Tuesday, February 5, 2008

what kind of hen are you??

One of my favorite bloggers Dawn over at By Sun and Candlelight has the cutest quiz thingy on her blog and I loved it so I thought I would do it here! Most people that know me would say I am definitely a hen and belong in a hen house with all the other talking hens because I am a talker lol! But here is what the survey said.....

What type of Mother Hen Are You?
by Montessorimom.com: Educational Resource

what kind of hen are YOU?? if you do this please comment me so I can see your answer! ;)

I will write more a little later on in the week been busy as always!

The cheerio queen!

1 comment:

  1. I am Phat Mother Hen!!?? :) I think that means hip or cool..at least it did a few years ago....I don't think anyone says that anymore! :)
