Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday Meme...

What Your Favorite Color Pink Says About You:
Blissful --- Content --- RomanticIdealistic --- Expressive --- ArtisticFunny --- Quirky --- Individualistic

For me this is right on. I am most of these things. I am told I am creative, energetic, compassionate, loving, maternal, content, happy, always try to see the good side of situations, naive, and very optomistic. :)

Here is the meme: oh and I tag whoever wants to do it. I don't like to tag specific people because some like it and some don't. :) If you do the meme please send me a comment and let me know you did it so I can read your answers....I am also nosey lol. Have a happy productive Monday!

You Can Only Type One Word
Not as easy as you might think.
1. Where is your cell phone? purse

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? hot husband!

3. your hair?blonde

4. Your mother? close

5. Your father? grandpa

6. Your favorite thing? family

7. Your dream last night?none

8. Your favorite drink?crystal light

9.Your dream car?1960 corvette

10. The room you're in?family room

11. Your ex? who cares.

12. Your fear? snakes

14. Where were u last night?home

15. What you're not?liar

16. Muffins?blueberry

17. One of your wish list items? suburban

18. Where you grew up? at home

19. The last thing you did? dishes

20. What are you wearing? sweats

21. Your TV? on

22. Your pet or pets? cat

23. Your computer? fast

24. Your life? happy

25. Your mood? good

26.Missing someone?yes

27. blog? Yes!

28. Your car? minivan

29. Your work? family ceo/daycare owner

30. Like someone?yes

31. Chocolate? favorite!

32. Your favorite color? pink

33. When is the last time you laughed? today


  1. Hi, I enjoyed visitng your blog. My favorite color is pink also. I have three pink baseball caps which I wear on those bad hair days, which seem to be happening more often lately.

    Have a great Monday!

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your cousin / brother. Please give his wife & son our love. And give yourself a hug from me too. :)

    Love, Michelle
    PS - your email address is not shared in blogger. I just wanted to let you know in case you wanted it shared.
