So today is Friday and we have had a long week. We took a Spring Break because the district out here is on Spring break and so I had extra kids to watch. It was hectic and long but fun and good and financially a smart move. :) Here are some of the conversations that took place in our house this week. :)
Lucky Charms: Mommy I want "Full House" for lunch
Mommy: What?
LC: Full House
M: You want a TV show for lunch??
LC: no I want "full house" for lunch.
M: you cannot watch tv while you eat; you know the rules
LC: MOM I want Full House to e-a-t ...not to watch!
M: Show me what you are talking about
LC: This box in the cupboard Mom...
Looking at the cupboard I discovered a box of pasta that had a picture of the San Francisco Bridge on it...just like the beginning of the credits for that show with the three guys raising the three girls lol. Do ya think he watched too much tv?
Trix: Mommy...I need my milicent and my tentupure checked.
M: Milicent?? (I had pretty much figured out the second thing he was thinking was temperature checked)
Trix: yes Milicent
M: what is it?
Trix: you know that milicent i have to take so I don't "shake" anymore.
He has been explained what happened with the seizure last week lol. He wanted to make sure and remind Mommy that she needed to give him his anti seizure medicine. lol
Lucky Charms: Mommy look at my tattoo!
M: what is on your arm? (realizing that it was sharpie ink)
LC: (realizing that he might be in trouble) Nothing
M: why would you do that to your arm?

last one:
LC: Mommy! I am so "cited"!!
M: why?
LC: Cuz your having a baby Mommy!
M: (big swallow) no I am not
LC: cuz your tummy is round and big!
M: swallowing what was left of dignity...ok point taken son...Mommy is not having a baby, why don't you go have some ice cream for dessert and mommy is going to go lick ice on a stick. :)
Leave it to kids to keep you in a reality check.
till next time!
Cheerio Queen
I love it! Your kids sound so much like mine. Ice on a stick, I think I will have some too.
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