Monday, June 11, 2007

Happy it??


The ever popular Chilihead has a meme to do and since we all know that I am thinking about joining a 12 step program for these if they ever come up with one...I decided to participate.

Before I do let me just update you last week got so hectic I only blogged on Monday. Trix had his pediatric neurology appt last week to check up and see how he was doing after his seizure and the new meds he is on. So far so good however when the choice of doing and MRI to get a better picture of what is going on in his brain was presented to me I chose to go ahead. I know everyone has different ideas on sedation (trix is an active 6 year old boy who has sensory processing issues so getting him to stay still for 30 minutes would be impossible) but for hubs and I we decided to go ahead anyway, for one he has been under sedation before when he has had his many many many sets of ear tubes, the other reason is we are of the belief that knowledge is power and since his EEG was not very good when they took it last time we want to get a clearer picture. true the EEG coming out not the greatest probably did have to do with the fact that he had just had a 40 minute Grand mal seizure, but it seems to me like whenever I hear that someone has found something seriously wrong it was because they were either on a routine checkup, or took a preventative test just to see. The neurologist says changes are Trix's MRI will come back normal and he seems confident, so confident that he said the MRI was completely up to us to decide which makes me feel better. Anyway that will be done in the next month, I am still waiting for scheduling nurse to call me and set it up. :) Otherwise last week was good the boys are doing great in gymnastics and Trix moved up to his brothers class with a much tougher coach, at his own requesting which is HUGE, and he did very well! Honey Nut is gtting ready to do some extra work to earn money for summer camp with church this summer. She came to us begging to go so we decided to use it as a learning lesson and have her help earn some of the money herself. Lucky Charms is just enjoying the nicer weather that we have recently been blessed with. He loves the outdoors and is so active! This weekend after church it was our local town festival so our church had a booth there and this year we had a free train for the kids to ride on! that was probaby one of the most popular things about the festival this year especially for the parents who got soaked at the rides area. geez. My kids all wanted to ride the ponys and we agreed before we realized it was 5 dollars PER KID to ride ponies in a circle. what a rip off. But anyway one of the reasons we were there was that I volunteered to run the popcorn machine for a shift at it. So hubs who I thought was going to take the kids to the park after dropping me off decided to stay and help! So together the two of us kept busy making popcorn and filling was free to everyone so we were busy! Until we ran out of bags. the kids rode the church train about twelve times I think, and kept our Pastor busy hanging out with him. I tell you that guy has a way with kids and a lot of patience!It is no coincidence that he was a youth pastor for years before coming our pastor at church. :) all in all we did not even mind the frequent spring showers that kept cming down on us lol. I was going to post a pic of the kids on the train but it came out blurry so you will have to use your imagination.

here is chiliheads meme be sure to check out her site and particpate!
How did you start blogging? I started blogging when my friend Jessica got me hooked on it...she had originally found me on myspace which I was scared enough to join lol. I had just joined that when she hit me up and added me to her friends list on there. Then Jess being the bad influence she 2 months got me to join her church and start a blog which she already had. lol Just kidding Jess you know we all adore you!

What do you hope to achieve or accomplish with your blog?
I am not really looking to accomplish anything...I started off blogging for myself and then told family and friends about it. I love to write when I have the chance it gives me a creative outlet, I guess a part of me does hope people read it an like it. I also print it out as sort of a memoire for my kid someday since I primarily write about them and hubs. :)

Has the focus of your blog changed since you started blogging? Nope, although I agree with other die hard bloggers that comments are like a drug lol. :)

Do you make money with your blog? No although it would be a bonus. :)

Does your immediate or extended family know about your blog? well lets see I changed blog several times before I got it right so for this blog i think my mom, grandma, and a few aunts know about it. I am not sure if they read it. I know my sister does sometimes.

What two pieces of advice would you give to a new blogger?
I would say to check out blogging 101 which I think the link is through chiliheads site or rocks in my dryer, and also just have fun with it! Here I will get you started: check out :
this is chiliheads site I believe. go see her she is one of the two blogging queens I stalk...i mean worship in the blogging arena. :) no really she is funny!

the cheerio queen


  1. I am glad your little one is doing well after his seizure! I know how scary that can be! Good luck with all of the medical stuff!

  2. I got started from a friend's influence, too, but SHE dropped out and I kept going!
    Nice to meet you!

  3. My brother's granddaughter has had seizures and they are doing more I'm praying for you and yours--better to know than to wonder, I say...

  4. It's very nice to meet another homeschooling mom out here in Blogland.

    Two of our four children have had MRIs with sedation, and I would do it again in a moment, if it were indicated. We've been blessed with doctors that we trust, who love our children and treat them as they would their own. That helps SO much!

  5. Oh my, the seizure sound terrifying. Glad he is better now.


  6. Wow! "the ever popular chilihead"? I think I love you. Stalk me all you want. I love stalkers. Until they get creepy, so don't do that part. mmmmK?

    Thanks for playing. I loved reading your answers!
