I hope everyone is happy, full, and had lots of time with family, friends, and Jesus today. This is after all the day he rose again for us. He is so awesome!
We had a great day today...even Hubs went to church! He is slowly coming into his own faith I think although I won't push it. Yes I want him to attend with us but I want it to be for his own reasons and not because I pushed him into it lol.
In any case the kids woke up this morning and went into euphoria over their easter baskets and I think I caught them just in time before they ate too much candy before Sunday School today. The Easter bunny even brought a new story book bible for the boys so we read the Easter story today and they loved it. We got dressed up and went to church where the kids had a blast at the easter egg hunts and the awesome thing about our church is they used plastic eggs that had more toys then candy in them little trinkets and such...awesome!
After words we came home and played and had family time all day. Then we ate dinner and now the kids are running around the house in an attempt to run off the sugar high and hopefully they will crash early tonight. :)
As most of you know we have had a pretty rotten week the last week or so however today in church as always God put me in check by reminding me just how much Jesus went through for us and it can always be worse. I took that time to reflect that although our week has been through a lot of trials and tribulations...I do have a happy healthy family, Trix is ok now and Hubs although still not working is looking hard. We have food on the table for Easter dinner even though many people don't, we have an awesome church family, great friends, and wonderful family who is there when we need them most. So I guess when I really re-looked at the direction our life has turned it is not as bad as it first looked. I like to think of it this way...It is not a matter of "if" we will be tested during life...but rather it is "how we handle the test" that is important. Sure I could sit around and moan that things are not going as peachy keen as I like but I believe God puts us through these tests to keep us in reality and give us a wakeup call when we need it. He keeps us grounded. He has a plan for us and although I don't understand what it is yet...I really do trust that he has our best interests at heart. He will pull us through whatever trials we have...I think it is just one way for him to make sure we still believe in him. As I am sitting here writing my post tonight I am listening to my children playing upstairs laughing ...and thinking of how close they are and how all three of my children missed each other when trix was in the hospital this week, and I am watching my husband cleaning up something in the kitchen for me; not because I asked him to but because he is considerate and I can only conclude...that .... Life is Good. Thankyou Jesus for making this all possible you are our Hero!
Happy Easter and I hope yours is as good as ours.
The Cheerio Queen
We had a great day today...even Hubs went to church! He is slowly coming into his own faith I think although I won't push it. Yes I want him to attend with us but I want it to be for his own reasons and not because I pushed him into it lol.
In any case the kids woke up this morning and went into euphoria over their easter baskets and I think I caught them just in time before they ate too much candy before Sunday School today. The Easter bunny even brought a new story book bible for the boys so we read the Easter story today and they loved it. We got dressed up and went to church where the kids had a blast at the easter egg hunts and the awesome thing about our church is they used plastic eggs that had more toys then candy in them little trinkets and such...awesome!
After words we came home and played and had family time all day. Then we ate dinner and now the kids are running around the house in an attempt to run off the sugar high and hopefully they will crash early tonight. :)
As most of you know we have had a pretty rotten week the last week or so however today in church as always God put me in check by reminding me just how much Jesus went through for us and it can always be worse. I took that time to reflect that although our week has been through a lot of trials and tribulations...I do have a happy healthy family, Trix is ok now and Hubs although still not working is looking hard. We have food on the table for Easter dinner even though many people don't, we have an awesome church family, great friends, and wonderful family who is there when we need them most. So I guess when I really re-looked at the direction our life has turned it is not as bad as it first looked. I like to think of it this way...It is not a matter of "if" we will be tested during life...but rather it is "how we handle the test" that is important. Sure I could sit around and moan that things are not going as peachy keen as I like but I believe God puts us through these tests to keep us in reality and give us a wakeup call when we need it. He keeps us grounded. He has a plan for us and although I don't understand what it is yet...I really do trust that he has our best interests at heart. He will pull us through whatever trials we have...I think it is just one way for him to make sure we still believe in him. As I am sitting here writing my post tonight I am listening to my children playing upstairs laughing ...and thinking of how close they are and how all three of my children missed each other when trix was in the hospital this week, and I am watching my husband cleaning up something in the kitchen for me; not because I asked him to but because he is considerate and I can only conclude...that .... Life is Good. Thankyou Jesus for making this all possible you are our Hero!
Happy Easter and I hope yours is as good as ours.
The Cheerio Queen
I am glad you had a blessed Easter! SO happy to hear about your hubby going to church!!