Wednesday, April 25, 2007


My works for me wednesday tip today is this:
I don't know if i posted it before or not but if I did I will post it again because it is a good tip and frankly it is 6am and I have not had my smoothie yet! lol (yes I know most people have coffee...I live in the coffee capitol of the world S-E-A-T-T-L-E and I hate coffee, love the smell hate the taste, and yet still out of towners look at me like I should turn over my citizenship)
Anyway here it is: Menu Planning!
When I do my every two week grocery shopping I plan menus, however I don't plan them for each day of the week. When I used to do that I would get to say "wednesday meatloaf day" and everyone would say they did not want that. So what I do instead is I make out a list of 12 meals (yes I am aware there is 14 days in a two week period but I allow for dinner out , or dinner at friends etc.) When I make out the list of 12 meals this includes snacks, breakfast, lunch and dinner! Then at the beginning of the week when I pick out a tentative menu for the week. I say tentative because as anyone with a family knows plan change quickly. Either way I have the ingredients for 12 lunches, dinners, breakfast, snacks on hand at all times and then I don't have to run to the store for those 35 dollar "quick bag of noodles" runs. I also took it one step further and if it is a new recipe we have not had on the menu yet..I mark down the name of the book, magazine, or internet article I found it in and what page it saves a ton of time trying to remember where I saw the recipe. :)
Works for me!
The Cheerio Queen

1 comment:

  1. I do this a lot, and it really helps. Lately, I've been making and freezing some dinners. It's so nice to know what you are having that night--one less thing to worry about during a busy day!
