This is a Meme that I copied from another blogger and I loved the idea. Here is the truth about real moms. I tag anyone who reads my post to do it too. :)
Real Moms:
Real Moms cannot sit down without their pants automatically unzipping...thank God for large sweatshirts.
Real Moms consider sweats and pony tails part of their "mommy uniforms"
Real Moms only shower every couple of days (come on admit it you know it is true)
Real Moms put themselves in a timeout when they make mistakes just to teach their little ones that adults are not perfect
Real Moms don't have time to get sick
Real Moms cry...a lot! we cry when we are happy, sad, angry, elated, etc. (remember the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond when Debra wanted time to herself just to cry to feel better?)
Real Moms stay calm in scary situations with their children (i.e. child gets lost, breaks a bone, gets a deep booboo etc.) then later when they are safe and sound...throw up and call their moms and freak out.
Real Moms call the doctor only when junior has been coughing like a seal for 4 days and we finally decide maybe it is not "just the sniffles". (this is for more experienced moms on their second or more child)
Real Moms Call the doc every time the baby blinks because they are just sure their baby is the one who has the new blinking disease no one has ever diagnosed yet. (this is for brand new first time moms.)
Real Moms were all neurotic new mommies at one point in their motherhood life.
Real Moms look at their child who insists on eating his cereal with a fork and only wearing their clothes inside out because it is "cool" ...as highly intelligent and creative instead of weird the way the rest of the world may see them.
Real Moms are letting their children eat popcorn with m&m's in it while watching a movie that they have already watched 3 times today...just so they can fill out this meme!
Good luck I cannot wait to see others. :)
till next time
The cheerio queen!
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