Thursday, April 5, 2007



The Cheerio Queen has been a little busy to post this last week but I am going to explain why.

We won the lottery and have been planning our next 5 vacations.....yeah right I WISH!! lol

Seriously the last 7 days have been pretty hectic and not good but things are looking up so excuse me while I get out the negative stuff and then I can move on and back into the groove of things in a good way. :)

You all know Hubs got laid off with zero notice last week. Our weekend was ok kinda mellow and laid back, Monday started out great the kids got a lot of schoolwork done on Monday in between laps around the outside of the house. Seriously..when the kids get to where they cannot focus I send them outside on the trampoline or to run laps. It helps! Besides it gives me a chance to sneak in a small coffee break (ok for me hot chocolate i dont like coffee) and a load of laundry.

Did I mention that on Friday our medical insurance ended?? Of course...and what happens the second it ends?? One of the kids needs medical of course!

This is where my story gets a little depressing. Tuesday morning I woke up super early like before my alarm clock which does not happen often...I thought I heard a strange noise and so I went into check and found Trix in a full body massive Grand Mal Seizure!! He was making a sound like he was drowning almost. I dont know if you have ever seen a seizure but they are unsettling to see and downright terrifying when you see it happening to your child! Let me back up a second by saying that Trix has had two tiny seizures before but both of those were what they call "sleeping seizures" where he was awake but just kind of 'zoned out" for a little bit. He kind of went into a trance and could not speak back but then snapped out of it. The first time we were not sure what had happened but I called the doc and he told me so the next time it happened i took him to the hospital...unfortunately by the time he got there he had snapped out of it and they decided not to do any tests until a week later...but they also neglected to order the tests from the neurologist who could not see us for 3 mos...which would have been about now.

So anyway back to the other morning...I of course did my best "calm mommy" interpretation after discovering him in a full body SCREAMING for Hubs to come in ...he came running in and he has been trained in this before so he was calmer then I was. The problem? It last 45 minutes after we discovered him seizing...we have no idea how long he was having that seizure before we woke up. If he had not made that noise I typically would not have checked in on him because I get up before the kids. So nevertheless we called the paramedics and meanwhile I was a hysterical crying mess and it did not help that me yelling for hubs woke up honey nut, and lucky charms who saw the whole thing...I tried to keep them down stairs. Lucky charms shares a room with Trix so he kind of could not help seeing him (as he put it...wiggling)

Anway Trix was rushed to the hospital via ambulance because they had to give him something right there in the living room via IV to stop the seizure, unfortunately on the way to the hospital he started to have another one so he got another dose of the medicine. I drove behind and called my mom who was at the gymn two minutes from the er that they took him too so she came down to see me and sit with me until Hubs could get the other kids dressed and ready to go and took them to Grandpa's house so he could meet me there.
When i got to ER they did a CT scan and it showed nothing which in a way was as relief because I was going through the "oh my gawsh he has a terminal tumor" scenario and he is not...but also frustrating because the ER doc said that kids that have seizures...about 80% of the time they cannot pinpoint a cause. This is of no comfort to a parent who has just seen her child in a state that they cannot fix. Remember we as parents want to be able to "fix" whatever is wrong with our children and this is just not a typical booboo requiring a bandaid and TLC.
So then i knew what the doc was going to say next...because I hve heard it twice before..."he most likely will not have it happen again" NOPE...not gonna fly this time Doc. I have heard it twice before...I told doc he is not leaving until we see a neurologist this time. So they decided that they would transfer him to a different hospital which I was secretly very happy about. This ER he was in was jsut the closest one and I said it is ok this time because I just wanted him somewhere fast where a doc could help stop the seizure and make sure he was ok until more tests were needed. But this hospital is not my favorite. Although the staff behind the desk was very sweet to me. I came into the er and did not say one word...they took one look at me and said "you must be trix's mom...come on back we are right here it is going to be ok" they were waiting with two boxes of tissues and one of them held my hand and guided me back to where Trix was about to go into CT.
Anyway Trix was transferred by ambulance to another hospital where he got to see one of the top two neurologists we have anyhwere around. His neurologist also happens to specialize in seizures..thank goodness the Lord was watching out for us. I have always prayed but I feverishly prayed this time all the way to the hospital. This neurologist ordered an EEG which he should have had the last time something happened and they by the good grace of God actually were able to pinpoint a cause for the seizures! These seizures have only started last june and no sign of anything wrong before that so this has been going on less then a year. But anyway it appears that there is a tiny pin size area in Trix's brain that was messing up signals or something , or underdeveloped etc. but anyway it is treatable and he suffered no brain damage...we were really concerned becasue of the long length of this seizure. In fact whatever is causing the seizures they said it does not affect his intelligence at all...he is perfectly healthy, normal etc...he just happens to be prone to seizures and most likely he will grow out of it. However until then he has anti seizure meds no to take twice a day for the next two years to help keep it from happening. In case he does have another one and it lasts longer then 5 minutes we also have some meds to give him to stop it. Thank goodness!

He spent the night at the hospital with Hubs since I had to open up the daycare the next day. Hubs is setting up a bunch of interviews with new companies...of course all the people who finally saw his resume etc. called when we were at the hospital. But Trix came home last night and is doing well..although Mommy and Daddy's nerves are still shot to heck...even hubs who is really calm in situations like that..even he was looking nervous and startting to shake a bit...the paramedics looked nervous too. This did nothing for me except scare me more. I honestly thought we might lose him right there in the living room when they were giving him all that oxygen etc. I felt awful I kept having to step out of the room for a second because watching it was making it worse. I hope that no parent ever has to see that happen. And for any parents who have see their child go through something like that or worse...then my thoughts and prayers are with them too. It is so hard to have something happen to your child like that and have no control over what happens to them. I am probably an over protective mom...ok so what there are worse things to be. I would rather be over protective and have my kids safe then be sorry. I want nothing but the best for my kids as does any mom for their children. I usually do have control over most of what they do, I am the mom who does not let my kids play with anyone that I don't know their family really well, my daughter is almost 8 and I don't let her leave the cul de sac on her bike unless I am with her. ok that is just me. I know it is maybe a bit much but you know what...I wont make apologies for it. I am who I am, Hubs is who he is...and we are just trying to do the best we can as parents. Sure we will make mistakes and have made mistaks but we are who we are lol.

ok enough lecturing for the day. If you read this whole post here is a cyber cookie for you.

Hopefully my next posts will be good news. Hubs has several interviews to attend to so we will go from there. :)

Till next time
Cheerio Queen


  1. Oh, what a scary morning for you! I'm glad there wasn't any permanent damage.

  2. Thanks for the cookie! I am glad everything turned out ok, how scary! But its obvious God is in control, I will pray for your son.

  3. How scary, I am so sorry you went through that. I have been saying since I became a parent that parenting is really hard. I had no idea! I hope everything goes well for you this week.


  4. Praise the Lord that He worked it out! I can understand that it was a very trying time.
    My sister started having seizures when she was around 10. I remember how it frightened my mom (and all of us). Hers were from a head injury and she has been treating them since.
    You and your family will be in my prayers.
    Thank you, by the way, for visiting my blog and for the kind words you left. I appreciated reading them.

    ~ Christina

  5. I read the whole thing and even backtracked I get two cookies?
    Way to make lemonade out of lemons! Let me know if you feel the need to really blast any "former employers"...happy to do it for you >:)
