stuff I need to make GAK which is for art and creative time for homeschooling today. :) GAK is like silly putty but different. It is so cool the kids love it. :) oh and I now have to go get some cold medicine because yesterday Trix informed me that he has the "snipples" instead of sniffles. I just love how kids put things. :)
Till next time
Cheerio Queen
The cake looks great!